One of the fastest growing problems in our Nation today is depression. I am not speaking of the economic depression, but rather the mental illness, depression; it is literally killing thousands. The major contributor to the impartation of this mental disease begins right in our own living room. TV News today is grafting images into our minds and stealing our happiness with thoughts of destruction. We must STOP NOW and get a hold of our thoughts. God is in control of tomorrow, and He will take care of us no matter what happens. AMEN?
Too Much TV Will Kill You!
Word of the Week
Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.
Acts 19:11,12
The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Thank You, Thank You and Thank You
Once again man of God… I am in tears… Praise! God! for HE has truly spoken through you. Words cannot express… every last word was accurate. Thank you man of God, Thank you.
God Bless You, God Bless You