When you receive a prophecy, there is one thing that will happen. God will allow you to be tested and tempted to see if you will waiver in believing in His word. God will even allow someone to come into your life offering you a great position although you know it does not line up with what God has for you. If you sell out, you will lose your blessing. You must always be sure that every decision you make lines up with His word of prophecy to you. If you do this, you will be in position to receive what God has promised you through His word.
Everything David did was weighed by what God had said to him through his word of prophecy. The promise David received through Samuel the prophet was that he would become king. When David received the word he was just a shepherd boy. David waited twenty years to become king. But during those twenty years, David never forgot God’s word that he would become king. Many things happened to David which tested him. He was tested to see if he would do things according to the ways of God, according to the Scriptures. When David stood with a sword over King Saul, he could have killed King Saul and taken over Saul’s army and become king. But David knew not to go against God’s prophets or touch His anointed. (Ref. Psalms 105:15)
Although King Saul was not an obedient servant of the Lord, Saul was anointed by Samuel the Prophet to be king and he had the gift of prophecy. David did not rush things or do anything that would negate God’s promise or go against His Holy Scriptures. He did not want to force the promise within his prophecy to come to pass by killing Saul. No, David waited upon the Lord, and in His timing received the complete promise of the prophecy.
Faith to Faith
Part 2 – God’s Will
Faith without manifestation becomes dull very fast; however, we are going from faith to faith. Now that you believe what is written, let us go on to what is spoken. Although believing the spoken word without proper and careful judgment can become treacherous territory. You cannot walk away from scripture just because you hear from God or you will mess up big time! The Holy Scriptures are our “tuning fork”; we must stay true to the written word in order to properly judge prophecy. There are many voices and spirits speaking in the spirit world; we need to properly discern each word of prophecy.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Just wanted to say how much we appreciate you Kent. You are a good friend and an awesome prophet! I thank God everyday for you. Your worth cannot be determined… it’s priceless. I would not trade learning from you for a million dollars. I can’t wait to live and work for you by His grace.
DJ= from Mississippi
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