Soon we will begin to witness the “rock-en” awesome move of the Holy Spirit. We all have been waiting a long time for God to reveal Himself through signs and wonders. It appears that finally the “stiff necked” are repenting and asking God for His help. Now we can begin reaching out to the lost and hurting knowing that Jesus will be their healing their broken souls and mending bodies and manifesting miracles for all to see.
A little over 2 years ago our Father told me that everything would explode when I turn 60. I knew that He was referring to the ministry. It has been a long 2+ years; however, now the time is upon us. Being the time is short we rented the old movie theater in the historic district of downtown Gainesville, Texas. We will be holding our first of many miracle services starting in September. More details will be coming beginning next week.
It was 22 years ago that I stepped out on God’s word and started this ministry. In all these years of ministry NOW is going to be the most exciting. You see I will be 60 years old this coming September; my later years will be greater than my former.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Kent Simpson
Just to inform you that the CD finally arrived this morning. Thank you so much. I am also delighted to hear about the prophecy which focused on my fledgling miracle PR business. The prophecy was confirmation of what the Lord is doing and what he will continue to do. It has provided a much needed peace in my heart.
Many thanks
PS. Although the CD was delayed it came on time as God really prepared me for the prophecy by making me read a book about personal prophecy which I had just finished! One thing I have learned is that God’s Delays are not Denials but His perfect timing!
God bless
Thanks for all the words of the week I get from you. It really helps me to focus of The word of Life, Jesus Christ himself. I am very thankful of every week getting these from you. May you and your family be blessed in the name of God.
Aina Maria in Norway