In the summer of 1989 I was traveling with a seasoned Apostle and Prophet going from one Church to another. Being that I was the newest of the group I was allowed to hold an early morning Bible study, which was not always well attended. We had been on the road for a few days when we meet up with Dr. Bill Hammond’s group of ministers. It was decided we would hold a joint service in Midland, Texas, the homestead of President George W. Bush. The service was well attended and Prophet Gary Brooks was ministering that night. When the teaching portion of the service was over Prophet Brooks made an announcement that whoever wanted to receive a Word from God should come forward. Well, there were over 400 people, not counting children; we knew this was going to be an all night service.
Prophet Brooks began to prophesy over each person so I retreated to the back of the Sanctuary. As I leaned against the door frame of the main entry a Man with his son of about 9 years in age stood next to me. Then the little boy said, “Daddy can I get a Word from God?” It was rather sad because the Dad knew that they would have to wait for hours.
All of sudden the Holy Spirit came over me and said, “Are you going to allow Me to use you as a vessel to speak through?” I knew I had to offer, so I said if you want to use me have the little boy look at me. No more than I had that thought they both turned and stared at me. So I asked, “Does your boy want a Word from God?”
Well, the man knew that I was traveling with the group so he took me up on the offer. We found a room that was not occupied and I began to pray and whatever I heard from the Holy Spirit I spoke over the young boy. When I finished the boy took off in search for a pen and paper to record the word.
The Dad had walked over to a large set of double doors and as he opened them you could see the Alter and all of the people. Then to my surprise he started telling the over flow of people, “Come in here this man can give you a Word from God.” With my eyes bulging in fear a flood of people started toward me quickly forming a line. I had no idea that this man was the Associate Pastor. God had thrown me into the river knowing I would have to quickly learn to swim and I have not stopped since that day.
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
You truly hear from God, Prophet Kent!
You prophesied to me that God would send me a husband. It was because I prayed for God’s perfect will, not mine. Well, it all happened so fast. The only problem was that I had been dating someone else for 2 yrs here! The new man is from CA. So there are 2 men just like you said that are very interested. I am going back and forth not sure what to do. I need to hear God clearly for myself. I really want what God has for me, but I got very confused as to who it is because they both believe it is them. What do I do in this situation??? I am waiting for direction, but I feel like I’m not hearing God.
Thanks for the prophetic word, always accurate. You have been proven right time and time again!!!
Have A Blessed Day, Scc
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