In our logo you will notice the Scripture reference embedded just below the open bible.
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
We have advanced into a microwave society. Everything must be instantaneous in order to maintain our life of conveniences; however, God has not changed. He is the same even though this world keeps changing; He remains the same and will not conform to our ways. No matter how many ways we coheres God into moving faster He refuses to be compelled. In fact our efforts to move or help God will only SLOW the process.
There is a pattern of events that take place when you receive a prophetic word. First of all there is a “Purpose” why God gives you a personal word which usually includes a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom and prophecy. Many times God will talk about things we may not think is important and we all know that our desires are more important than His; sadly many believe that to be true.
The second phase is the “Process” which most all of us would rather skip if possible; however, this part of the pattern is what changes us and renews our way of thinking. The “Process” most of the time is painful and does require change. Sometimes the change is major and while we are going through the “Process” you may feel like saying, “He is a False Prophet because nothing is happening the way I want it to.” Without going through the “Process” we cannot receive the third and final part of the pattern, His “Promise”.
The “Promise” of His word is what we all want and we want it NOW. Very few people these days want to wait on God’s plan. A large segment of people today expect me to chant a few words, waive my magic wand and proclaim all their problems are fixed. Sorry, it does not work that way.
When asked to pray or prophesy the request usually is for me to seek God to change their mate, friend or boss and the list goes on. More times than not it’s you that He is focused on fixing and not the other way around. When He fixes a problem He does not just apply a band aide and send you on your way. He will take you out of the revolving door that keeps bring you back to the same problem again and again. As He sticks His foot in the door to stop the madness He then will pull you out and place you on a straight and narrow path.
My prayer is that all Christians stay focused on the fact that we are created to serve God our Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit and not the other way around. To make our Goal to do His will for His purpose keeping our eyes on the ultimate price; which is Eternal Life with Him in His Kingdom.
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
(*definition of Mammon: material wealth or possessions especially as having a debasing influence)
*Merriam-Webster Online
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
It Was a Bad Seed
by, Sandy Landry

Author & Teacher
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but despite everything, sometimes a word is just “off.” Or our interpretation is off. A prophet is trying to hear, trying to see, trying to interpret and there are ever increasing levels of faith he must exercise. We don’t stone prophets who miss it like in the Old Testament any more than we stone teachers who miss it or pastors. We are under a new covenant. That is why you are told to test prophecy. You must test it against the written word, against who you are learning God to be, against your own spirit, etc. and so on. And against time and reality. I don’t mean by what your eyes see, but your eyes should see something moving at some point and you are going to have to accept it. Remember the seed. How long will you stare at the ground waiting for the seed to come up before you plant another seed on another site? Unless God gives you the faith, like Ezekiel, to pray for dead bones, there is a time to move on.
It is a mystery. Not every thing about prophecy is easy to understand. Sometimes we have to chalk it up to “we don’t know why.” It is not rocket science, all precise and left brained and exact. It is more like poetry or horticulture. More like a poet explaining horticulture to us. Using that analogy, let’s compare it to growing roses. They are exquisite, but hard to pick and difficult to grow. But they are exquisite. Fragrant, alive, beautiful, and totally worth the trouble to pick.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Oh wow!
PRAISE THE LORD, AMEN AND AMEN!!!! I am very happy to hear these beautiful words!!! Thank you sir! God bless you always and keep you safe!!!
You said the things that are true!! I am very happy.
Sara, xox
Thank you for all of your prayers and support towards my daughters return. Praise God! She had returned on Dec 18th. But she was very ill. She had gotten a kidney infection while she was out there. She was wandering the streets with another runaway. I had just been with her yesterday night and this morning at the Dell Children’s Hospital, here in Austin, Texas. They are monitoring her as I write this email.
I am very thankful to The Lord! That his mercy and great favor is upon our whole entire family! He is an awesome God!
Again, Thank You to you and your prayer team! And may the Lord richly bless your ministry!
Gina J.
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.