The Sunday TYM.E.S. (Meditations, Encouragement, Sharpening in HIM)
Dear Readers,

Greetings, again! For those who have been waiting to hear what the Lord spoke in my spirit at about 4 am, January 8, 2008, the answer will be found below. Hearing His words finally allowed me to rest and even get a little sleep. Incidentally, there was no chapter and verse attached to what I heard! However I was to learn His rhema words were not without Scriptural parallel. Some weeks later, the Holy Spirit quickened to me I Chronicles 20:20: “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe HIS prophets, and you shall prosper.”
Today’s chapter will deal with an intense season of “Fear of the Lord”. It was a season of confession and repentance that lasted for weeks. This heightened awareness of His righteous awesomeness settled in quite strongly after the initial shock of hearing HIM through another in a powerful way. I was at once shocked by a sense of the nearness of God and awed at His grace in showing Himself to me. Like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand, I was totally unaware of anything like this vision occurring in modern history! The traditional church had not prepared me to believe something like this could happen to me, a simple “lay member”. Was I ever in for an education!
But before that education would begin, my heart was in for a major overhaul; confession and repentance were WAY overdue! The realization hit that I had spent much of my Christian life trying to figure Him out, imposing my limits on what He could and could not do, and what He would and would not say. In doing so, I had put Him in a box and shut the lid (with only an occasional peek inside) for well over 40 years of my Christian experience. This was serious. I had seriously grieved HIM. I trembled to think I hadn’t really known Him, not in this way, for many years. Thank the Lord HIS sheep can hear His voice!
My prayer is that you are comforted by this story, by the truth that- thank the Lord! – HE never tires of seeking an opening into our soul. It felt as if the vision had cracked my soul open, and as I grabbed hold of Him with a fingernail of faith, He pushed the door even more open. How He loves us! And how His goodness leads us to repentance! (Rom. 2:4)!
Praise HIM,
“And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you.”
I Corinthians 14:25
Shock and Awe (of the Lord)
“So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses! Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.”
For those of you who are newly joining us for this week’s “episode”, please feel free to request the January 29th email to catch you up. Again, my intention here is NOT to present a “how-to manual” for hearing His voice, but simply to relate the testimony of how the Lord shook me out of a listless Christianity into a closer walk with Him.
To summarize briefly: after an old friend I will call “Pat” received a vision which deeply concerned me personally, I found myself confused and overwhelmed with questions. Lying awake late at night, shaking physically, I fell into a deep state of “shock” that the Lord would actually deal with me in such a dramatic way. It was toward morning that a word of comfort came. It was then that I heard the Lord say: “Believe him and trust ME.”
To hear this so clearly was reassuring, and finally I got a little rest. I believed Pat had really heard Him, and now my part was to TRUST the Lord to lead me through the next steps.
Over the next few weeks, it was tiring and yet wonderful, every night dozing off then waking up continuously, being drawn into deeper prayer and questioning as to the Lord’s purpose in revealing Himself. A heavy blanket fell on me of what I can only call: “Fear of the Lord”. Pat and I became prayer partners and deeply confessed many things which we now knew had grieved the Lord but which we had allowed to continue during our many years of dry Christianity. Pat attended a liturgical church. I was involved in a more “seeker-sensitive” ministry. I tried to discuss what had happened with my prayer group, but most were skeptical. One lady tried to “help” me by telling me the Lord would not operate in this way. Despairing of getting any insight from fellow church members, I decided just to accept this experience like a child and let go of doubt and reason. I needed just to let the Lord speak. Didn’t Scripture relate that this kind of thing had happened to others in the past? I determined to keep my ears open, waiting for Him to say something else. Anyway…He had told me to “trust HIM”, right? I began to realize that my natural instinct was to try almost anything except “trust HIM.” I had a lot to learn. (Still do!)
The truth is He didn’t say much for a while, but my feelings as I came before Him were gushing in every direction. Joy, amazement, freedom–yes, but also sorrow and penitence for so long treating Him like an absent Father who didn’t care. The more I prayed and examined my past in the light and awareness of His Presence, the more He showed me the true implications of my self-directed life-style. Though to others I probably looked like the model of work ethic, thoughtfulness, and faithfulness in worship attendance and participation, when it came right down to it, I was an expert in figuring out God’s plans for me and acting on my own direction. I never liked to wait to hear from Him personally as I went about my daily work. Not really. I was smart and always thought I knew enough Scripture to know how to plot my next move.
In prayer, in this new season, I would feel the air around me as saturated or heavy. There seemed to be no hiding from HIM anymore. I was more aware than ever before of my need for a Savior! There was such a lot of repentin’ to do. First off, I had always criticized and complained about Pat! We confessed various areas of unresolved anger and bitterness to one another and prayed. We held nothing back. In fact, just when we thought the period of repentance was over, after about 3 weeks, I heard in my spirit, “Pat is still holding something back,” and sure enough, this was true. We both repented some more, and Pat experienced a supernatural healing of a long-time health issue. So THIS was confession and repentance, a real James 5:16 experience! The Holy Spirit was intent on initiating total inner healing in both of us.
Little did we know that this confession and repentance was only the first “layer of the onion”. The transparency was an exhilarating response to the Lord’s Presence. Coming into His presence is always accompanied by the AWE of a pure and righteous and loving and gracious God and by an awareness of our need to cry out for forgiveness and grace. The “woe is me” of Isaiah 6 made total sense! A door from my spirit to my soul had been frozen shut, for many years. Experiencing His voice, as it were, pulled the door open. He did it! Repentance and confession began the “thawing out” season. I felt totally “exposed”, but in a way, it didn’t matter anymore. I knew the Lord loved me.
It was in the night prayers that I began to hear whole sentences. Once, I heard very clearly: “You are a princess.” It seemed strange to me that He should say this. But, having the reassurance of His love was so wonderful that I cried. I had never heard this kind of simple communication clearly and personally before. Mental assent to the truth of Scripture taught me, for example, that He loves us because I John 3:1 says: “Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God.” But this “princess” word pierced my heart. I had never experienced this tender, yet direct communication before. Could this be that “personal relationship” that I used to think was exaggerated by those overly sentimental Christians who were maybe even a bit off the edge emotionally? Awe of HIM certainly brought me to the edge, and I was often in tears in those weeks. He gave me to understand more fully the phrase: “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”(Prov. 3:34)
The season of SHOCK and AWE is one I never want to outgrow! At almost 52 years old, I had just begun to feel alive in HIM. The LORD began to confirm His care in interesting and creative ways. One morning, before my work day, I was out walking, crossing an intersection of a 6-lane highway, intent in my morning quest for coffee. A strange man approached me. He looked like a migrant worker, a “day laborer” as they are called in California. I could tell he wanted to speak. I slowed for a moment, and he smiled broadly and said something to me in a deep Mexican accent.
Next week I will tell you what the strange man said.
“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
Hi Ty,
I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude. This is a very accurate, directional and encouraging “now” word.
From Sister Lynn:
I enjoyed reading your email as I can identify with it and I cannot wait until next week to read the rest. The Lord delivered a prophecy in 2007 “a new breed of street preachers are being trained and their eyes will come open, moving them out of the mega churches and into ministry. Many living room ministries will be born and the pimp games will be exposed”. In December 2011, he said “the new breed of street preachers are out of training, they are on the battlefield”. As you know, many big name pastors have been exposed during this time. I am excited for the anointing & gifts that the Lord has placed on the “new breed of street preachers” who have a reverential fear of the Lord and are committed to doing what He has called them to do, for His glory.
Have a blessed day & May God bless your ministry, greatly, as you continue to be about His business!
Text By TY
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