The Sunday TYM.E.S. (Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers,
All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate His Resurrection on this day! I know most of you will be in festive mode as you read this, and in keeping with the celebration of our Lord’s Triumph, today’s article is pretty lively and light-hearted.
I pause to reflect and rejoice!
Jesus said to her, “I AM the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die….”
Please know that today’s “dream story” is dedicated in all seriousness to our Lord and HIS love of crafting every detail in our lives to make the point of just how much He loves us and just how much He has been there all along, with our destiny very much on His mind. May the Lord continue to open our hearts to see and hear HIM who is the Resurrection and the LIFE.
“Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul.”
Praise HIM,
Sister TY
Chapter 11: A Baby Named Jackson

Last week’s installment left off as Kent was in the midst of counseling me to “come clean” with my husband J.R. as regards my secret training in the prophetic. As a starting point for establishing communication, Kent asked me how J.R. heard from God, and I replied that J.R. has always dreamed meaningful dreams. I rattled on, contrasting my own shadowy dreams to J.R.’s trilogies and epics.
Suddenly Kent said three words, then stopped: “John Paul Jackson.”
“Who? Who’s that?” The name was not familiar.
“Streams Ministries,” came his dry reply. “I have an old binder with some materials on dream interpretation. I’ll send it to you.”
He didn’t explain further; it would be up to me to pursue it as the Lord led. Kent is a man of his word, and sure enough a package arrived about a week later.
The binder cover sported a faded graphic printed with these words: “Prophetic Reformation Ministry; Streams of Shiloh; Revelatory Library, Volume One.” It consisted of a collection of articles, mostly dating from 1993 and 1994, on a variety of topics with just enough information to whet the appetite for further study.
I skimmed it quickly. Looking for content that might be of interest to JR, I located the section on dream interpretation. I found an article which was entitled “Interpreting a Dream” (Vol. 2, Issue 7). There were some entertaining case histories, with John Paul’s interpretations. One in particular caught my eye:
“This dream was submitted by a 40 year-old pastor’s wife: “I had a dream that I had a fourth child….In this dream, I…had totally forgotten about the baby.” Then John Paul delved into the process of interpretation. In the section entitled “Define the content of the dream”, John Paul wrote:
“In fact the baby was never found. Why? Because the baby is symbolic of an immature gift that God had given her some years earlier. It was unknowingly discarded.”
This was another “whoa!” moment for me. True, I had never taken the time to allow the Holy Spirit to help me to remember my dreams. JR had enough dreams to keep both of us busy, anyway. But I DID remember a handful of my dreams as clear as day, and one of them I had never forgotten was about a mysterious BABY.
This BABY dream dated back to 1984 when I was expecting my second child. I dreamed I had a brand new baby boy, and in this dream I proudly carried him in my arms everywhere, showing him to my family and friends. No one seemed to like his name, or his looks. He was not as handsome as my first-born, Jordan. In fact, this new baby was a bit “pug-ugly.” But I loved him. The baby’s name was…Jackson.
When I woke after this startlingly realistic dream, on that autumn day in 1984, naturally I told my J.R. that I dreamed I was going to have a boy named Jackson. He laughed, then he argued. He didn’t like the name, either. “Why Jackson? There’s no one in the family named Jackson.”
“It’s going to be a boy, and I need to name him Jackson.” I was unshakeable. This dream was REAL. This dream was unforgettable and crafted like TV documentary footage.
J.R. backed down. “Ok…well, “Jackson Boye”. I guess it’s like “Jackson Browne”. I could get used to it.” He knew I was adamant. As Zacharias had received the name of John the Baptist from the angel, so my child’s name had been foretold in the womb.
I proceeded to carry the REAL baby to full term, and in 1985 Lord blessed us with a daughter, Jillian. Now I loved Jillian, but where was Jackson?
I was confused. I thought the dream meant I was supposed to have another son named Jackson.
Obsessing over this dream for years, I tried to figure out its meaning. (Praying more would have helped-as I have learned!) Anyway, in 1992, we moved to a house near Jackson Park, in Mountain View, California, and I noted it as a partial confirmation. Meanwhile time passed. My allotment from the Lord stood at two kids, neither of whom was named Jackson.
Case closed-or so I thought, till the day I opened this binder from Kent.
According to this Jackson, a dream “BABY is symbolic of an immature gift that God had given…some years earlier.” Got it! Finally. Thank you, Lord.
So my 1984 dream had been about an immature GIFT that I was carrying, not a literal baby. It was the prophetic gift that was pug-ugly! Makes sense! And the family and friends in the dream didn’t like or understand the baby/gift. Hmm. Rejected by family and friends. Check and double check. Though I had prayed for the gift of prophecy in 1983, it did not surface meaningfully until 2008. 25 years made for a rather long gestation period!! The Lord displayed His brilliant sense of fun revealing it ahead of time to this self-confessed non-dreamer! And at long last, J.R. and I began to discuss what had been going on with me, prophetically speaking. J.R.’s interest in the prophetic has been growing steadily ever since. I wrote this email to Kent:
Thank you for this, Prophet Simpson!
I prayed for the right opportunity to share with JR the materials in the binder you sent…I gave him the binder this morning.
Praise Him,
PS: When I was expecting my second child in 1984, I dreamed I would have a boy named Jackson. I had a girl I named Jillian.
I wonder now about that name… if it wasn’t a bit of prophetic humor.
To me,
Our God can be a Character at times.
Well, it wasn’t long before I sent for John Paul’s course, “The Art of Hearing God”, which I heartily recommend to anyone interested in the prophetic. I also signed up for the online prophetic exercises on a companion website called “Stir the Water”.
For many weeks I pursued the lessons, until late in ’09 when I took the final test and received a certificate.
I am not selling or promoting anything. This is just my testimony of how the Lord made fantastic connections, as only He can, speaking to me and leading me in a way I could understand. All glory to God!
During this same summer of ’09, the Holy Spirit led me into a season of inner healing and prayer. There was much pleading the blood of Jesus and breaking off generational curses in Jesus’ Name, repenting of everything and really delving deeper in intimacy with the Lord and reaffirming His Lordship in my life. This went on for several weeks, and there were some intense times with the Lord, really more intense than I had ever experienced in my life. At the time, I did not have the closeness of relationship with people in my local church to share these things. I do not place blame for that on anyone. The Lord sorts all of this out as we grow in HIM. So I prayed healing prayers over myself. Eventually I met other believers who led me into deeper sozo experiences.
The Lord sent some unexpected results from this period of healing, in which I definitely experienced a more radical breaking off the darkness and inviting in the Kingdom of the Lord than I had ever known. One day I was in the middle of giving a violin lesson, zoning out just a little as the student sawed away, and something strange happened.
I hope to pick up here next week, Lord willing.
To Bless Our Ministers
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I am blessed to take part in this ministry. Please consider a donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle.
Your generous donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle supports the ongoing work of Kent’s ministry.
~ Ty Boye
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is a non-profit tax-exempted 501(c)3 Electronic Church. We operate as non-profit corporation with a group exemption status. To date we have 323 ordained ministers carrying PMT’s ministerial licenses world wide.
This was a pleasant surprise as I have many times held up my work environment upon my back. I have complained a bit much to the Lord. I am excited that a new opportunity is coming as I am always doing more than others and never appreciated. Thank you for hearing God for me. I appreciate your time and effort.
Dear TY,
I just want to thank you again for sharing your life and the stories about how God has started to train you to hear his voice. I have a questions? Does God speak to everyone the same way? and when we pray for God to open our ears to allow us to hear His voice. I prayed to hear from God and to hear His voice since the age of three. To be able to hear His voice like my grandmother did and my mother did, who both have recently passed on to be with Him. I desired to Hear His Voice so badly for so many years and constantly prayed that prayer for so many years. I even thought maybe I am not special enough to hear His voice. I ask God please let me hear your voice, that is all I want more than anything or anyone. To be close to you, to feel your presence. I want this more than money or wealth, more than my own life. I prayed that for years. The desire began to pray this prayer started at age 3 and now I am almost 38 years old. It is still my hearts desire, and it hurts so much not knowing why I can not hear His voice or not knowing if I asked something wrong, or I am not like you, who God sees as special. I question and ask, what can I do more of to get you to answer this request?
I really want to hear the voice of God, and to know that it is Him that I am really hearing.
For more prophetic media groups click here“But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away–for it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.”