The Sunday TYM.E.S.(Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers,
We cannot “outgive” the Lord and there is NO sacrifice worthy to be compared to His sacrifice for us on the cross. There is no way I would compare our selling a property to the years of sacrifice my fellow brothers and sisters have made for the Lord and HIS people. Our leaving a crazy old house on Hope Street does not compare to those who are risking their lives in missions work, or in any number of ventures to His glory. All I am trying to say is: the Lord knows we each have “something” dear to us, and there is bound to come a time, in the process of going forward with prophetic ministry, that He will lovingly put His finger on that “something” dear and say, “This is Mine.” Or perhaps He will say, “The time for this is now past.” And we move on, and we follow HIM and His voice. It’s just part of the journey, as He moves us from “glory to glory”. And He does not take anything away without restoring more, and lavishing on us more of Himself, in the midst of it.
Praise HIM,
Sis. TY
“Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.”
Psalm 33:22
Chapter 18: Closing the Doors
My letter to Max the MG did not go unnoticed. Later that afternoon, I peeked at my emails again. Yes, there was a response from Max’s owner and friend, with this cryptic message:
Dear Tyane,
I have a couple of reasons I want to talk to you. Please call me at 650— or cell at 415—
Home alone, I debated within myself whether to call him. After prayer, it was clear that since the Lord had led me this far, I needed to rely on Him to see this through. Finally, I called Max’s “dad” on his cell. After thanking me for the call, he proceeded to tell me what a great salesperson I was. Momentarily at a loss for words, all I could say was “thank God.” Then this man boasted that he was over a $650 million dollar corp and money was no object. However, he insisted that my husband’s shop had mismanaged the negotiations and so he was refusing to pay the shop “on principle”.
I bit my tongue and let Max’s dad recount his tale of woes. Obviously he had been stewing for some time. Though what he said did not square entirely with the facts as I knew them, I just listened. Perhaps he was amazed that I did not attempt to contradict him…I prayed silently and waited…Then he said, almost casually, “So here’s what I am going to do. I am willing to work out a deal, as long as I can negotiate with you. I trust you to be fair. I am going to send you my credit card number and you can decide what amount the shop needs to be paid to settle this matter. Just send me the statement after you run my card.”
He promptly emailed his credit card number and expiration date, and I submitted them and a reduced balance to JR’s associate, and “The Max Affair” was settled. JR’s associate was stunned. Praise the Lord!
In a letter to Kent, I mused:
I wonder if this would be considered a prophecy to a car. The Word did not return void.
Praise HIM,
Kent corrected me.
No, it is not to be considered a prophecy to the car but rather an act of obedience to God without reservation or personal humiliation. That is why it worked and HIS word did not return void.
All that spring of 2010, the prophetic training with DJ progressed, with a variety of different options thrown in as the Holy Spirit led. DJ began to contact other prophetic people he knew, and they agreed to receive “training” words from me. (Obviously I will not be including examples from these experiences.) Some of these people have stayed in touch till this day, and I reflect on this with a much gratitude, both toward the Lord and toward DJ for taking this time and care to help me get started. The confirmations I received from these individuals went a long way toward giving me the confidence to move forward in faith in the personal decisions that still lay ahead.
Since fall of ’08, I had received many words in my journals pointing to a time when I would leave California. The day came when I finally expressed to Kent in a phone call that I felt like the Lord wanted us to close the doors in the Golden State and move to Texas. For some reason, he didn’t seem surprised. I felt the biggest obstacle would be JR’s and my attachment to our house.
JR and I owned a 1908 Victorian house, built right after the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. It was in a historic section of Old Mountain View. In 1998, we and the kids had prayed on a street corner to find a house in this neighborhood on Sunday. JR spotted this house, strategically located on the corner of Hope and Mercy Street, on Monday. We saw the inside for the first time on Tuesday (which happened to be April 29th, for those readers who may remember the significance of this date.) We signed the papers on Wednesday. With a huge mortgage and despite an outrageous California price, it was purchased against our realtor’s recommendation; he knew the restoration would take time and $$.
The rambling old house bore the scars of years of neglect. The neighbors called it a “flea-bag rental”; we saw the potential, loved it, and immediately called it “home”. A former hippie house; the stairs were fluorescent pink, walls were spattered a la Jackson Pollack, and the old Douglas Fir flooring was painted green and gray. There were 23 gas leaks, a crumbling roof, rotten plumbing, a broken chandelier, 3 water heaters, and almost no working electricals. Yet it was our dream house, bought with a down payment which had arrived as a miraculous provision. With some help along the way, JR masterminded the project and restored much of it, methodically with his creative and artistic eye, into a place of beauty and charm.
This house was the first place we’d ever lived that felt like “home”. I had taught hundreds of violin students there. My daughter and her husband were living upstairs in the nicely refinished old-fashioned attic. Here on Hope Street were held all our family events, parties, Boy Scout sessions, prayer group meetings, and too many fond memories to number.
I wondered what JR would say when I told him I felt God was calling us to “close the door” on this house and move to Texas. Yet, he agreed instantly that Texas was where he knew the Lord was leading us and that the book project and furthering prophetic ministry what the Lord was wanting us to do. So, as sad as it would be to leave our house at the corner of Hope Street and Mercy Street, we decided to move and leave the blessing of this house to another.
Now and then in life we are presented with this kind of choice. Friends would ask, where are you going to live? What will you do? DO you have a job? DO you know anyone in Texas? We did not yet have the answers…This kind of situation was not something we invented or sought on a whim. It was rather the result of a lot of petitioning the Lord and was not entered into hastily, but with full assurance that this was the way and this was the time.
However, the decision to give up not only the house but also the identity that it represented was sufficiently traumatic that JR and I DID ask the Lord to do us a special favor and give us an unmistakable confirmation. Putting this house up for sale was one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make. Together one Sunday evening we prayed and asked the Lord to give us an unmistakable and unusual confirmation within 7 days. Normally, I am NOT comfortable setting a “time limit”on God in prayer. But this was what we were given to do in this particular, unusual hour of decision. We also asked Him, if it was truly HIS will for us to sell the house and take this step, that HE would direct us to a realtor.
By the following Saturday at noon, nothing unusual had happened. There had been no dramatic confirmation. Would HE answer? Had we been presumptuous to set a time limit? Again on a lunch break, checking emails, I noticed the name one of the women DJ had recommended for a “training word”. I clicked on her message. She began this way:
Hi Tyane,
Grace and Peace be unto you…how are you doing today? You’ve been on my heart and mind for the past few weeks…I need to reach out to you to let you know that the manifest blessings of your prophetic word came quickly.
All of this started happening within days of receiving your written prophecy. I’ve been spending time embracing each paragraph over and over again. Today I spent the morning mediating on the scripture 1 John 2:10…new and fresh revelation came forth.
Then I ask the Father to release a new poem from me…it’s fresh from the press, I haven’t done any editing but nevertheless, I believe it’s a NOW word from the throne room.
Have a glorious day…be encouraged and strengthen knowing the Lord uses you mightily.
I pray that the poem minister to you in some capacity.
The poem she sent was indeed that unusual confirmation that only our Lord could have given, from the heart of a stranger totally unfamiliar with the whale on my plate. How HE has connected us all, by His Holy Spirit!
Next week, I will print the “NOW” poem she sent, as she received it from the Throne Room.
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister. Please mention “Text by Ty” at the end of the process.
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is a non-profit tax-exempted 501(c)3 Electronic Church. We operate as non-profit corporation with a group exemption status.
Dear Sis Ty,
Thank you for you invitation to share my heart where need be. I feel blessed to have come to know your Ministry.
In the prophetic word that the Lord gave to you about my having the gift of healing, I lay my hands and declared healing up on my son for he had some condition with his skin esp his hands and cheeks. I took him to get his regular checkups and immunization. On asking my hospital carer what could be wrong with TJ’s skin she said it was nothing its just the baby’s skin was peeling of and i should just oil him generously to facilitate it. It was looking bad and I believe the Lord healed TJ (Timothy Juniour) I praise Him! May God bless you Sis Ty.
My eyes are filled with tears. I have been through so much and yet the Lord has been on my side. Yes, I give to the poor and participate in many outreach programs. Yes, I am a coach as well. Yes, I have a teen daughter who really works on me at times. This was wonderful!
“Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare
That I will restore double to you.”
Zechariah 9:12
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
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