The Sunday TYM.E.S.(Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers,
Greetings, again, and welcome to Chapter 19, entitled “Now Is the Time.”
Seeking confirmation for a major decision can take whatever duration of time the Holy Spirit dictates. In the case of the projected sale of the Hope Street house, He gave many confirmations over a few years. Then we were led to ask the Lord for a BIG confirmation to take place within the space of a week. Today I will relate how He gave the three-fold confirmation, and how, once again, the Lord came through in a wonderful way.
How great is HIS grace toward us! And how He masterminds each tiny detail. “His eye is on the sparrow.” May the Lord always grant us eyes to see how this is so. For if we will look to HIM, He will show us the NOW moment.

This week I am spending time away with Sandy to work on the book which is a big part of the reason I was sent here to Texas on the Lord’s business. Recently someone asked if this current series in the TYM.E.S. is that book. Answer: NO, it is not. Sandy’s book centers on the life of a prophetess named Minnie whose story I recorded in longhand over frequent visits to her home between 1976-1989. When the book is complete, Lord willing, you readers will be among the first to know!
Praise HIM,
Sister Ty
“We, then, as workers together with HIM also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
2 Corinthians 6:1-2
For He says:
“In an acceptable time I have heard you. And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
Chapter 19: Now is the Time
By Saturday noon, we still had not received a decisive confirmation to sell our house. Recall that on the Sunday previous we had committed it to the Lord in prayer. To my pea-brain, it seemed His time was running out…
In the midst of checking emails, up popped the name of someone I knew only marginally from having sent her a couple of prophetic words. DJ had referred her as part of my training practice. As you read last week, her letter promised me a poem hot off the press from the Throne Room. I knew her well enough to know she did not mean those words lightly. This was a praying woman. I scrolled down to read the poem, copied below in its entirety:
In this season you must move NOW…
Get up, arise… NOW is the time…
No longer sit by the poolside…
The waters stirred…arise and shine…
Listen to the prophetic sound…
Saying, NOW… NOW… NOW is the time…
NOW is the time to arise…
NOW is the time… My light must shine…
The Lord’s glory is coming down…
Arise… arise… for it is time…
It’s time to dry your crying eyes…
Old things must be left behind…
Forget the past… renew your mind…
I’ve broken up the fallow ground…
Chains are gone no longer bound…
Explore… explore your new surround…
You’ve come into this place call NOW…
Arise and shine… for it is time…
Firmly planted as a tree…
Streams of waters flowing free…
Apart from me you won’t succeed…
Reject the counsel that misleads…
For in this appointed time…
Your fruitfulness won’t be denied…
It’s time to dine… and drink new wine…
Positioned at the Father’s side…
Arise… and shine… the time is NOW…
No doubt, no fear, no disbelief…
It’s only based on what you speak…
So have the faith to speak release…
And let my power bring increase.
The Lord had done it again! I was overcome with thanks and excitement. The multiplied insistence on the word NOW was overwhelming. Surely this was the remarkable confirmation we sought! The timing, and its manner of arrival, were beyond mere coincidence. Outside, the mailman slammed the mailbox shut, and I jumped up and headed to the porch. I shuffled through three or four pieces of mail, one of which was a postcard with the smiling face of a realtor I’d never heard of, named Mr. David. I walked back into the house, staring at the postcard, when my cell rang. It was my (earthly!) father, who wanted to recommend a realtor to me, and I was astonished when he said:
“You need to call this great realtor. He’s a real pro; he sold my friend’s house recently. I’ll give you his name; it’s Mr. David.”
I stammered: “Today is the first I’ve ever heard of him, but I just now went to the mailbox and still have his postcard in my hand!”
Thus it was that within the space of about 15 minutes I received three communications which answered the prayer for confirmation of the move and the realtor. Later we discovered Mr. David was a Christian, and his mother- in-law taught at the Christian high school my kids had attended. Some would say: “small world”! It can be, especially as we do have a BIG God connecting all the parts.
We prayed over the sale; Mr. David and his assistant, too! It was September and hopes were high for a quick deal. OK, well, in a phone conversation, Kent had mentioned this moving process would take long. What is “long”?–I reasoned inwardly. Kent said, late next spring, early summer. Somewhere in my spirit, though I did not like to hear it, I knew he had heard right…Still we were getting packed and prepped to skip town, so even a month was seeming long. We said good-bye to students, friends, associates. (The students said they wouldn’t leave till I moved, which touched me greatly.) As month after month went by, we began to weary of house showings. People loved visiting our quaint house; the showings were huge. But, as a place to live, the hundred-year-old Victorian lady seemed an oddity, a dinosaur, a relic. Where were the granite counter tops and master bedroom? (Recall that this house was built just after the SF Earthquake of 1906.)…We pressed onward, continuing to sort through 35 years worth of stuff from attics and closets, giving away much. I was a bit stressed out over our blue parakeet, Mr. Darcy, who needed a new home. In my distraction, I’d been ignoring this little guy, only tossing him some bird seed now and then. He hardly chirped anymore. I needed to place him with a good home before he suffered further from my neglect. There were no takers, despite my handing out many flyers. There were so many details, like Mr. Darcy, to work out. And yet, it seemed we were going nowhere, fast, as the saying goes.
Frustration set in, yet we continued in faith that the Lord would bring the right buyer. Waiting can be long….One day late in the year, I asked for HIM in desperation to confirm He was still “ON” this move to Texas. Again, He is so gracious to us. We arrived home one dark evening in November to find a couple peering over our fence. If we had not arrived home at that moment, we would never have spoken to them, and they probably would have gone on their way. Already, I felt this could be an important connection…In fact, I felt convinced the Lord was in this meeting, from the start! Something was different about these people. These could be the buyers we were looking for!
They greeted us politely. “We missed the showing, but we’d still like to see the house if you have a few minutes. Would that be ok?”
Of course we were more than willing to comply. Their footsteps echoed through the sparsely furnished house. By now most of our belongings were in storage. The lady began to share her story, and as she did so, I realized I’d heard of her before. It was another incredible sign of God’s goodness; this lady was….. To be continued….
To Bless Our Ministers
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Hi Tyane,
I am so grateful to God and your ministry. This week, the Lord reminded me of the Word that He gave me through you last year. I have been asked to mentor a young woman in our Church and pray for her and over her as she prepares for mission trips this summer. Please pray for her (R) and for me. Pray that I will not mentor her in the flesh but in the Spirit.
May God continue to be glorified in your ministry. May His anointing be on you always.
Thanking God for you and your ministry.
P.S. I love your newsletters.
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2: 6-7