Reunion Church of God of Prophecy in Hawaii
NEW Reunion Broadcast Intro (SNEAK PEEK)
“True prophets of God do not tell you what to do, but they do tell you what to expect”
Most people think that I just walk around hearing God’s voice audibly telling me each step to take and what to expect each and every hour of the day. Well, I’m here to tell you that is simply not true; I too experience times where He is hard to find. Remember, His favorite game is Hide-n-Seek. Just about the time you think you know all His hiding places He goes somewhere in His spiritual kingdom that you have never been. It’s scary to not know where God is for you, especially when everything seems to be coming apart at the seams.
I recall many times I have been caught between a rock and hard place and God wasn’t telling me how to get out of my dilemma. One time in particular I had offered our partners a personal prophecy on video from the Holy Land. Everyone sent in an offering to help me get there and cover my traveling expenses. I could not afford to take anyone with me, so I traveled alone. When I arrived and checked into the hotel, I took my video camera and started to walk the biblical streets of Jerusalem. As I entered the Gates of David, a young merchant came begging me to write in English “Grand Opening”, for he said they had just opened a new jewelry store and needed a sign in English. He had me come into their store, and as I was writing he locked the door. I thought that was rather odd, but I continued to write; then he demanded all my money as he stuck a tray of rings in front of me. I told him I did not want any rings and he took four rings and put them in my shirt pocket as his co-worker took my wallet out my back pocket. I tried to give the rings back but they said, “Oh no, you purchased these rings and paid for them” as he handed me back my empty wallet. I knew there was nothing I could do, so I turned and asked them to let me out.
Confused and wondering why God did not tell me this was going to happen, I went to my room. I began to seek God, knowing I had no money and no way to get back to the airport. I was scheduled to stay two weeks, but I couldn’t figure out how I was going to eat. I talked to God about it and then I handed Him the problem. I packed up some tapes and took off walking toward the Whaling Wall. After a few hours of prophesying in the streets in front of my camera, I started back to the hotel to see if God had a solution for me. As I was taking my shower, His Word came to me. He said, “Go back and tell them you know Ruth Heflin, a woman who had a church in Jerusalem for over 33 years, and let them know that you are going to see her tomorrow about the rings.” When I walked in and told them, their faces suddenly turned from a bronze color to stark white. They said, “Do you know Ruth Heflin? She gave us all these display cases for our jewelry and the desk and furniture.” They begged me to take back the money and keep the rings, but I didn’t want the rings, just my money. They wouldn’t hear of it, and eventually I walked out with the rings and money. I couldn’t praise the Lord enough!
After I had recorded over 300 hundred prophesies all over Jerusalem, I headed to the airport. I thought I would just get on the airplane and start my long journey home. In order to carry 300 VHS tapes, a video camera and my clothing I had to purchase a very large toolbox. When traveling with a large toolbox on a dolly secured with two bulletproof pad locks, it is not easy to get through International Customs. However, I didn’t have trouble coming into Israel, so I didn’t expect any trouble getting home, nor did I plan on being detained by the Israeli Army. (And that’s another story for another time.)
What You Need to Know
You have now embarked upon your personal prophetic journey by enrolling in the School of Prophetic Knowledge. It is important for you to know that we have included your Ordination Papers and Ministerial Licenses. We believe that only God can truly call and ordain a person into the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are offering you the privilege of ministering under the banner of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle under these premises. The school is to inform you of what we believe and what we teach. After studying the material, if you still want to build your ministry alongside of all the others under the PMT banner, then you will need to call or email me after you have completed the course. There is no testing and you cannot fail the course.
Once you have completed the course and have made contact with me then we will activate your Ministerial Licenses. Once these things have been completed then you will be ready to begin your “one on one” training. Part of this training will include you seeking God for others. From time to time you will receive an email with a name of a person who has made contact with PMT, seeking a word of prophesy. You then will send back to me what you have heard, seen or felt our Lord reveal to you via the Holy Spirit. I will review the word and send it on to the person who contacted us and will then discuss the ins and outs of delivering His Word with you.
When you have sent out enough prophesies and I sense that you are ready to move to the next level then we will begin the process of letting your ministry be a connected as a branch of the Family Tree of Prophetic Ministers. One of the ways we will do this is by offering you your own streaming video channel on VideChurch.org. This offer is much more than just placing your video on a page. Your channel will be a source for you to offer up to 20 different ministry materials, such as teaching on CD, DVD or printed material, as well as a source for people to make contributions toward your ministry. One of the largest gains in placing your ministry on your own streaming video channel with VideoChurch.org is that ALL funds that come to you through your channel are tax deductible to the contributor and tax-exempted to you. Being that PMT/VC is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation, you can operate your ministry over the Internet or in a building under the PMT/VC banner.
In the months to come more options and opportunities will be made available to you. We are excited about the decision you have made to begin this most rewarding journey. We will be here to assist you every step of the way.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Greeting Pastor Kent,
I thank God for receiving your newsletters. I help me a lot for prophetic direction,activation and impartation.
May the Lord bless your ministries in everything.
RE: School of Prophetic Knowledge
Absolutely loving these DVDs, awesome!!!
Thank you sooo much!!
Susan from Australia
Good morning Kent,
I too was blessed hearing your heart for the people of God who are searching like myself to get in sync with God’s plan for their journey. You are a remarkable person. I rejoiced viewing the Hebrews 1:13-14 DVD last night, seeing the blossoming of your gifts in the office of prophet. Countless people have been set in place for the Lord’s purposes in this hour.
I am jealous for your faith and spiritual sensitivity, yet I know they have come at a price. I will need to overcome inertia and learn to discern the difference between wisdom and being overly cautious. I shudder to think of having to go through any more trauma in order to make progress. Perhaps that’s why I was given Psalm 63:7 yesterday.
“A Because You have been my help, Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.”
Bless you and Debbie today,
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
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