Feb. 15, 1913 – Apr. 28, 1996
In 1995, we opened up the airwaves for prophecy to be broadcast from radio and television across the Islands of Hawaii. LeSea Broadcasting made it possible for us to touch many lives and introduce many people for the first time to New Testament prophecy. Apostle Paul Roberts had introduced us to Reverend Gary Holcombe, who was later placed as a staff member at LeSea Broadcasting and opened the door for us to prophesy live over television.
After returning from our first three week and three day ministry trip to the Islands of Hawaii we began to receive calls and letters from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, England, Thailand and a number of states within the U.S.A. For the next two and a half years I spent three weeks or more out of each month traveling overseas, ministering in prophecy and teaching on the prophetic gifts.
On one of my trips to Jerusalem, which I earlier mentioned in one of our e-Newsletters, I prophesied from various holy sites in the Holy Land. I had carried with me over 300 blank audio cassette tapes and VHS tapes with the names on each one who had requested to receive His Word from the Holy Land. It was not too long after returning from this trip that I received a message that Dr. Lester Sumrall wanted to meet with me.
I made arrangements to meet with Dr. Sumrall when I returned home. As I waited for him to come out of his DC-10, the senior pilot came to me and informed me that Dr. Sumrall had been taking a nap and would be out in just a few minutes. The pilot also shared with me his own negative thoughts about personal prophesy and was not too kind with his words. As he continued to spew his disbelieves he turned to find Dr. Sumrall standing right behind him. The pilot quickly stopped talking and stormed away. Dr. Sumrall settled into my vehicle and we drove to a local restaurant to have lunch and discuss his problem.
The decision needed to be made right away whether to allow the minister to keep broadcasting his program on the network or to pull the plug and break ties with the minister. Dr. Sumrall told me he could not find his answer, because he was just too close to the minister. He said God told him to find me and he would find his answer. So he asked me to tell him what God wanted to do. Immediately, I felt totally helpless and inadequate in seeking God for a man of such faith and power, but, suddenly, I felt the weight of this problem come upon my shoulders, knowing that whatever came out of my mouth could possibly damage Dr. Sumrall’s ministry or totally destroy the ministry in question. In just a few seconds our Lord said to me, “Whatever you say I will do.” Somewhat relieved I gave a real lame word, “God will give you a sign before you land in New Orleans.”
The next morning Dr. Sumrall and the crew loaded up the plane and took off for New Orleans. To my surprise I received a phone call from Houston, Texas. It was the pilot who had earlier shared with me a piece of his mind regarding personal prophecy. Painfully, he said, “Doctor Sumrall wanted me to call and let you know that he had received his sign.” I questioned him about the sign; he explained as they called into the tower on their approached to land they were informed of a tropical storm bearing down on the gulf coast so they made a quick detour to Houston. The decision was made not to land and Dr. Sumrall took this to be his sign to stay away from the minister in question. Within just a few days the minister’s daily television program was replaced by another ministry.
Kent Simpson
Prophetic Pastor
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Prophet Kent,
Your article today in the newsletter hit the ball out of the park.
It was very transparent and real, and powerful.
It was very clear and understandable, and made the distinction well between a desire of the heart, and want of the heart.
Thank you.
We are looking forward with you, as the vision the Lord gave you unfolds. Like a newsroom it sounds, but different.
Prophetic and worshipper intercessors CHANGE history, not just report the news.
Shabbat Shalom!
Crystal Wade