Special Anointings
In the summer of 1989 my weekly routine involved going to the early morning men’s prayer breakfast each Friday. As usual, I was the first to show up, and since I had a key to the building I started to make the coffee. After a couple of cups of coffee I wondered if anyone was going to show up.
I watched the clock tick away for twenty minutes, and still no one had shown. Then, I caught sight of an 18 wheeler slowly pulling up at the curb. The driver sat in his truck for a minute then headed toward the building. I greeted the grizzly looking man, asked his name and invited him in for a cup of coffee. He had never been to any of our prayer breakfast meetings and didn’t know any members of our church. As I waited a few minutes for others to show, the trucker began to tell me about his life.
He was suffering from various addictions and was on the verge of a divorce. His father was an alcoholic, as well as his brothers, who were always in conflict with one another. A short time later a couple of the regular members showed up, and as we prepared to pray for the trucker the Lord told me to take out my handkerchief and have everyone grab a corner; as we did the presence of the Holy Spirit filled us.
The trucker gave his life to Jesus; when he did, his countenance immediately began to change before our eyes. I instructed the trucker to take the handkerchief with him and tell his entire family what had happened. A few months went by and one Sunday morning I was surprised to see the once beaten down soul now dressed in a suit and tie with his wife and children at his side. After the sermon was delivered he asked if he could testify. The trucker told of his father and brothers being totally delivered of drug and alcohol abuse and how they gave their lives to Jesus. He still had the handkerchief with him. As the congregation filed out of the building, he came to me and gave my handkerchief back. As to say, thank you, a tear ran down his face; we shook hands farewell and thanked God together.
(Bible ref. Acts 19:11-12)
Part 1 – Ministry of Jesus
When Jesus was born in a manger, an army was commissioned to look for Him. Every child two years old and under was to be slaughtered, because King Herod heard thought a new, a true king was born. About the same time, an angel appeared unto Joseph and Mary and warned them to leave the town, for King Herod sought to take the life of their new born son, Jesus. They left the city and stayed away for a number of years. When an angel appeared to them once more, they learned that it was now safe to return, for King Herod was dead. This was just the beginning of many encounters with angelic hosts during the life of Jesus Christ.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Prophet Kent,
Thank you again for coming and for all you gave to us. You present Our Father Papa God’s Words over His people and each of us gets to hear even more what He is truly like. I wrote down many of the words given to others to reflect on especially this Sunday on Father’s Day.
You carry such and incredible strong Anointing and my prayers are you always have His Grace to handle it…
You always bring MORE of God to this area and we go from Deep to Deep… through your ministering. When you speak in just a regular voice the Power on some of the words spoken through you is amazing. It pierces the heart and soul. For example…when you spoke about it was because of the LACK of God’s Grace that the psychics followed the fallen angels… it was soooooo BIG… sooooooo overwhelming how BLESSED we are that He would Choose us to be able to receive His Grace for Salvation and life.
“Greetings in Jesus name; I am Bishop Reyes, General Overseer of the Family Church of God in Riverside, California. You prophesied to our organizations in 1995 that in five years we would have 500 churches. We are at 443 and by the end of the year we will be over 500. Thanks be to God for you!
We are building a convention center to fit 10,000 seats and are planning to have our dedication in August 2000. The Lord blessed us with 40 acres of land next to city hall. God has been good! Please write back to see if you received this letter.”
Under His Wings,
Bishop Phillip Reyes,
General Overseer