When you have done all you know to do then begin entreating the Lord for a Word.
It was in the fall of 1987 and I had moved to Mesquite, Texas to take a position with Church on the Rock in Rockwall, Texas. My life was being turned upside down; everything was falling apart. I could not pay my rent; the electric company sent notice they would be shutting off my lights, and I only had $10.00 to my name. I had been praying all day, seeking God for His direction. Nothing was changing, and the hour was getting late when I heard someone at my front door. I waited for a knock, but none came, just the shuffling of feet as they walked away. I went to the door and looked around, thinking maybe God had sent help.
As I turned to go back into my apartment, I noticed a posting on my front door. As I read the note my heart sank. The notice was from the electric company saying they would be shutting off my electric the next day. It was getting dark and I began to pray even harder. I was so tired and felt as though I was getting nowhere. I was scared. Trying to get my mind off my problems, I began to read a little booklet I had received from Rhema Bible School. As I read the booklet that Kenneth Hagin Sr., the founder of the school in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma had written, I began to feel some peace in my heart. Then I read a verse of Scripture that seemed to leap straight off the page and into my spirit.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
From this one verse of Scripture, my prayer changed and the heavens opened. I could hear Him clearly say, “Go to the prayer breakfast.”I knew exactly where He was sending me. I thought it’s too far away; could I afford to use my last ten dollars for gas? But God was calling, and I knew I had to go, so I got myself ready, jumped in my pick-up truck and spent my last few dollars fueling up my tank.
When I arrived, I sat out in the parking lot and waited for everyone, but only the pastor showed up. He asked how I was doing, and I told him what all was going on in my life. He laughed, he just began to laugh.
He pulled out a check that was already made out and in his pocket. He said God had told him to put it in his pocket as he was leaving his home heading for the morning’s meeting. He handed me the check and said, “This is for you!” We both laughed and began to praise God for bringing this blessing together. The check was enough to pay my rent, electric and enough to keep me going until I could collect a paycheck.
The electric company did end up shutting off the electricity; however, they pulled the wrong meter. My neighbor was pretty upset!
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
September 2011
Dear Kent,
I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! On your big 60th, Praise the Lord for he is faithful and true! I do look forward see what the Father has in store for you and Debbie and your ministry in the coming years. You have been a Great Blessing to many, many people throughout your ministry and suffered much in the process. Many people have been encouraged, saved, delivered and even pulled through the eye of the needle because you have been obedient to the callings and gifting that has been given to you. I am one of those people and just want to say Thank You! You are a great friend and minister to me. I greatly value our friendship and relationship. I am very blessed to see you happy, Debbie flourish and Savannah becoming a beautiful young woman as she becomes healthy under the peace of your new family dynamic.
Thank you for hosting the healing meetings and the luncheon at you house this weekend. It was good to be with you and to see old friends and meet Robert and his team for Rusk.
Have a Blessed Day!
Glenn Landry in Texas