I cry out for the churches today because we are lacking important elements of our faith. Over the years, vital members of the body of Christ have been amputated by carnal men who have removed the apostles, the prophets, spiritual gifts and large portions of the Holy Scriptures. Many parts of the body have been removed leaving only the navel. We are back to the beginning of nothing. However, over the past few decades God has been grooming and reattaching these missing parts back into the body of Christ. When our body is fully mended we will become unstoppable, and when God moves we, His people, will move as one complete unit. Whenever God speaks, the Holy Spirit will move through His body to make the word happen for His people today.
It is important to remember that there is only one head of the church. Each and every group of God’s people should have the person who is totally obedient to God’s voice. He or she should also have the wisdom to know His ways. Anyone who leads God’s people must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. This is the only true way for the congregations to follow Christ as a body of believers. If the congregation of believers follows the will and direction of man rather than Jesus they are making man the head and not Jesus. Christ is the only true head of the Church, while the Holy Spirit acts like the nervous system. Whenever God speaks from heaven, the Holy Spirit goes searching for someone who will set aside their desires and follow the sound of His voice. We cannot bring the body of Christ and His church through what is ahead of us if we are not allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us.
When the Power of God fills the Church
When we get out of the way of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to rule over the Church again, signs and wonders will be in the midst of our gatherings. People will not believe except they see signs and wonders. Jesus said, “The works that I do, you shall do greater.” Jesus is still a miracle worker. How is it possible to do greater works than Jesus? Because He now lives within all of us and is sharing His power with those whom He can trust. He will send the Holy Spirit to make contact with our spirit calling and commissioning us to do the things that He needs done on earth. If we are willing to obey His voice and trust in His ways all of our troubles will no longer be ours. By His grace, our troubles will begin to melt away. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you (John 15:7).
If you have Christ, who is all-knowing, who has conquered heaven and hell and now lives within you, then you have all the answers to all of your troubles. There is no problem too big for God, but we must be willing to seek Him until we find His prophetic word for our lives and for the lives of those who trust us. When you obey exactly what He has told you to do then you will know all will be okay. However, too many Christians are going the way of the Pharisees, the very kind of religious folks Jesus condemned. He called them snakes, vipers and hypocrites. It is so easy to fall into the same trap they were lead into. The spirit groans within us, for it knows the right way to go. The problem most people have with following Jesus all the way is they afraid if they start hearing His voice He will ask them to do something they are not willing to do. Fearing they will not be received by their religious leaders and will lose all their friends.
You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life” (John 5:39-40).
What kind of life is Jesus talking about? The abundant life. You search the scriptures because you think you will find eternal life within them, but remember, the Pharisees knew the scriptures. In fact, in order to become a Pharisee you had to comment the first five books of bible to memory. They even wore a box filled with the scriptures on their forehead as an outward symbol. The size of their box indicated how much scripture they had memorized, yet even with all their knowledge they did not know Christ Jesus, the Messiah when He came to them. Scripture is a “tuning fork.” It reveals the personality and character of Christ. You need to feed upon the “bread of life” and drink from His endless cup.
Have you ever known anyone who could quote scripture after scripture, after scripture but they were blind as a bat when it came to seeking the will of God? Jesus is saying that you cannot find Him just by memorizing scriptures. The scriptures testify about Him and His works so that you will know Him when He speaks to you and shows you what you must do. Scripture is a “tuning fork.” It reveals the personality and character of Christ. You need to feed upon the Holy Bible for it is the “bread of life.” You need to stay in the scriptures to keep your ears in tune with His voice as He guides you into the life He has for you.
Many teach that if we can memorize the book then you will have the power of the word.
It took a long time for the church to believe that scripture from Genesis to Revelation is the inherent word of God and everything that is recorded happened as recorded. Christ is taking us to another level of faith that we will have faith to “hear” Him. Anyone can read about Christ but to know Him personally requires knowing His voice. There is a lot more to the church than just having the knowledge of the scriptures. We have become a people who have been educated in a system of education to read the Holy Spirit as if it were any other text book. Many teach that if you can memorize the Holy Bible then you will become all knowing and all powerful. It is not so. The Pharisees and Sadducees thought the same thing and look where it got them. In order to receive the power of Christ, you must be willing to seek God, hear His words and do whatever He asks you to do no matter the cost.
I was born again as a child, and, by the grace of God, He showed me what I needed. He gave me direction of what I should do. I was ignorant regarding the scriptures when God called me into the ministry. I respected the bible, but I was ignorant of its value. I knew I needed to learn what it was all about, so I began to study everything I could about God and living in His will.
It is not in your intelligence. It is not how much you know but WHO you know and WHO you are willing to follow.
I began to recognize that many times I had similar encounters to those recorded in the bible. I read in the scriptures about hearing the voice of Jesus and it was like revelation smacked me in the face. Now I knew where that small still voice was coming from and who it was speaking to me all the times I needed help. I was doing things in my life by the Spirit before I read that it was the Holy Spirit whom was given to us according to the Holy Scriptures. I was hearing his voice before I knew that Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice.” It is not in your intelligence. It is not how much you know but WHO you know and WHO you are willing to follow that makes your life whole.
People today are looking for a man to follow. Many people will ask, “Who is your mentor? Who is your spiritual father?” My mentor is the Holy Spirit. My father is Father God. Still they ask, “Who is your teacher?” Scripture makes it very clear: call no one on earth your teacher or your father for there is only one and He is in heaven. “Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ” (Matthew 23:9-10).
The body of Christ cannot unify and work as one body with one head until we start hearing the same Spirit and being led by the same head, Jesus Christ.
So be it. Amen!
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)

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Amen, So be it!
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
aka, “The Mail Order Prophet”
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
Donations are not required but needed and appreciated.
Send us Your Prayer Request Today
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37)
New King James Version (NKJV)
Hi Kirk.
Thank you for the dream interpretation. It was very accurate. The dream interpretation was definitely a now word for me. The interpretation initiated in me steps I can take to another level spiritually. It’s amazing to see how the Lord will speak to us in such a real way in order to initiate His change into our lives.
Be blessed,
Rev Kirk,
I am sorry for bothering you, i know you have a lot of work,:) Wow that was really amazing,..It really is!! I thought you are some scammers but you aren’t, Can i send you the next month a new request? So you are a real prophet wow nice!!! 🙂 Jordan Nenchev
Rev. Cross,
You REALLY know Jesus because that was extremely precise. Thank you for loving Jesus and keeping your ear to His Heartbeat because that really encouraged and edified me.
You were 100% on target.
Dear, Kirk Cross Jr,
Thank you for praying for me.I remember you gave me a prophetic word, and those prophecy came to pass.I believe you are truly anointed servant of God.
God Bless you, Mandus
Change You Need to Know About!
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
- Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
- Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
- Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
- Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
- Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
- Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
- Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
- Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
- Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
- Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
The Fastest Way to Get Your Personal Prophecy
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
- Prophetic Counseling
- Learning How to Know God’s Will
- Making Business Decisions
- Working Out Family Problems
- DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
- 2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
- Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
- Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
- Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Receiving Your Personal Prophecy
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6
Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7
You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
- Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
- Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
- Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.