Apostolic Prophet
The network of PMT’s ordained ministers have completed the School of Prophetic Knowledge and have received personal training under the oversight of Apostle Kent Simpson. Through our social media connections, we can help you build a support base of followers.
New prophetic ministers are being raised up as the Holy Spirit skillfully directs the leadership of PMT to help you discover your gift and calling from God. The Holy Spirit has chosen a people who have been kicked to the curb by the very people they have tried to serve. By the anointing and resurrection power of Jesus Christ, we are raising up prophets for the next generation. There are prophetic people of God being sent our way who are now finding their place in His Kingdom.
The Holy Spirit is empowering this army of believers to march in the fullness of their calling; receiving the impartation of their spiritual gifts through prophecy and the laying on of hands. Commissioned and equipped, these conveyors of this ministry’s vision are being sent as messengers of His divine plan for building a world-wide Prophetic Church.
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