Finding Your Pillar of Fire
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Everyone should have that place where they can go hear the voice of God.
- “Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:11-12).
I have visited with many people and over the years I have heard of some pretty strange places where they have experienced God speaking to them. Your portal or pillar of fire where God sends down His word to you can be anywhere at any time, as He so desires. He is not required to be where you want Him. However, finding that place where you can meet Him at a certain time each day will greatly increase your chances of connectivity.
Allow me to clarify this constant misnomer. When I say “Hearing God” I do not necessarily mean hearing His audible voice. He may come to you with a vision, unction, thought, impression or any other way He so chooses to communicate to you.
About twenty years ago there was a book and teaching titled, “Can You Not Tarry for One Hour?” by Dr. Larry Lee. These teachings helped thousands of people learn how to pray and groomed them to become intercessors for God, which is the first step to learning how to hear His voice. The book and study material are based on the Lord’s Prayer found in Luke 11:1-4. I had the wonderful experience of being a part of this ministry with Dr. Larry Lee, which really helped me gain a foothold into my journey and find my place with God.
Most everyone who has spent time with me has heard me saying at one time or another, “Guess what God said while I was in the bathroom.” Yes, it is embarrassing, and the first time He spoke to me while in the powder room I felt like Adam, naked in the garden. For a split second I tried to hide myself; nowadays these encounters are as normal as breathing. This happens every time I visit the men’s room. It’s not the only place I hear Him but it has become my pillar of fire.
There are times I need to spend a few hours with Him and discuss lengthy and complicated problems. The little boy’s room is really not the place to spend that much time seeking God. For the longer dissertations I crank up the old Zero Radius Lawn mower. We live on a 2-acre lot, and it can take a couple of hours of mowing to get it all done. While riding with the roar of the engine behind me, I mindlessly go around in a square circle; there I can get lost in His Pillar of Fire.
Many times, I have retreated to the mowing process to get answers on how to deal with all sorts of situations. It always amazes me how much I enjoy those times with Him. I am not proposing, however, that if someone comes to you wanting to find God that you should tell them to go mow their lawn rather than telling them to go to Church.
Hopefully, you have already found your place where you hear God, but you may need some confirmation. Is it Him? Do you have the proper understanding? You know it is not enough to hear Him you must know what He means. In part, this is one of the duties with which I am commissioned to help you. If you have not found your place where you go to hear Him, then I can help you discover where He has been waiting to communicate with you. The fact is He has always been there wherever your “there” is; waiting for you to stop and talk awhile. Consider joining me online at one of our scheduled Live Streaming Events. Or for a more personal journey schedule your One-on-One Prophetic Counseling session with me online to find God’s will for you.
Jesus is “rock’en” awesome and He is waiting for YOU!
Written by Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet
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