Prophetic Principles, Properties, & Performances-
Introducing New Vocabulary
As the popularity of “G3D” begins to grow and more Believers begin to incorporate it into their own writing and references, we wanted to take the opportunity to standardize some of the other prophetic terms we have been using in our weekly articles recently. In this moment of mayhem, we hope to help Prophetic People at least speak the same language.
Regular readers have probably already notices us use some of these words in our previous articles and those who have been following our separate podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network are already aware of our Prophecy 101 episode which also helps explain these concepts.
Link to Prophecy 101 podcast:
Prophetic Principles are universal constants that people are able to abide by. One of the most popularly repeated ones here at PMT is “Surely the Lord G3D does nothing without revealing His Plan to His Servants the Prophets” (Amos 3:7). While not every legitimate prophet will receive a Word concerning everything that is happening in the World, G3D will still reveal His Plans to those who hear His Voice before taking action.
The most famous recent example was how G3D revealed to Prophet Kent Simpson the coming Corona Virus. On October 13, 2019, we released a video describing the approaching global pandemic, months before the first official reported case of infection in China.
Explanation of why infection would happen:
This is just one example of a Prophetic Principle that all modern Christians should be aware of, especially as things feel unstable and unpredictable, we must remember that G3D is aware of things before they happen and will reveal them to His Messengers.
Prophetic Properties are a more specific type of symbolism. Though often referred to as types and shadows, or prophetic natures, Prophetic Properties are the fingerprints G3D leaves behind as clues to what He is doing in the future. The construction of the Tabernacle and Temple had many examples of this, starting with its building materials, its circular form and court layouts, as well as the ministering priest’s wardrobes.
Many of these have cultural aspects which were originally meant for a different audience. When observing Prophetic Properties, we need to view them from the lenses of those whom G3D originally intended His Message to be received by. When G3D sends Prophetic Messages to His Modern Prophets, they will be delivered in a way that both the prophet and those who are to receive the Word will be able to understand.
Prophetic Performances are most closely associated with Prophet Jeremiah, though they aren’t exclusively restricted to how he operated. They are sometimes referred to as prophetic gestures, sign-acts, or symbolic actions. One of his most well-known Prophetic Performances was the wearing, burial, and retrieval of a linen waistband symbolizing how useless Israel had become in the sight of G3D (ref Jeremiah 13:1-11). Other famous examples include the taking of a clay jug and breaking it in front of the religious leaders of Jerusalem (ref. Jeremiah 19:1-13) and wearing an oxen yoke and later having it broken by a false prophet named Hananiah (Jeremiah 27-28).
The use of Prophetic Performances was so ubiquitous that even Evil King Ahab and his False Prophets used them. When King Ahab and Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, were planning on attacking and taking back the region of Ramoth-gilead, they consorted with Ahab’s prophets of the golden calf cult, asking if the battle would be victorious. Zedekiah, son of Kenaanah, had fashioned a set of iron horns and mimicking the act of a raging bull, declared “This is what the Lord says: With these you shall gore the Arameans until they are finished off” (1 Kings 22:1-11)
Prophetic Performances were still used in the New Testament as well. Prophet Agabus was already famed in the region for having predicted the crushing worldwide famine that would later take place during the reign of Claudius (Acts 11:27-28). Agabus had joined a guild of prophets in Jerusalem and through his apprenticeship with them he further developed his prophetic gifting.
When Paul was planning on returning to Jerusalem to try to preach and teach the Gospel, he was discouraged by disciples in Tyre, who through the Spirit urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem. When Paul and his band arrived in Caesarea, they stayed with Philip the evangelist, whose four unmarried daughters also prophesied to Paul, also possibly about what would happened in Jerusalem. After staying there for a few days, Prophet Agabus came down from Judea and upon approaching Paul, took his belt and tied his own hands and feet with it, saying “The Holy Spirit says, ‘In this way the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles’” (ref. Acts 21:4-11).
Prophetic Performances also apply to some of the ritualized services that people perform during Mass each week or during special holidays. The Eucharist or observing the Lord’s Supper is a Prophetic Performance leading back to Christ’s sacrifice, just as the observing of the Passover sacrifice and meal was a Prophetic Performance preparing the Jewish People’s hearts to recognize and accept Christ as their Messiah.
Like G3D (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. G3D is all 3 in One.), we hope this new vocabulary helps explain some of the prophetic terms we have been grappling to define and describe as more people come to recognize not only the importance of prophecy in Scripture, but its current applications today.
Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator
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