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*G3D is symbolism for, God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit


“Taught by G3D”
Recorded: May 05, 2024


You who are baptized in King Jesus have been transformed and are no  longer of this world; you are just in it. For whatever is born of G3D overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world. It is our faith that separates us. And faith comes by hearing the word of G3D and trusting Him with all that is within us.

We need to recognize we are far above worldly concerns and surpass the pagan and the heathen. We can tap into the realm where G3D sits upon His throne. His throne is where He rules, reigns, tells us of things to come and brings us back to remember those things He has taught us.


We need to recognize when it is G3D and when it is not God. We need to be aware when it is our emotions and when it is the Spirit of G3D. Too many of us speak out of our emotions, and not by what we are hearing through our spirit. Too many of us rationalize by what we have been taught, ‘what’s G3D’ and ‘what’s is NOT.’ We need to begin to be taught by the only One and only by His anointing.


“But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, in your hearts, so that you don’t need anyone to teach you what is right. For he teaches you all things, and he is the Truth, and no liar; and so, just as he has said, you must live in Christ, never to depart from him” (1 John 2:27).


“It is written in the prophets, and they shall be taught by God” (John 6:45).


We need to learn how to be taught by G3D by His Spirit. He speaks to your spirit. Your spirit has ears, your spirit has feelings, your spirit is combined of all the senses, plus more senses than the physical body. You need to be overly sensitive to touch, smell, feeling, hearing, all those things in your spirit. For the Spirit of G3D will bear witness with your spirit, then you will “know that you know in your knower”–beyond a shadow of doubt that it is G3D. We need to learn to walk by our “KNOWER.” Because He knows all, we need to learn how to listen to Him.


Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words defines intercession as: “Primarily denotes a lighting upon, a meeting with; it is a technical term for approaching a king, and so for approaching G3D in intercession; (seeking the presence and Hearing G3D on the behalf of others).”


I feel sure the definition for intercession is different from what you thought. Intercession is the birthplace for learning how to hear the Voice of G3D. Many people expect something to just fall out of the heavens one day, and suddenly you begin to hear G3D. It’s not quite that easy. Surprise- you have been hearing G3D all your life. You just haven’t learned to train your ear to hear Him, nor have you started to curtail your thoughts to equate which are His thoughts and which are yours. For He said, “MY ways and MY thoughts are not your ways and your thoughts.” When God begins to speak to us about certain individuals, we need to be profoundly serious of what we are going to say if we are going to claim we heard it FROM G3D.


There is no greater thing that we can do for one another than to pray for one another. The Lord is pleased with those who pray for those in need. He would much rather hear our prayers about the needs of our brothers and sisters, the church, our country, the need for the balance of things, rather than hear our whining about our troubles.


He knows our troubles. We need to find out what He wants us to do to correct our troubles. That is why it is so important to have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying– because He can fix it all.


Many people talk about their “impoverished” state -it need not be. If you have an ear to hear, He will tell you where to go, what to do, when to do it, and how to do it to obtain the means to our needs. If you are obedient and stop trying to compromise with your flesh, you will prosper. You will find yourself in the right place at the right time. How many times have you heard that cliche “Oh, he was just at the right place at the right time”? You and I can have that ability to be in the right place if we have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. The power of intercession is the beginning stages of developing an ear to hear the Spirit of G3D.


Do spiritual ears work like radio antennas? We receive all kinds of thoughts with our spiritual antennas, sometimes they are up and sometimes they are down. Sometimes our dial is tuned to the Spirit of G3D and sometimes it’s not. Sometimes we get that dial turned all the way around and we are tuned into the pits of Hell, and not the Spirit of G3D. We duel all the time in the warring place of our souls. Thoughts come to your mind, and you wonder, “Why am I thinking this? This is hideous!” Where did it come from? You ought to know by now! Resist the Devil and he will flee. Don’t entertain thoughts from the realm where Satan exists. Do not begin to entertain his thoughts, because if you entertain them long enough you will fulfill them even if you declare you want. The spirit of fear comes and starts telling you, “You are going to lose your job, you’re not going to be able to pay the bills.” or “Oh, my kids are at school, and I heard there is a child molester running loose!”. You start getting your mind all balled up with all these thoughts on how bad it’s going to be, and the possibilities of harm are numerous. Stop thinking that way or you will come into agreement with the devil’s lie. Stop thinking; “They may get my child.” Do you hear what your saying? You just came in agreement with the Devil! Don’t do that! When the Spirit of G3D speaks, we must come in agreement with Him and Him only. Then everything will begin to work out in our life.


To lay down our life in intercession for our brothers and sisters, is a remarkable thing. It is an act of giving if you pray for your Pastor’s needs, the church and the lost. Begin to intercede for them all. You will forget about your own problems. While you’re busy praying for everyone else problems the Holy Spirit will be taking care of yours.



Recap from October 2020

Shall I Send a Famine

Prophecy #6 Series #24   

Recorded; October 5, 2020


A Financial Storm is Coming:

Those who have an Ear to Hear shall travel a Path of Prosperity. If they are found to be Faithful and Obey My Prophetic Words more shall be added to their gains.

What I desire to do is shift the Wealth of the Wicked into the hands of My Righteous Remnant. Those whom I can Trust to Obey My Voice Will Reap a Whirlwind of Increase.

As the Financial Tornadoes roar through the lands Mounds of Wealth will become like Sand picked up and thrown all around. In the midst of these storms the skies will part for My Angelic Host to descend with My Message in Hand. These messages will be delivered to My Appointed Vessels who serve to be My Voice in your lands. Hear them for their Words are My Words.

Do you have Faith to believe My Words? If so, then your Works will Prove your Faith is Not Dead, for you do as I have said. It is not enough to hear Me. The Doers of My Word are the True Believers.

Their rewards will rise like Financial Towers. These Strong Columns   will represent My Power on Earth turning the markets into Grace and Favor for My people.


It is Written:

He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me(Luke 10:16NKJV).



Prophet Kent Simpson

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