Prophetic Ministries Testimonials

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Good morning Kent and Debbie


When I saw you was giving out prophecy, I started to hit delete, wasn’t interested, to much on my mind,…But then with my finger on the key I heard, “wait” and the image of a Angel standing next to a bob wire fence with one foot on the bottom rung of the wire pushing down, and with his hand holding up the top wire, said to me “climb on through, Kent will let you in, God has some thing special to tell you”…I thought You are crazy Faye but my hand would not let go to move my finger, so I knew that was the Lord.


The more I got to thinking about it, I thought, of course you know that you were in the spirit cause at 84, you for sure would not be able to climb through a bob wire fence, I went to the donate button and praise the Lord it worked.


Miss you and Debby, and baby girl. She seems so happy with her new husband.


Love Y’all

Living in the super natural, with the blessing of God .

Faye, from the Houston, Texas area

Faye, from the Houston, Texas area

Good morning,

I appreciate this so much for such a time as this; God used you to do this impartation. Much needed gift in the kingdom and for God to choose me to have this gift of Wisdom is a blessing. People come to me all the time with their problems and for advice. It’s been like that since I was younger. I was always told that I’m like an old soul, always like a mom to others.
But for such a time as this I need the gift of wisdom in my own personal life and for others. I just wanted to provide feedback on how this has blessed me.
I’m excited to receive the handkerchief

Kind regards,

Kalunda Janae Hilton

Kalunda J. H

Dear Apostle Prophet Kent,


I am so excited! Your impartation of the gift of miracles is right on as I have been moving in this gift stronger than ever. While I do not name myself in this testimony, it is me that invited the lady over to join us, gave 3 testimonies of healing where I prayed for people, I led the short prayer and I told her to do something she could not do before! Your impartation matches even the verbiage of “short prayer” which I prayed for this lady and others!  PTL!


So far my gift of healings has shown in the following areas: 5 backs healed including mine (mine was the first healed), headaches gone, neck healed, hernia healed, cancer healed!  PTL!


The Lord is so amazing and awesome! I give God all the glory! I am so blessed to be a part of the end times – signs, wonders, and miracles to bring in the harvest!


I love and bless Debbie and you!

Jill Taylor Gordon in Texas


(Feel free to use this testimony to encourage others!)

Jill T. G in Texas

As I listen to this tears of joy ran down my face! You were smack on everything! You have truly encouraged my heart! It was much needed and perfect timing.  Blessings to you and your lovely wife and family.  Thank you so much ❤️

Love and blessings,



The word you have spoken of pastors to come to me has been happening few months after the word, which started sooner than expected.  Also, God has opened the door for us to do mission work in St. Croix in April/May where we four pastors eagerly and joyfully received the teaching message God gave through me.  I am speechless!


May I request the Lord to receive more of your anointing according to what He has for me?  Is that a proper request – I would like to request like Elisha did of Elijah – a double anointing!  Wow!  Only so I can minister to more who has a passion to go deeper in their relationship and intimacy with God.

Chuchi in California

Chuchi in California

We just wanted to tell you that God did a miracle and wiped those taxes due off our account ,   60k miracle. (You sent a decree concerning it)

Plus our son just turned 21 and he is youngest police officer in our town,  he just graduated from the academy. Halle is growing in the prophetic and ministering. Our twins are now 3. A restoration of Noah that only God could give.

Hope we can talk soon.



Dean and Renee in Tennessee

Dean & Renee

I want to thank you very much for my impartation of my Spiritual Gift Prophecy, which I was able to access.

I watched it once and will be watching again and writing down what you spoke.

I will be looking for the handkerchief and I look forward to praying and seeking the Lord with what you shared today with me.

I am ready to go to another level in my spiritual walk and I am sure what was spoken today will also help me in my writing of my book with Xulon Press.

I praise God for your continued  obedience through your ministry.

Thank you again.

Because of Jesus,

Janice Taylor

Janice T.

Hi Prophet Kent and PMT,


Thank you for the message from this Sunday. I am eager to hear next week’s message, too. Please sent a copy of the notes for the “Spiritual Word of Wisdom” lesson.


Also, thank you so much for the prophecy you sent. I’m so excited. When the handkerchief arrived in the mail I put it on my head (not that it was a requirement, just seemed good).  I receive all that you have ever prophecied regarding me. Yes, Lord have your way in me!


Also, the info about being number 7, three times in a row, Wow! (I need to look more into the spiritual meaning of numbers.) Excited!


I went to a church that I have been visiting (attending their supernatural school, too.). I hadn’t visited for a while so I was greeting people seeing how they have been. Well one of those people while I was hugging them excitedly expressed that I was so full of love.  I was like “Oh, ok.” But then another, after I hugged them, paused and then said I was different, that there was a little more love in me. Then still a third person said the same thing. It is encouraging given situations arise that try to convince me other wise.


Thank you again for all you do.


G3d bless you all,



Hello Prophet Kent and Beautiful Debbie =)  I just wanted to thank you ahead of time for the upcoming prophecy you will be sending just for me.  These words always mean so much to me.  I just don’t have the words to express what you both bring into my life through the giving of you time and love.  Blessings to you both and prayers for you and your work.  Thank you for allowing me to sow into your vision; bringing it into reality.


Much love,

Carolea from Washington State


P.S. I always seem to forget to add my name to my offerings to you.  LOL, perhaps its not necessary since the Lord knows my name already 😉  Have a fantastic week!!

Carolea from Washington State

Hi Kent,  just got my prophecy from you.  I was so excited I just wanted to get up and run around  the house about 100x.  I have experienced the way this gift of faith works at times throughout my walk with the Lord however I know it is going to be Faith on STEROIDS now:)  I super love this gift it’s endless in what it can do and I’m so ready.  This is just the best EVER!!!!!


By the way you have been prophesying really accurately and many things have come to pass.  I’ll share more when I see y’aal this Fall.  My stories about the Lord are endless and I’m not kidding.




Blessing to you and yours Kent. I can’t help it I just keep singing this song:)

Carrie Haag, in California

Carrie H. in California

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