Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise?
Matthew 21:16b
Spiritual muscles are not obtained just because we get older. I have found that solid mature spiritual giants can be in their teens. What does the Bible say?
Renewing our minds to line up with the thoughts of God cannot be taught. It can only be learned through experience. If you are not paying close attention and not well versed in scripture, you will miss the lesson to be learned. It seems that the more you learn from man’s teachings the further you drift from God. Watered down sermons and psychology based teaching are passive approaches to solve real life problems. Jesus knows what you have need of before you even ask. (ref. Matt. 6:8)
Knowing how to pray is very important. Most of the time we do not know what to pray. This I have learned. If we pray what the Father has to say our prayer will always be answered. Being that He knows what is best for us it would be wise to follow His lead.
Without knowing God’s ways and thoughts it is nearly impossible to understand why things do not workout. Without His grace our lives would be in a constant state of chaos. When grace isn’t working in our lives it is time to find God and His will.
These types of experiences are sometimes crash courses and strain our way of thinking…in the end you will have gained major spiritual muscle and have grown closer to perfection.
At this point, you can pray and He will direct your steps toward someone who can help. Once you have found your answer, you then need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal through the Holy Scriptures His word to confirm the answer. This process is what we call renewing our minds; finding the mind set of God the Father. These types of experiences are sometimes crash courses and strain our way of thinking. However, in the end you will have gained major spiritual muscle and have grown closer to perfection.