Mr. Simpson,
How are you? I pray all has been well. I would first like to say we have not forgotten about scheduling you to come to our church. My father just wanted to get the construction out of the way as to not having the place look like a construction zone before you come or anyone for that matter; which has taken a slight bit longer than expected.
As for myself I am doing ok. The reason I am writing is because I am really enjoying this newsletter lately on angels. It’s been a subject of interest for me for quite some time now. Let me explain. So I bought your SCHOOL OF PROPHETIC KNOWLEDGE back in 2009.
I was slothful about getting to it. In March 2010 my wife left which ended in divorce in June 2011. Anyhow during the time of separation I of course while searching the scriptures on marriage etc. I also started studying even more so as to keep my sanity lol during this season as I did not want to lose my family. I one day looked over and there was the School of prophetic knowledge in my face. I felt a since of urgency to watch them. I learned so much and am still learning. But when I received your teaching on “Prophetic Visions” something changed as you talked about angels work for us and through us. I think you prayed for impartation at the end if I remember correctly. But as you spoke on the subject I remember sitting in my living room and all of a sudden an angel appeared. I was overwhelmed. It was quite like you described the bright light etc. ever since that day.
I can see them especially when the atmosphere is highly saturated with the presence of God. I can see them enter in when the praise and worship service has entertained the heavenly. I have seen them on people whispering in their ears when preachers are under the anointing. I was in Kenya, Africa this last summer on missions as I have a younger sister who is a missionary there. My dad was on stage preaching a revival as the pastor was on stage with him interpreting, I saw and angel hovering around the two and it was waving what looked like a stick around as if he was conducting a symphony orchestra while they preached. I have also seen working the night shift, as I saw demonic presences I would pray and rebuke them and I would see angels literally coming and warring or what looked like fighting the demons off.
I kept it to myself as this is a subject not many talk about these days. I finally shared with my mother but it was through experience. One day I was praying with and for her as she was discouraged. While praying I saw an angel hovering over her head and the Holy Spirit told me to tell her to raise her hand. So she did and I asked her if she could feel two sensations one in her ear and on her hand and she replied yes. I then was prompted by the Holy Spirit to tell her that what she was feeling was her angel appointed to her and that God said the angel was always there. She started crying etc. she has told some immediate family etc. and I have as I have seen angels dealing with them.
What I want to know is how you in fact entertain their company on the regular. As well as the gift of prophecy on the regular as mines seem to come in as they please when I’m preaching etc. or if I’m in a highly anointed service. Also how do you explain to people or do u not unless the Holy Spirit prompts u? No one I know has experienced angels. So I have no one to talk to. Any how sorry it’s so lengthy. Please pray for me as I have been dealing with so much lately. And hopefully dad and I can schedule u soon at the church. God bless. Also if there are some good key scriptures about what I have talked about above that would be awesome.