It is hard to believe that the war in Afghanistan has lasted longer than any war in America’s history. Yet we all seem to have lost touch with the fact that many men and women are serving and losing their lives. We must continue to keep them in our prayers along the way.
During the Bush administration the media posted the number of lives lost almost daily, seemingly with the intent of slamming the administration. However, the daily reminder of the horror our men and women faced kept most of us praying for them.
I have to admit I too had become lax in my prayers and thoughts of these courageous people until this past August, 2010. Many of you may remember Wes Arnold, my late wife’s older brother. Well, he and two of his other brothers are now in Afghanistan as contracted support for our troops. Not only have Wes, Lee and Steven signed up to serve in the cause there, Wes’s older son, Sterling, and Lee’s older son, Levi, are also serving our country’s war effort.
It has been reported that even though they are on a base that is considered to be a safe zone, they have come under mortar and rocket attack. Many troops and civilian contractors have lost their lives within the green zone. Needless to say we now PRAY daily for all who are serving in this war.
…we now PRAY daily for all who are serving in this war.
One of the CD’s we are including in our Partners’ gift is a CD of Prophetic Praise songs that Wes, Lee, Steven and Lee’s wife recorded some years back. Some of you may already have the CD. We are asking that you will keep them all, including the families state side, in your prayers.
If you already have a copy of the album, would you pass it on to someone and ask them to pray too? It is very hard on the wives and children they leave behind, as you can imagine. Wes and the boys have been instrumental in, not just physically, but spiritually helping many there, as this has become their season of ministering to all who are in harm’s way.
(Video link goes here)