That Old Time Religion Part 2

That Old Time Religion Part 2

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Knowing the Things of God

What does God think? Did anyone ever think to ask Him? Yes, we can pray to a God who speaks back! For most, this is a revelation in itself. However, it is true, God Does Speak. Have you ever run across a verse of scripture but did not understand it? Here is some good news. Pray and expect to hear an answer from the author Himself.
He has given us a way to know all things. Yet, few consider checking in with Him before reacting.
What about current political issues? Most of us just pray the way we think it ought to be. Praying is for consulting God on this issue. The majority of us have been taught that we cannot know the things of God. However, this is not Truth! If we were to really know the truth about the current issues we face, we would turn red faced. God’s ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. Do you believe that God might think we are all a little silly? He has given us a way to know all things. Yet, few consider checking in with Him before reacting.
For example, what does God think about the current issue of abortion? Just, think about it. For right now, let me share with you what God told me about the issue on abortion.
In 1993, I had a number of people asking me to seek God about the abortion issue. I was shocked to find out what He thinks about abortion.
Now, I don’t like the idea (of abortion) at all. For Christians, it is taboo. In 1993, I had a number of people asking me to seek God about the abortion issue. I was shocked to find out what He thinks about abortion. His answer came rather quickly. You know how He answers you. When He gives you His answer, it may take a couple of days to sort it all out. It takes the Holy Spirit to interpret the word for us. So, after God spoke, the Holy Spirit began teaching me what I am about to share with you.
First of all, God does not like murder. Secondly, He does not want His children practicing abortion. Thirdly, He does not care for those who are not His children. The last thing the Holy Spirit explained to me was this, if the followers of this world continue to kill their children through abortion, it will not be long before the Body of Christ will be the majority. I asked the Holy Spirit to show me in the scriptures for confirmation. So, He took me to the book of Hebrews chapter 12:3-11.
There I read where God the Father chastens those whom He loves. However, those that are not His children He hates. Now God does desire that all come into the kingdom of heaven. However, He is not interested in what the world outside of salvation does.

Do you think that you can make God do what you want Him to just because you found a verse or promise in the Bible?

The Holy Spirit began to ask me questions about the issue. He asked me, “Do you think that God is unable to answer the prayers of all the Christians that have prayed for the end of abortion? Does not God answer prayer?” I replied, “Yes, He answers prayer when we pray in His will.” Then Holy Spirit asked, “Do you think that you can make God do what you want Him to just because you found a verse or promise in the Bible?” I really did not know what to say. I had been taught that we could claim any or all of the promises of the Bible for ourselves. Also, that if I find it was God’s will for a generation to prosper all would prosper. Then the Holy Spirit began to ask me more questions.
He asked, “Do you think that God looks at all of you as equal?” I responded, “Well yes, we are all equal in the eyes of God. At least that is what I have been taught.” “Doesn’t the Bible say that He (God) is no respecter of persons?” The Holy Spirit had brought back to me the words of Peter and corrected me in the interpretation of that verse. “Do you live like a King? Do you have the same powers as Elijah or Elisha? Has God used you to raise the Dead?” I answered honestly, “NO!” “Then you are not all equal.” The Holy Spirit also, said, “When you enter the kingdom of heaven you will all have a designated place to spend eternity. Not everyone will be in the same position. You are all training in this world for the position you will hold for eternity. Depending upon our obedience to the Lord in this life will determine where we will sit with Him forever.

What Does God Think? There are so many things we can know.


    “For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
    Mark 4:22-23

However, we must first have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. What is the Spirit saying about abortion today? What Does God Think about abortion? What does He want us to do about it?
If they (unbelievers) repent and accept Christ Jesus they are no longer of the world. Therefore, they are His. The church should stand in judgment of itself. Not being so busy judging the people of this world.

    Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”
    John 18:36


Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


Old Time Religion

Old Time Religion

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In the Days of the Prophetic

Many times, throughout history, we’ve had to gaze into the past to find out what is ahead of us. Most prophetic people spend most of their days looking ahead of themselves in search of what’s around the corner of Tomorrow. Yet there are times where even prophetic people need to investigate the past to find out what is coming.
In this month’s videos we will be looking at some old-line ministers. I say old-line ministers because they are people who have had to minister to long lines of people. As hundreds of people would line up to receive prayer for healing or receive a word from God they would find themselves inundated for hours on end ministering one after another. In this digital age we have discovered that the prophetic people find it more appropriate being able to minister whenever God calls them to not when they’re demand to.
In the olden days, when ministers were ministering, offerings were taken up and money was actually found in the offering plate. Even today it seems that we have it easier than they did in those days of old but we have a lot more villains to deal with than they did in their time. With Internet hackers and all kinds of problems with people stealing credit cards and attempting to try to receive something for nothing becomes the norm. I’m not complaining about the way things are today for it’s much easier if you know how to minister in the digital world. We no longer have lines of people standing right in front of us ready to be ministered to and we don’t have to go to great exuberance building a tent and bringing people in the way they did back in the old days; they did not even have air conditioning!
I feel very fortunate that I have a loyal group of people who support me in whatever our Lord leads me to during various seasons.
We are now journeying into a new area of ministry. Something from the past being introduced to things of the new. Those of you who don’t known about the old-time ministers, let me tell you- it is an eye opener for me. God has me going back into a spiritual time warp. This is what I’m talking about: God has me going to a Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist Church. The only reason I’m there is because they are hungry for God and want to experience Him in a greater way.
One of PMT’s ministers who lives here in Gainesville has been a part of this church for some time now. Many times, he has come to me talking about this young pastor that is at this Baptist Church. Our PMT graduate would come to me with stories about breaking out in tongues in the middle of the service. He said it was if he had fallen into a trance and couldn’t stop his tongue from wagging as the people were stunned and staring at him when he was done. To his chagrin he was surprised when one of the old timers came up to him and said; “Oh I pray that myself when I run out of words to say.” This was his first clue that these people were okay with the Spirit of God moving in them. Each time this minister prophesied or gave a word of knowledge their response dictated the fact that these people were spirit filled and did not know it; or at least they were wanting to be spirit filled.
This all made me so curious; I had to go check it out.
God kept pushing me to ask this minister if he would approach the pastor and see if he would allow me to come to the congregation. It did not take very long before the pastor came back replying that they were open for me to come and minister at their Baptist Church. So, the following Sunday morning we packed up the whole family and went and found ourselves sitting in a Baptist Church. It was like was if I was thrown back into the past, singing-along from the old hymnal songs, sitting quietly while listening to the sermon, then closing our Bibles and going home. I knew I was in for a real challenge telling these people about how to be baptized in the name of Jesus. You know they already think they are baptized in the name of Jesus. There were probably a few in there who really were but didn’t know it.
Starting the 19th of July, 2018, I’ll be ministering every Thursday night for the next 12 weeks at Grace Friendship Baptist Church. We have an ¼ page announcement running every week in the local newspaper, which you can see in a reduced size in the headline of this article.
I asked God what I am supposed to teach them, & as usual there was a long pause. Then I began to sense His unction, He began to lead me back to the old manual of The School of Prophetic Knowledge and then I knew what I was to teach them. So, this week we start with the first lesson on the School of Prophetic Knowledge with not only a group of Baptist people, good Baptist believing people, but also a lot of new people will show up. Hopefully this church will grow from this experience and maybe we’ll have something to start with that goes even farther, like Angels.
There is nothing more satisfying than to see a bunch of ‘Bapticostal people’ meaning Pentecostal Baptists come into the fullness of Christ Jesus.

Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


The Elementary Things of God 2b

The Elementary Things of God 2b

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Knowing His Voice

God is bring un-nerving calamity that will drive people back into His Church. When people see the wrath of God and his heavy hand coming down upon the nations, people will turn and run back to the House of God. The one thing that we want is new people added to His Kingdom.
We are only in this life for a short period of time. This is not heaven nor will it ever be. This short time we have is just a blink in eternity. We need to make the best of it now. We cannot look for the comfort levels. We need to look at ourselves and judge whether we are in His Will or not.
It is only by association that the anointing comes. If you do not hang around it, you will not get it.
In my own ministry, there is a need to teach to the same group of people over and over. The hit and miss approach of preaching on hearing God is not going to work. It is very difficult to teach people how to hear the voice of God; unless you have the time to walk them through a number of life experiences the connection will not be made. A certain measure of God’s anointing helps to open the heavens in order to hear His voice. One way of receiving it is through the association with others who are anointed to hear Him. If you do not hang around it, you will not get it. If it passes through, you may get a touch of it. It may rub off on you but you will need to receive a larger measure of His anointing in order to make a lasting connection.
Paul said; “pray without ceasing(1 Thessalonians 5:17). You may ask how do you do that? First of all, prayer is not a one-way source of communication. Prayer is a special way of communicating with our heavenly Father. So, to pray without ceasing would be more of an open line to His throne, isn’t that what you want? There are many voices that come into our hearing throughout each day. What Apostle Paul is saying is that you need to have your spiritual antenna up at all times and keep it locked in directly to His voice and only His voice.
Many times, we find God has moved in a new direction and are ability to find Him becomes challenging. It is then you need to start moving into His favorite game, “Hide-n-Seek”. This is when you find yourself in search mode going up and down the His spiritual hallway looking for the door you’re to go through. Keep knocking on each door until you hear Him, then reset your dial and adjust your antenna right their until He moves again.

    For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened(Matthew 7:8).

When you are in the ‘hallway’ you should not make major decisions. You must wait until you are in the room comfortable, secure and confident you are with Him. If you make changes in the midst of God’s wave of changes you will mess up. If we let God lead each and every one of us then He will help us find out who we are in Him; no matter how changing life maybe in the process. God has a plan and He getting you ready for what is about to take place.

    God said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice (1 Kings 19:11-13).

A lot of people are proclaiming that everything is great and good but when it all falls apart those people who rested on those words are going to be devastated. There are people who will prepare for what’s coming. It is important for us to stay out of debt and try to be as liquid, as possible.
To be a poor man is a bad thing; however, it is fare worse to without cash and deep in debt. You will be worse off than person who didn’t have anything. It is easier to find bread for today than have to find bread for today, yesterday and the day before. Paying for your past pleasures is not what I call fun and exciting.
For years we have heard that we need to stay out of debt. Yet, people wonder why. They thought everything was getting better. We have got to know what God wants us to do in all financial arenas in order to have foresight on what we need and don’t need. We need 20/20 foresight. The only way to get that is to be on the same channel as our Lord and work under His personal guidance.
When we know what God wants us to do and we do that then we will know we will be okay.
The anointing is coming and it will tell certain people what to buy and/or what to sell, when to sell and where to buy. God will begin to prosper those who hear Him. He will take us through a time that is very challenging; however, it can become very exciting, in a good way if you are hearing His loving voice, as He guides you through this world’s chaotic maze.
It can be a little like the game of ‘Dodge-Ball’. When you know what God wants you to do, then you know you’ll be all right. You will be able to dodge every fiery dart the enemy throws at you. God’s word will always test you to see if you will trust Him. Once you have perfected the act of knowing in your ‘knower’ that you have truly heard Him then all you have left to do is Pray, Hear and Obey and it will all be okay.

Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


The Elementary Things of God

The Elementary Things of God

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Fish Bait Prophecy

Have you ever wondered why your prophecy did not come to pass? Shouldn’t there be a stricter judgment enforced against those who prophesy in the name of Jesus and it not come to pass? Why is it sometimes you know without a doubt you heard God and you spoke His Word but it did not come to pass?

    Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, When the Lord has not commanded it?(Lamentations 3:37).

There is a lesson to learn here that everyone who prophesies should know. It happens rarely, but sometimes God will set you up to deliver His Word, yet He knows beforehand that it will not come to pass. We have a term for this. We call it a “fish bait prophecy”, because when it happens to you it really makes you stink. You can deliver His word and you know that you know in your knower that you have heard His voice clearly. He even gives you a name and time it is to come to pass; however, when the designated time has passed you have egg on your face and you want to find a hole and pull the earth over yourself. God does not care about your reputation or if you look good in the eyes of men. As long as He gets what He wants done then He will use whomever He wills to send His word.
Do you recall the story of Jonah and the whale? Most of us remember this story being told or read from various children’s books, for it is a fascinating biblical event. Jonah at first did not want to deliver God’s word, which was “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me(Jonah 1:2).
Because Jonah did not want to do as the Lord commanded, he boarded a ship departing from a nearby port. It wasn’t very long before God caused the seas to roll and the storm to toss the ship around until finally the crew threw Jonah overboard. Isn’t it just like God? When we are not in His will things just turn upside down, especially when you blatantly disobey His word. It was the same for Jonah when God sent a whale to swallow and deliver him to Nineveh and spew him out on the beach for all to see. When God wants you to do something for Him and you have committed to doing everything He commands of you, you will fulfill that promise one way or the other, either the hard way or the easy way.
You can image what Jonah looked like after spending three days and nights in the belly of the whale. We know the symbolism of this part of the story prophetically speaks of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, coming out of the tomb on the third day, which carries a very powerful message. However, we are headed in a different direction to stress another point found in this wonderful event. When Jonah finally decided to follow God’s commission, he was delivered and immediately started speaking what God had placed on his heart.

    Then Jonah cried out and said, ‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!‘” (Jonah 3:4).

However, when forty days had passed the great city was still standing and had not been overthrown. Jonah was very angry with God for making him deliver His word. God had changed His mind after the King had everyone repent and fast in ashes and sackcloth. Well, that was not the deal. Jonah obviously felt like God should do what He said regardless, so Jonah felt betrayed and went out of the city and found a place where he could feel sorry for himself.

    Then he wished death for himself, and said, ‘It is better for me to die than to live‘” (Jonah 4:8).

God came to Jonah and in His own way showed him that he should not be put out because He did not kill 120,000 people just so he could be right.
You see, serving God is not always rewarding in the way we may think. Sometimes being used of God means sacrificing our dignity. We either serve God or man, but we cannot serve both. If you get too haughty and God sees that you need to be humbled, He may make you a spectacle by serving you up as fish bait, which is not too palatable for many. In the end do all you can to remain humble, give all the glory to Him, and be willing to be used of God no matter what the cost, for that is the price of being a true servant of God.

    However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all Truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come
    (John 16:13).


Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


The Will of God

The Will of God

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Where is God for Me?

What do you do when you have problems that seem to keep you stuck in a revolving door -continually oscillating you through the same problems over and over again? Believe it or not there are answers to every problem! Neither I, nor anyone else at PMT, claims to have all the answers; however, we do know the One that does have all the answers to each and every problem.
There are times as a Christian when you will hear our Lord’s
voice or know His thoughts as He reveals Himself along the way as you journey through this life. However, it is a different kind of relationship to be able to find God for someone who is at their wits end and who looks to you for answers. They are expecting you to seek God and His righteousness on their behalf until you find the answers which bring resolve to their problems.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
The responsibility is heavy. Everything within you truly rests on your God given ability to know what He is revealing and what will work. Turning a crisis moment into a wonderful testimony is priceless. Just because you hear God’s voice regarding what to do is not enough. This is where all the years of training under the direction of the Holy Spirit are needed before one can be certified as a prophetic elder. Through all the times the Spirit of God has set you up, placing you in between the rock and a hard spot is where you learn how to know what He means when He speaks or reveals His answers to you. Most of the times the answer does not come all at once; it will come in stages. Ultimately, He will lead you into a direction that will eventually open the way for you to get out from under your troubles. It is like you are caught in a maze, blinding you by all the walls, creating obstacles of confusion that keep you from finding your breakthrough. One wrong turn could leave you staring at a dead end with nowhere to go.
Have you ever been at a place in your life where there was no room to make another bad choice? This is your last chance and you must know what is at the end of the path before taking another step. This is when you need to find someone who has already taken this journey and can tell you what is at the end of the road. In prophetic circles we refer to this valuable insight as a “Word of Wisdom“. (1 Corinthians 12:8)
After years of helping others find their answers you discover it’s all about finding God’s hiding places. No one’s problem is exactly the same as another’s. Therefore, each maze has a unique set of parameters and it will require a new approach- a divine map that has not yet been created. At times you feel you are playing a very serious game of hide and seek with God Almighty and the more you play it the more of His hiding places you can add to your list to check the next time you go seeking Him. This is how you learn to develop your ability to strengthen your prophetic gift that gives you the prophetic insight to see more accurately around the corner of tomorrow. With each answer and correct interpretation you gently navigate that person through the process of praying, hearing and obeying until you have victory delivering them from hopelessness into the light found at the end of the tunnel.
There is much being proclaimed by ‘name brand’ prophets today who are warning us that more troubles are ahead of us. Isn’t the trouble you are already that matters the most to you? Now is the year to ‘WORD-UP’ and not give up. If you find His Word you have found the answers to all your troubles.
Amen, so be it!
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
(John 15:7)

Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


Angels of Destruction

Angels of Destruction

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‘An Old Plow Preparing the Way’



After resigning from my position as bank president, I used all my savings and spent the next 2 years going wherever the Holy Spirit led me. I tried to enroll in various bible colleges, but the Holy Spirit quickly let me know that was not for me. I had been enrolled in His school of hard knocks. My spiritual education would come via tests, trials and tribulations. I was learning how to live this life following the Spirit and I could not see and found it very difficult at times. My first quest was in learning how to interpret His signs, visions and words. There were times it was almost impossible to understand Him or know what He was saying. Oh, I could hear Him but I still did not fully understand. Each time He revealed something to me I considered it a test, and each time I missed the mark I would have to go through all kinds of trials and tribulations until I understood where I went wrong. I continued to learn his ways, and eventually I begin to understand His thoughts and His way of thinking. I can see how easy it would be to stop following the Holy Spirit because it is not always an easy task.
I recall one day I came home from a Full Gospel Business Men’s meeting and I turned on the TV. Immediate, a commercial came on that I had never seen before. It was an advertisement from the psychic network, telling people to call the 1-900-psychic hot-line to receive a reading. All of a sudden, Holy Spirit said to me, “I want you to do that.” I did not understand what He wanted me to do for sure. I knew He wasn’t telling me to become a psychic, for my calling was to become a prophet and it was confirmed many times through various signs and the Holy Scriptures. This task was a new test and it was a big one. The Holy Spirit had me in a place that I did not quite understand. It wasn’t until I was halfway through the process that I began to grasp an understanding of what He wanted me to do. This bold direction the Holy Spirit gave me took three years before it came to pass. I was to come against the psychics, for His words were, “How long must I endure the silence of my prophets?” What the Holy Spirit meant by this was the prophets were not making themselves available for the Holy Spirit to speak through to those outside of the body of believers. Therefore, the lost people and Christians alike were seeking psychics for answers about things that He wanted to address through His prophets.
When I called the phone company to check on how much a 900 number would cost I was shocked to find out that just the deposit was $15,000. There were also a series of questions that I would have to answer and then they would decide if I was creditworthy enough to set up a 900 number. On top of the deposit, there were additional charges that would eat into whatever offerings we would receive making it difficult to pay all the expenses. The conviction of the Holy Spirit continued to get stronger as the time grew shorter. There were times I could not rest because the Holy Spirit was pushing me to press harder to devise a way to make myself and other prophets available for the people to contact and receive a word from God.
Finally, in 1995 I got a 900 number. The number doesn’t work today, but in that day the number was 1-900-Prophet. I was on television during those years, and I stood toe-to-toe against the psychics. I later discovered the Mecca for the psychics could be found on the island of Maui, a part of the Hawaiian Islands. From Honolulu, I did all my recording for the television program encouraging people to call the 900-PROPHET phone number to receive a word from God instead of a psychic. During each program, I covered a number of Scriptures dealing with those who have sought these various types of omen readers, sorcerers, stargazers, card readers and astrologist. We spoke of the curses that would come to whosoever called upon a psychic.

    There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritus, or one who calls upon the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God
    Deuteronomy 18:10-13 (NKJV).

Being I was only one island away from the Mecca of the psychic network many of them came looking for me. Some of them even appeared at churches where I was preaching. They would sometimes confront me after the services, asking me to soften up and not to be so harsh toward what they were doing. I recall one night after preaching on the island of Maui three psychics, two women and a man, approached me and asked me if I would not be so harsh in my preaching against what they do for a living. They said they were doing good things for the people. My reply to them was if you don’t even know what spirit you are hearing from then you’re not doing people any good. They replied that they didn’t have to know where the spirit comes from or how the spirit works, just as long as it was used for good. They continued on using an analogy that they all have a refrigerator, that they do not know how it works but they use it anyway.
Using the same analogy, I replied, “You’re more than a user, you, are the instrument being used by something you know nothing about. You’re being used by a spirit that you should know everything about, because you are more than just a user. If you’re refrigerator repairman you will know everything about that refrigerator inside and out, and you would be a fool to tell people you can help them if you do not know how it works.” They graciously walked away knowing they had not changed my mind and that I would continue to preach the same message until I had fulfilled all God had called me to do.
During those years it was public knowledge that our own government was paying the psychic network $20 million a year for the CIA and other government entities to use when needed. The vast majority of Christians didn’t even think there was anything wrong with this arrangement. However, because of this agreement with our government and the psychics placed a curse on the entire nation.

    For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for you
    Deuteronomy 18:14 (NKJV)

Within the second year of our battle with the psychics, the government ceased to honor its contract with the psychics. I found this to be very interesting: most all of the psychics were very cordial, very polite and did not do anything to harm me or the ministry. However, I cannot say the same for most pastors and church leaders and a few name brand preachers. Because of what I was doing, a large number of preachers and pastors began working toward destroying me and the ministry. They were vicious and did everything they could to get us off Christian television and have Charisma magazine drop our advertisement. They even went as far as to call all the churches where I was schedule to preach and tried to block me from preaching.
Now, you would think the church at large would be behind us and help us in this cause. It was not the case at all! The funny thing is they were most upset about the 900 number. They said that I sounded too much like a psychic because we used a 900 number and that we are offering the callers a Word from God.
Anytime you do what God wants you to do, mark my words, there will always be resistance from the very people you thought would support you. All I was doing was what Holy Spirit wanted. I gave people the choice to seek God’s prophets instead, but much of the church was against it and fought hard to shut our ministry down.
Still today I find myself breaking hard ground, dealing with issues that should be simple to understand, yet because of old traditions and religiosity we still have to spend so much of our time battling our own brothers and sisters to do God’s work at the same time we all cry out for unity, ‘go figure’.
This one thing I’ve learned about being a plow, the ground must be fertile before the seed of the prophetic word can be planted and take root. When I look into my rear view mirror I see that a lot of hard ground has been ripped wide open and when I peer around the corner of tomorrow I see many others who have come behind me, sowing His Prophetic Word into the souls of those who need to know who they are in Christ Jesus. Then, when I look even further, I see Ministers of the Harvest coming behind those who have sown the word of God. They will be harvesting from a field that has been proven to be good plowed ground to sow into.

Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


Angels Judging Humans

Angels Judging Humans

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Jesus & His Angels


Jesus, by His Spirit

Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but also our mentor and teacher through His Holy Spirit. He is our King and our example. Even so, when Jesus came to earth, it took Him three and a half years to show His disciples how to walk in the supernatural with evidence through signs and wonders. While here, He was able to receive the encounter of miraculous interventions. Jesus did many healings and many miracles, in many different ways.
Sometimes Jesus would spit in the dirt, make mud and place it on a blind man’s eyes. Other times He would put His tongue upon them. It is written that He would even spit directly on the blind eyes. You do not see these same types of ministries today because it is not socially acceptable.
How did He know what to do in order for miracles to manifest? Jesus has shown us how. First, He prayed to the Father and whatever the Father told Him to do, Jesus did it. And it always worked, 100% of the time.

You are Gifted Whether you are Aware of It or Not

Today we want to see 100% accuracy in the gifts of the Holy Spirit moving in the body of Christ. The world needs to see the evidence that Jesus is alive and working through His body, the Church. We are each members of the body of Christ, and each of us has a function and purpose. We all have a gifting whether we are aware of it or not. The gift is there, even though it may lay dormant for a long time.
We need to be aware of how Jesus moved and walked. The things Jesus did were done according to the Will of the Father. He said, “I do nothing of my own authority. I speak what I hear the Father say.” This is the true Christian way. His works while on earth were demonstrations of what we are to do. We may even perform greater works than He, according to John 14:12. Many times Jesus would pray to find out what the Father had to say, and when Jesus prayed there were angels ascending and descending upon Him giving Him instructions from Heaven above. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” That means we need to find out first from Heaven what needs to be done. When we find out what it is that we are to do, nothing can stop us because the authority of His Word is working through us.

Angels of Our Lord

When Jesus was born in a manger, there was an army raised up to find him. Every child two years old or under was to be slaughtered because King Herod heard that a king was born and Herod feared losing his position.
An angel appeared unto Joseph and Mary and warned them to leave the city, for King Herod sought the life of their newborn Son. They left the city and stayed away for a number of years. Then an angel appeared to them again and let them know that it was safe to return, for King Herod was dead. This was just the beginning of many encounters with angelic hosts in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
When Jesus stood before those who were to judge Him, Pontius Pilot said to him, “Do you not know that I hold your life in my hands? I can give you life or I can take it.” Jesus replied that Pilot did not know what he was talking about. He had 12,000 angels at His disposal. Upon His word, the angels could have destroyed everything.
When Jesus walked into a city, people came from everywhere to seek Him. Jesus did not have to advertise His presence. People just showed up in the middle of nowhere because the angels of the Lord gathered them. Many times Jesus could not find a place to be alone so that He could seek the Will of the Father. These encounters are important to us because they are examples of how our lives should be. We are not to worship or pray to angels, but they are there as ministering spirits for us.

Angels, His Ministering Spirits

Ministering spirits are angels sent to minister, not to us, but for us. When you came into the Kingdom of God, an angel was appointed unto you. When you gave your life to Jesus Christ, it is recorded in the Gospels that an angel went before the face of God and reported your name to Him so that it could be written into the Lamb’s Book of Life. These ministering spirits are waiting for you to yield unto the Will of Jesus Christ, that He may dispatch them on your behalf to minister for you. To each and every one of us there is at least one angel appointed as a guardian to watch over us. But there are more angels that are to be dispatched by the Word of God. Jesus had 12,000 angels at His disposal and they ministered for Him. And He says, “Greater Works you will do” in John 14:12.
If you have more than one angel, you may find something is working in your life that you truly could not have done on your own. You do not have the intellect to comprehend what God will do through you as He appoints an angel to minister for you. There are testimonials of people who knew they were supposed to die years ago. Their lives were spared for a purpose, by angels who were watching over them until their appointed time to be with the Lord.
How do we obtain these angels? How do we receive the appointment of these angels? If we do not pray to them or worship them, how do we get their assistance as promised to us in Hebrews 1:14 NKJV – “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
It all begins with the impartation of a spiritual gift of the Holy Spirit. When you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there was a gift appointed unto you. That gift is still there with you. If you look back and recall when you received the baptism of Jesus, not only of the water but the Spirit, according to Act 17, then you will see that there was a spiritual gift given unto you. Maybe shortly after you received the Holy Spirit you prayed for somebody and they were healed. Maybe you had a dream and it came to pass. Maybe you had a vision or a word burning in you for somebody and you could find no relief until you were able to deliver that word. Take a moment and think back. What area of spiritual encounter did your ministering spirit perform through you?
Angels are appointed by the Holy Spirit to minister in accordance with the spiritual gifts that have been imparted into you. For, you see, the angels are the ones who are doing the ministering for you. It is not your own willfulness or power that overcomes the natural so that you can walk in the supernatural. No! It is the angel of the Lord who was sent to do the work for you.

Your Appointed Angel Seeks to do His Word

When Peter was in prison, the congregation was praying for his safe return. An angel went to the prison and kicked Peter to wake him up. Peter asked who kicked him but the angel told him to get his things and then lead him out of prison. Peter came to the house where they were praying for him and knocked on the door. A girl peeped out and saw Peter but did not let him in; instead she went to tell the others. But they replied that it could not be Peter at the door but it must be his angel. Why would they say such a thing?
It should be an effortless deed to walk in the supernatural. An angel is going about seeing to it that the word of God is fulfilled in your life. There are so many references in the Bible about angels. If you were to look up all of the encounters, you would surely be blessed to know that angels are still here ministering for us. An encounter with an angel will set you free. When will your next encounter be?

Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


Angels Speaking Divides a Nation

Angels Speaking Divides a Nation

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You Shall Know All Things


The things you have need of cannot always be successfully obtained by human knowledge. That is why God has given us the window of prayer to find answers on how to obtain the things we need. If you have need of anything, you can find out how to get it through the Spirit. When you pray, God will be faithful to send His ministering spirit to bring the revelation of how to obtain your needs.

    But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.Matthew 6:33

One of the recorded events regarding angels interacting with man is that of Jacob’s ladder. This recorded event is biblical proof that angels do co-exist between heaven and earth.
The Angels of the Lord are continually ascending and descending between heaven and earth, delivering messages from and delivering prayers to the throne of God. In a dream, Jacob saw angels traveling up and down a ladder that extended from God’s throne. The angels were making way for the word of God to be delivered to Jacob while he slept. The promise of the Lord was given to Jacob during this dream and Jacob knew when he awoke that God had revealed Himself during this dream. The Lord gave him spiritual eyes to see how Jesus knew and operated in these supernatural gifts by giving him the gift of discerning of spirits (angels).
The New Testament gives confirmation that a similar occurrence took place during the days Jesus, referred to as the the Son of Man, who ministered on earth in the flesh. While Jesus was ministering in the word of knowledge, he gave the gift of discernment to Nathaniel. Now Philip, from Bethsaida, found Nathaniel and told him about Jesus who claimed to be the Messiah. Nathaniel did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah that was prophesied about in the Old Testament. When Jesus saw Nathaniel, He spoke a word of knowledge to Nathaniel telling him He had seen him sitting under a fig tree. Nathaniel knew there was no way that Jesus could have seen him sitting under the fig tree. Because Jesus said He saw Nathaniel sitting under the fig tree he believed that Jesus was the Son of God. The Lord gave him spiritual eyes the angels coming to Jesus and that must have been how He knew and operated in these supernatural gifts.
Jesus answered and said to him (Nathaniel),

    Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.John 1:51

In 1995, I was asked to go on television by a friend who worked at LeSea Broadcasting. This pastor and his wife became friends after our visit. They had traveled from Hawaii to Fort Worth, Texas to meet with me to receive a word from the Lord. While we ate dinner in a crowded restaurant, he and his wife began to tell me about all of their problems. They were destitute; they had lost everything and did not know where to go or what to do. I had brought a small tape recorder and a blank tape to record their prophecy.
It was not long before I received the message the Lord had for this pastor and his wife. The spirit told me to tell them to go back to Hawaii; there would be someone there to meet them who would give them a place to live. He was also to go on Christian television and begin to pray for people live over the program. He and his wife flew back to Hawaii shortly after our visit. Just as God had said, they were met at the airport by a friend and he gave them a place to live-rent free. The second part of the prophecy was fulfilled within weeks of their returning home.
This man had no money; however, he was still able to start a TV program, to be aired weekly. Within the first few months he was unable to pay the expenses for his program and went off the air. Stressed out, he sent in his last $50.00 for a prophecy tape and waited for his word. The word he received started out with; “This very day things will change.”
The day he received his tape, he also received a phone call from the television station. The station asked if he would start up his program again, but this time as a paid employee of the station so that his television program would not cost him anything. What a blessing it was for this family in Hawaii! By the way, the name of the program is “Prayer Line Hawaii” and we do have a few of these programs on video where I appeared on his show and prophesied to callers live over the air.
I have shared this story in order to set the stage on how the Holy Spirit can take you on an awesome spiritual journey.

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Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


The Touch of an Angel

Angels Appointed by God

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Impartation of Spiritual Gifts


    Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership.~ 1 Timothy 4:14 (NKJV)

In the spring of 1989, I was traveling with two seasoned Apostles and a pastor who was thinking about starting a traveling ministry. We were going from one church to another in the western part of Texas. Being that I was the newest of the group, I was allowed to hold an early morning Bible study, which was not always well-attended being it was early and no one knew anything about me. I was still trying to find out who I was myself and seeking God for answers about what kind of ministry He had for me.
We had been on the road for a few days when we met up with Dr. Bill Hammond’s group of ministers. Ironically, it was in the same town in West Texas where I was born. As we started the regularly scheduled services, I brought the early morning message then the traveling pastor delivered his. The hosting Pastor of the church decided that we would all meet up for lunch. I was honored to break bread with these men and hear them discuss our plans for the afternoon and evening services. It was decided that Prophet Gary Brooks would be holding the evening service and one of the Apostles would minister the word in the afternoon.
That night Prophet Brooks delivered a wonderful message on imparting spiritual gifts through prophecy and the laying on of hands according to 1 Timothy 4:14. I was moved by the Holy Spirit to ask Prophet Brooks if he would lay hands on me and prophesy and see what gift the Holy Spirit had for me. Prophet Brooks replied that he could not do this unless the Holy Spirit instructed him to do so. I told him I understood and we went our separate ways.
The next day we began the same schedule as the day before. When the evening service came around Prophet Brooks brought another strong, anointed message; however, right in the middle of his message he stopped and paused for a moment. Then he called me up to the front of the people and explained what he was about to do. He laid hands on me and began to prophesy, speaking of the gift of prophecy and other positions I would hold in the Kingdom of God. Well, I did not fall out under the power of the Holy Spirit; in fact, I felt absolutely nothing. When I returned back to the home where I was staying I began questioning God if this impartation thing was even real.
The next morning, I woke up and began my morning prayer; suddenly, I began to hear this voice telling me what to expect for the day and what I was to preach on. I abruptly interrupted and said, “I don’t know who you are, but I will test you according to 1 John 4:1 and 2 and see if you are of God.” I was a little shaken as I got ready and started toward the meeting where I was to join the other ministers to discuss the plans for the next service.
As the meeting progressed we decided we would hold a joint service in Midland, Texas, the homestead of President George W. Bush. It was well-attended, and Prophet Gary Brooks was ministering that night. When the teaching portion of the service was over, Prophet Brooks announced that anyone wanting to receive a Word from God should come forward. Well over 400 people gathered around the Alter, not counting the children. We knew this was going to be an all-night service.
Prophet Brooks began to prophesy over each person, so I retreated to the back of the sanctuary. As I leaned against the door frame of the main entry, a Man with his son of about 9 years in age stood next to me. The little boy who was standing in front of his Dad turned around and asked, “Daddy can I get a Word from God?” It was rather sad because the Dad knew that they would be waiting for hours before his son could receive his prophecy.
All of sudden the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Are you going to allow Me to use you as a vessel that I may speak through?” I answered the Holy Spirit saying, “If you want to use me have the Father and little boy look at me.” No more than having that thought, they both turned and stared at me. So, I asked, “Does your boy want a Word from God?”
The man knew that I was traveling with the group so he took me up on the offer. We found a room that was not occupied and I began to pray. Suddenly, that voice I had heard during my morning prayer began speaking a long dissertation of God’s plans for the young boy. The youngster was my chance to put this voice to the test, so I began to say whatever I was hearing and experiencing. When I finished, the boy took off in search for a pen and paper to record the word.
Then the boy’s Dad walked over to a large set of double doors, and as he opened them you could see the Alter and all of the people waiting for their chance to receive their prophecy. I was shocked when he began telling the overflow of people, “Come in here this man can give you a Word from God.” With my eyes bulging in fear, I watched a flood of people start toward me, quickly forming a line. I had no idea that this man was the Associate Pastor.
I shared whatever I heard from this newfound voice which was coming to me so fast I had no time to really think. Some people would cry, others would chuckle, and a few just seemed stunned.
Of course, I had no idea if anything I was saying was correct nor did I understand what the word was meaning to each person. I began to stop after I ministered to each person and ask them what the word meant to them. As each one explained, my faith began to rise and I felt much more confident in what I was doing.
I realized that I could trust this voice, but I wanted to know why it was so different. Many times, I had heard the voice of God, but never had I heard him this way. Until that day, He had never spoken long, maybe a couple of sentences but no more. This voice was coming in like a machine gun. Later the Holy Spirit taught me the difference. What I learned was that when I received the gift of prophecy an angel had been appointed unto me to minister for me, telling me whatever God wanted me to know about each person I spoke to.

Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet


Angels by Design

Angels by Design

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Prince of Peace


Stay in Peace at all cost! You cannot afford to let the distractions of others and the ways of the World rattle your emotions; it will deafen your spiritual ears.
Take it slow: God does nothing in a hurried fashion. The revelation will come showing you what to do and when it finally does come the first thing you should do is NOTHING! Wait until you know the exact timing of when He wants you to start the process.
Most of the time we see what He wants to do then we run out ahead of Him and mess everything up. Then we are caught standing around looking stupid blaming God; telling Him “It didn’t work,” thinking He lied or just set you up for cruel prank.”
Too many times early on in my walk with God I would hear Him and immediately run out to make it happen only to find Him jerking the rug out from under me, crashing with embarrassment. Then He would drag me back to His side with splinters in my backside. I finally learned; I have to slow down and begin to learn His ways and observe His thoughts.
We live in a society that is running at a digital pace as the clock continues to scream at us; “You’re late, you’re late!” No wonder we have such a hard time being renewed to the mind of God, we have no time. I have learned that I cannot afford to be totally dictated to by the clock and calendar. Weigh the cost of trusting this digital society; can you afford it? Consider stepping off the high-speed bandwidth and trust Jesus Christ for your leading and guidance. Remember, this life is not what it’s all about; it’s the life to come we are preparing for.

    For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 NKJV)


Written by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet