Did you know the word “heart” is mentioned in the Bible over 800 times? Have you ever stopped to think how this word is used when it is clearly not referring to the physical heart? Almost every time “heart” is used, the author is not referring to the muscle that beats in our chest and pumps blood throughout the body. The word is being used as a means of communicating to us something more spiritual than physical. Even today, thousands of years later, we speak of the heart often, but it’s not always in the context of the life-giving organ. For example, before a woman makes her mind up to stand at the altar and say her “I do’s”, she wants to know what is in the man’s heart. She wants to know what is behind his exterior, what his true feelings are about her, his strengths, weaknesses, temperament, loyalty and the list goes on. It is safe to say the word “heart” can be defined as more than a physical organ; it is something much deeper.

Some years ago a close friend of mine, who is a minister, made a statement that set me on course to seek out the author’s meaning when using the word “heart” while speaking of being born again. My friend was grumbling about what he heard people saying in regard to being born again; he didn’t like that they would claim they gave their heart to Jesus.
“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:8-10).
My quest was to seek and find out from the Holy Spirit, the author of the Holy Scriptures, what the word “heart” meant when used in this context. Little did I know that the answer would open a window to my soul that continues to this day to reveal many other secrets that have been sealed within the Bible. The more you see how the Bible flows from Genesis to Revelation, the more you will begin to build a systematic theology that works.

There have been lots of spirited sermons preached or printed that move people to believe what was being said. I have discovered that if you test what is being proclaimed from the pulpit by actually living or doing what is said you will find truth or a half-truth. It is very easy to swallow a half-truth, but not so easy when it’s a bald face lie. Unfortunately, many “WOW” messages just do not pan out when put to the test. Now, we know the Bible is true and God is no liar, so where is the problem? You are correct if you said that it is the messenger’s error in misinterpreting the Holy Scriptures.
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21).
When you see the word “heart” in your Bible you need to fully understand what the author, the Holy Spirit, is revealing to you. The explanation the Holy Spirit gave me regarding the word “heart” is this: when used in this context, it signifies the soul and spirit have come into agreement, unifying a spiritual force that has come from heaven to earth. Our soul is our mind, will and emotion, our personality, if you will. The spirit is the life force that we draw from when we are in need of revelation or help that is hidden within us. When the word “heart” is used in the verse mentioned above it is revealing that the man was given a new heart or a new spirit and also a new way of thinking. In this verse, Jesus is saying this person’s soul and spirit are united as one when his spirit is quickened by the Holy Spirit, and the renewing process begins. This tells us more has changed than just the man’s personality or his words. However, renewing the mind (soul) takes time; therefore, each of us must continue to study, to show ourselves approved, so that we may continue to be more like Jesus our Lord and Savior. It is our newborn spirit which we draw from that makes our minds (souls) as students of the Holy Spirit, for He is our teacher and will reveal all that we need to know.
“But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him” (1 John 2:27).
When we want to know the deeper things about a person, we must have the ability to see into their soul and spirit, (i.e. their heart). When counseling prophetically or giving a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit, we are, in effect, making contact with their heart (soul and spirit).
Many times, the late Prophet William M. Branham (1909-1965) would pray, commanding everyone’s spirit to submit unto him before he began ministering to the people. He would say, “I now take control over every spirit that is within the hearing of my voice.” When I first heard him say this I was shocked. However, later, the Holy Spirit taught me what he meant and his purpose for making this astonishing statement.
The Soul: It is from the soul we gain recorded information that activates the word of knowledge, a gift from the Holy Spirit that reveals what has happened or is presently happening in the lives of those to whom we are prophetically speaking. One of the main purposes for this is to make them aware that God knows who they are and what is going on within their lives. This makes it much easier for people to believe when they receive their prophetic word. Knowing what the minister said about their past through the word of knowledge was correct, they should believe the things prophesied regarding their future are correct as well and will come to pass.

The Spirit: When you are ministering in the gift of prophecy, you will find yourself making a connection with that person’s spirit. It may help if you can envision this: Let’s say your spirit is talking with the person’s spirit to whom you are ministering, and you are receiving information about that person’s future. Once you have the revelatory information about the person you must begin to put into words what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you in a way that might make some sense to him or her. This is where training in the prophetic really helps. We are not training ministers so much on how to hear the Holy Spirit but rather teaching them how to know His ways and His thoughts.
“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come” (John16:13).
When you are ministering in the prophetic gifts, you do not always know whether it is the word of knowledge you are receiving, something that has already happened in the person’s life, or if you are giving a word of prophecy, a message about what is to come. The person receiving the prophetic word can easily think that the minister is missing the mark when a word of prophecy is spoken, because it has not happened or does not fit what they are presently doing in life. It takes time to truly know if a prophecy is a true word from God. Some prophesies do not come to pass because the word is conditional, meaning the receiver of the prophecy was required to do something before the promise in the word will come to pass. A word of knowledge, however, can be judged on the spot. There is evidence that is easily found just by asking the person to whom the word was imparted if the things spoken have happened in his or her life. Sometimes it takes more courage to speak a word of knowledge than a word of prophecy, for the proof of your accuracy is weighed quickly, whereas prophecy takes time to establish a solid track record.
Therefore, when you’re seeking the Holy Spirit for spiritual gifts ask for all the prophetic gifts, so that when you are called upon to deliver a prophetic word you can look into the whole heart of the person, soul and spirit.
“The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart” (Proverbs 20:27).
Revelation of the Church by, Kent Simpson
You can now catch previous stories in our
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
aka,”The Mail Order Prophet”
Comments and Testimonies
RE: e-Newsletter “When You Think Your Have Heard God”
Your word today it is so timely for me I firmly believed in what God has aspired you to share When we get the prophesy we must act and know that the Lord who said it will bring it to pas but we stay in doubt or unbelieve
I come into agreement with those sharing and said I too and my family shall walk into our divine destiny that Jesus has ordained for us and we shall have favour from heaven and declare the windows of heaven is open and the blessings are falling on us
I am truly blessed and continue to experience the Power and the Greatness of God
God bless You always,
Good morning Kent,
RE: e-Newsletter “Called, Commissioned and Equipped”
Thank you! This is so nicely done-never expected this at all.
You explained the importance of being called, commissioned and equipped so well!
People do need to see how the Lord wants to take the burden from us, and give us His Rest. His desire is that many more be CALLED, COMMISSIONED AND EQUIPPED to do His will. The body of Christ has been floundering for a very long time. We have known that the Lord wants to use our lives (and gifts) for His glory, but we haven’t known where to go for direction, or how to ‘get-there-from-here’, and that’s what PMT Ministry is about. The SCHOOL OF PROPHETIC KNOWLEDGE gave me a very STRONG Biblical foundation, and now I can see where I fit. PMT Ministry takes the ‘guess work’ out of our service for the Lord, while putting confidence in. And that is a good thing!
I am definitely enjoying my Christian walk more, with less stress than ever before, and having fun using the gift of writing that He has given me. We need to have fun obeying the Lord! (And we can, when we know what we are called, commissioned and equipped to do). I think we’ve missed that part of the equation. It has become an obligation to work for God, but that is not what He intended. This is fun! I am not drained by this! I gain energy when I write. I ask the Lord to get my writing where it needs to go–for His glory.
Now I pray that others will find out what their ‘ministry’ is, so they can ‘rest and have fun’ too. We’ve complicated life far more than necessary!
May God bless you and continue to give you wisdom and revelation for those that desire to be used of God, but aren’t sure about what they have to offer Him.
Judith Oldridge
Dear prophet Kent
Thank you so much the message, l have learnd a lot from it. I intend to retread it to receive more understanding. Thank The Lord for such a gift to the body of Christ! Thank you! God bless you!
Sent from my iPad
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Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
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Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
- Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
- Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
- Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
- Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
- Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
- Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
- Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
- Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
- Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
- Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
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For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
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request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
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PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
- Prophetic Counseling
- Learning How to Know God’s Will
- Making Business Decisions
- Working Out Family Problems
- DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
- 2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
- Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
- Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
- Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
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I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Receiving Your Personal Prophecy
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
I Samuel 9:6
Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
II Corinthians 9:6,7
You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
- Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
- Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
- Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.