Over the years Governments, as well as Christian leaders, have changed the original text of the Bible in order to forge the people into a society that is more politically correct with the times. In order to understand what is about to happen with our Bible today. You need to see how over the years many have been motivated to relinquish their beliefs in order to become part of the world’s system.
Every few weeks you will be receiving a newsletter from PMT enlightening you to what has happened in the past with our Bible. While you are learning about the history of our Bible and the Churches beliefs pay close attention to how they began to change.
Also, listen closely for the change in the messages you hear today coming from various pulpits. The change will be slow but if you are looking for it, it will be easy to see.
Below is the beginning of various teaching from our staff member and partner, Jennifer Ryan who host a Facebook page where you can keep up with the latest postings. You can go to her Facebook page by clicking the title: Revelation Through History
Before the time of Jesus and the Romans, Greece dominated the known world thanks to Alexander the Great. Alexander was a great military leader, and his strategy was for Greece to dominate the world by conforming it to Greek thinking. He knew that he couldn’t just conquer using the sword – he also had to conquer their language. Because if you can change a people’s language, you’ll change their view of life. In the first century, Jesus came and changed everything the Jews knew about their God. He re-wrote the covenant through His death, giving His people new terms and publicly confirming it through tongues of fire. Holy Spirit sent them out with His strategy to dominate the world during a time of spiritual and natural chaos.
Over 2,000 years have passed since the initiation of our new covenant with God. Many copies of our scriptures have been made, sometimes with impure motives guiding the writers, while sometimes misunderstandings of ancient cultures caused small changes that were probably harmless. Along the way, histories of wars and supernaturalsigns were forgotten and doctrines were formed out of fear or anger. The language was changing whether we meant it to or not.
Psalm 78:5-6 tells us that God “established a testimony in Jacob… which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children. That the generation to come might know them.” The story of Jesus as The Sacrificial Lamb has been passed down to us intact because God will not allow the price He and His Son paid for us to go unnoticed. But the story of Jesus as the Righteous Judge and Destroyer of His Enemies has been put on a shelf, so to speak. Man didn’t understand all that God did because we assumed the new reign would look a certain way. We made excuses for God because we didn’t see prophecies fulfilled according to our interpretation. We were too blind to see the fulfillments, and in our blindness we created a future God never intended for His people.
In doing that, we have robbed Jesus of His glory! And for a long time now God has overlooked it, but that time is coming to a close. God desires all the honor that Jesus deserves to be given back to Him. The story of the fullness of His power needs to be told and memorized and proven in order to be passed down to our children and future generations. All the prophecies about Jesus coming in His Judgment have been fulfilled in His generation – just like He said they would. It is there for us to see, if we would just invest our time in learning that truth! The language of what Jesus did never changed – we just interpreted it wrong.
Jesus Christ is more than just the price paid for our sins and our way to Heaven. He has defeated our enemies more than we realize, and our not knowing the fullness of it has kept us from moving forward. My mission is to be one who turns the light on for people to realize Jesus did way more than we think He did. I hope to see my generation give back to Jesus what other generations through the centuries have unintentionally OR intentionally robbed Him of.
There is a showdown coming, and we think we know how it will look. Only when we know ALL that Jesus has done for us will we be able to be part of how God is going to shake this world up.
Works of Jennifer Ryan, PMT Staff & Partner
Decree and Declare from the Lord’s Prayer
QUESTION: Why is it God doesn’t punish my brother or sister like He has chastened me? They seem to dodge God ‘s wrath after they have done wrongful things according to His commandments.
ANSWER: The closer you walk with God will determine the faster you will be chastened when stepping out of His will. Know that it is a good thing when you are chasten by our Lord.
“Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later.”(1 Timothy 5:24 NKJV)
“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” (Hebrews 12: 5-6 NKJV)
I have received my parcel (Apostolic Decree on CD). Wooh, that’s HUGE. Never heard such personal detail before. The Lord is good ALL the time.
May the Lord keep you and continually use you to unlock the body of believers.
Bro Joel, from Indiana
Pastor Kent,
RE: God’s Revelation Knowledge vs. Human Reasoning
I receive this very good word from the Lord. For some years, there was a strong desire from my husband and I to get out of debt even our mortgage debt. We worked hard to restructure our budget and with God’s leading and direction, we finally was out of debt towards the end of last year. What a huge relief and peace that was! I have a knowing that God will take care of His very own, His remnant. Thank you so much for being our covering in our ministry. Blessings to you and Debbie richly is our prayer.
Chuchi, (PMT Minister in California)
Dear Kent
(RE: After Receiving My Apostolic Decree)
I swear to you an Angel just placed itself somehow between me and another car our cars physically touched and I had an accident but there was absolutely no damage on either one.
We shall know all things by the Spirit. The things you have need of cannot always be successfully obtained by using the knowledge of mere men. That is why God has given us the window of prayer to find answers on how to obtain the things we need that exceed the limits of man’s ability. If you have need of anything, you can find out how to obtain it through the Spirit of God who lives within you. When you pray, God will be faithful to send His ministering spirits delivering His revelation of how to obtain what you have need of.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33)
One of the recorded events regarding angels interacting with man is found in the story of Jacob’s ladder. It is a Sunday school teaching many of us have forgotten. This recorded event is biblical proof that angels do co-exist between heaven and earth. (Ref. Genesis 28)
The Angels of the Lord are continually ascending and descending between heaven and earth, delivering messages to us and taking our prayers back to the throne of God. In a dream, Jacob saw angels traveling up and down a ladder that extended from God’s throne. The angels were making way for the word of God to be delivered to Jacob while he slept. The promise of the Lord was given to Jacob during this dream and Jacob knew when he awoke that God had revealed His plan in this dream. The Lord gave him spiritual eyes to see how Jesus knew and operated in these supernatural gifts by giving him the gift of discerning of spirits.
The New Testament gives confirmation that a similar occurrence took place during the days Jesus ministered on earth. While Jesus was ministering in the word of knowledge, He prophesied and imparted the gift of discernment into Nathaniel. (Ref. John 1:49-51) Philip, from Bethsaida, found Nathaniel and told him about Jesus who claimed to be the Messiah. Nathaniel did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah prophesied about in the Old Testament. When Jesus saw Nathaniel, He spoke a word of knowledge to Nathaniel telling him He had seen him sitting under a fig tree. Nathaniel knew there was no way that Jesus could have seen him sitting under the fig tree, thus, Nathaniel believed that Jesus was the Son of God. The God gave Nathaniel spiritual eyes to see how Jesus knew and operated in these supernatural gifts by giving him the gift of discerning of spirits.
“Jesus answered (prophesied) and said to him (Nathaniel), ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man” (John 1:51).
Mission Impossible
In 1995 we were asked to go on television by a friend who worked at LeSea Broadcasting. Before I get started allow me to go back to the day we met. I was introduced to this broken down pastor by another minister who had asked me if I could find God’s word for his friend. This pastor of seventeen years and his wife became friends of ours after God was faithful in sharing His word and direction that day. This pastor was let go after serving his denomination for all his adult life. He had no skills outside of ministry, no money and two teenage children.
After being asked to move out of the parsonage they traveled from Hawaii to Fort Worth, Texas to meet with me and receive a word from the Lord. While we ate dinner in a crowded restaurant, he and his wife began to tell us about all of their problems. They were destitute; they had lost everything and did not know where to go or what to do. I had brought a small tape recorder and a blank tape to record their prophecy.
It was not long before I received the message the Lord had for this man and his wife. The ministering spirit told me to tell them to go back to Hawaii; there would be someone there to meet them who would give them a place to live. This portion of the word was really hard to believe being Hawaii real estate is very expensive. He was also to go on Christian television and begin to pray for people over the air. Eyes were rolling as disbelief filled the room; but they realized they had nothing else to go on so they took a leap of faith and agreed to go back to Hawaii. The pastor’s friend in Texas paid for their tickets and he and his family flew back to Hawaii to find a home even though his pockets were empty. Just as God had said, they were met at the airport by the new pastor who had taken over his pulpit. The new pastor said they could move back into the parsonage for he already had a home and they could live-rent free; the very place they were kicked out of.
As the pastor sat in the parsonage with his family he found himself struggling with being the ‘spiritual hallway’ waiting for God to fulfill His promise. For two weeks he worked up his courage to go to the Christian television station and see if he could get a spot on the channel. This man had no money; however, he stepped out on God’s word and was given a spot and he started his TV program, to be aired weekly. Within the first month he was unable to pay the expenses for his program and went off the air. Stressed out and unbeknown to me he sent $50.00 he had borrowed to send for a prophecy and then waited for his word. The word he received was: “This very day things will change” along with other more personal words but the main promise was “This very day things will change.”
The day he received his prophecy, he also received a phone call from the television station. The station asked if he would start up his program again, but this time he would become a paid employee working in sales for LeSea Broadcasting and his television program would cost him nothing. What a blessing it was for this family in Hawaii! By the way, the name of the program is “Prayer Line Hawaii” and we do have a few of these programs on video where I appear on his show and prophesy to callers live over the airwaves. I have shared this story in order to set the stage on how the Holy Spirit took us through an awesome spiritual journey. Becoming friends with this television minister became a blessing in many ways for many years. (Video of a couple programs can be found at the end of this article)
The very first time I started prophesying live over his program we had 11 people on the phones to take prophecy request. For over 20 minutes we were only able to answer a few of the 248 phones that came to the station. The owners noticed right off that this was a huge boost in their local ratings. After the program was over the owners started calling all of the ministers who had live programing from their studio and set it up for me to help boost their exposure by prophesying live to their viewers as well. I agreed and received no payment of any kind because the Lord had promised me wherever I send out His prophetic word I would reap a harvest. At the time I did not know that Hawaii is a gathering place for people to come and vacation from around the world. Even after all these years I still hold close relationships with a number of people and churches from around the world due to allowing myself to be a vessel for God to speak through.
I had requested a prayer cloth and I gave it to a dear friend who was diagnosed with serious lymphoma cancer. Not only was my friend completely healed from his cancer, but he went through 6 rounds of chemotherapy with no side effects. Praise God for this miracle.
Thank you dear precious saint. My heart has been in such despair over my granddaughters. Your prayer was the most precious thing to me. It seems my daughter in law is being kinder towards me and said that I probably could watch them sometimes. I praise God and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Kent Simpson for your ministry that is such a gift to the body.
Thank you very much for sending Ministry credentials. I have started the teachings on prophetic ministry provided to me by you when I attended the prophetic gathering at Virginia. After the first session I asked for feedback from members which consist of younger generation. All of them said that they have never heard such teaching. Praise God and thank you for sacrifice. Next week I will take up the second lesson. Kindly uphold me ‘my wife Lilly and my son Samuel Manohar an in your prayers .
When Y2K was on the horizon many were speaking prophetically that disasters were lurking in our nation’s computer systems. If what the ministers were prophesying was true and we took their warnings seriously, what could we have lost? Multiple prophecies were made warning everyone to hoard water, food, and cash. Some said we needed purchase generators for electrical needs and guns to protect rations.
The bottom line was that this millennium event would bring an easy test for all to discover who was truly hearing God and who was not. Almost any day of the week, you could find ads in the newspaper offering Y2K provisions-even land for sale to retreat to as a hiding place when the sci-fi bug was loosed upon the populous.
In September of 1998, I went out on the limb proclaiming what the Lord had said to me about the Y2K problem, basically, there would be NO PROBLEM. This radically unpopular prophetic message was offered to all of our partners. Hundreds of these recordings were sent on audiocassette tapes, the popular recording device of the day. At the time I released this prophetic word speaking against the Y2K scare many of my followers became despondent, wondering why I was not prophesying the same message as the other ministers. If the church is ever going to gain respect in the eyes of the world, the body of Christ will have to cease chasing after and endorsing false proclamations from the “brand name preachers”.
After January 1, 2000, all was unchanged, no disasters. The well- known proclaimers of doom backed off of their original predictions, for their greatest gain was the profit they made from their doom and gloom messages. If the body of Christ had an open archive for all prophesies that have come to pass, we would know who the most accurate prophetic vessels of God are for today.
One man took on the laborious task of researching and publishing a book, recording all of the predictions of one “brand name preacher”. If I mentioned the preacher’s name you would more than likely know who he is. I was amazed at this well-known preacher’s ability to be predicting 100% INACCURATLY. Even with all of the false prophesies, his followers are still faithfully embracing his doomsday messages. Why would they do this? It’s simple, preaching bad news these days is more profitable than preaching good news.
I am astounded at the number of Christians who continually purchase their books and recordings not knowing that these want-to-be prophets have lifestyles that fall short of what’s considered proper Christian ethics. My point is not to speak evil against anyone; however, if we are going look for truth then we need to begin unveiling the false.
Preach the word of God! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will NOT endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires., because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
I realize that many people do not have the time to study the Bible and seek God in prayer for all of their needs. There was a time when finding truth was left up to the ministers of the church; however, this responsibility has been neglected. Believe me, it is a great responsibility before God to teach His people truth, for there is a greater judgment for those who teach the things of God. “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement” (James 3:1).
When Prophets Prophesy by Assumption
“But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall DIE” (Deuteronomy 18:20).
It is a huge responsibility to stand in the office of a prophet, speaking on behalf of God as a watchman for His people. There is a heavy price to pay for telling people that you heard God when the word has not come from Him. In fact, it carries a sentence of death according to the Old Testament verse.
“Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20).
Why would anyone want to be a prophet? It is like living your life in a catch twenty-two. If you do not tell the people what God says you could die. On the other hand, if you mess up translating what God is saying or discern His Spirit incorrectly you could die. The job doesn’t pay well and the honor before man is not always there, so why do we do it? When you are truly called of God you cannot do anything else. Thank God we no longer are under the law for what Jesus has done we now live under His grace, by faith.
Prophecy vs. Divination
Now the prophetic spirit, or prophetic angel, has great power over the spirit of divination or demon of divination. I have experienced this power when those possessing psychic powers have confronted me. There is not a great battle fought during these confrontations. The word of the Lord simply overrides their power, and by His authority we can cast out these demonic spirits, keeping psychics from ever using them again.
I remember when we began receiving prophecy requests from the prophecy tape ad we ran in the unpopular tabloids. Three of the 110 people who requested a prophecy tape from the ad became Christians. One of these people confessed to practicing Wicca, but now is active in the church and teaches a Sunday school class. Another was a practicing psychic who received the Spirit of Christ and quit her job with the Psychic Hot Line. Later, she came to work for the ministry to transcribe some eighty teaching tapes of mine that became a part of the manual we use in the School of the Prophets (1994-2002).
Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, ‘These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.’ And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ And he came out that very hour (Acts 16:16-18).
There is a fine line between divination and the prophetic gifts. Joseph of the Old Testament understood the practice of divination but served God.
“And Joseph said to them, ‘What deed is this you have done? Did you not know that such a man as I can certainly practice divination?'” (Genesis 44:15).
To this day I have not received the understanding of why the Bible records this statement when there are other scriptures that make it very clear that we are not to practice divination. “You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying” (Leviticus 19:26).
And the LORD said to me, ‘The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart’ (Jeremiah 14:14).
So what is the difference between the two? Divination is to be able supernaturally to locate minerals, metals and water. A word of knowledge and the practice of divination have common effects, but the information received is from two separate sources.
One of the oldest psychics in our time is a lady named Jean Dixon. She has been known to be able to tell you how much money you have in your pocket by just simply standing in front of you. She also claims that she received this power when one night a large black snake-like form slithered into her bed. The Holy Scriptures tells us you will know them by the word of their testimony.
There are people who possess supernatural powers that are not from God. These people are obviously not born of the Spirit of God and knowingly have called upon false spirits to receive their powers. I would like to make it clear that if you are a born-again Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, you need not worry about being possessed by a power from a false source. Demonic powers, the works of fallen angels, will become easier for you to discern if you trust that our Lord will not allow His offspring to be deceived. It is only by looking for demons that you find them. If you fear them, you give yourself over to their powers. To have faith in God is to possess the power to overcome the devil and his deceitfulness.
The Lord is giving gifts and callings to certain members of the Body of Christ. Some of these gifts are strange and not familiar to our traditional methods of ministry. Be very cautions not to judge automatically just because you have not seen God move in this way before.
Today, many people are looking for false prophets under the church pews. They are not there and would not be caught in the sanctuary of God. In the very near future, we will begin to see the manifestation of more supernatural activity. Where darkness manifests it will become darker and possess greater power. We cannot afford to quench the move of the Holy Spirit and His ministering spirits (angels). Therefore, let us not hinder the light from becoming brighter within us. We need to become brighter by allowing the light and life of Christ’s resurrection power to rule over us. So be it, Amen!
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015
for More Information Click Here
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
Hey Kirklin,
Thanks for the Word – it was very powerful and anointed. I felt the presence of the Lord on it and was encouraged by it tremendously.
I have been giving folks Words of Knowledge on Prophetic training groups on facebook for several months and practicing to make sure I (a) have the gift and (b) get better at it. Many people have given me feedback on the accuracy of the words I have given (no one has ever said I was not correct). I now know that God has giving me a prophetic gift, and I am ready to take it to the next level. I want to be hooked up to a local ministry here in Texas that I can work with Prophetic Elders one-on-one to develop my prophetic, music, speaking, and prophetic arts gifts.
Amen & Amen!! Totally concur with everything you said!! This message should be preached to all Pastors & Leaders in the body of Christ!! I am one of your students & am taking your classes.
This is a top notch message for the church to wake up and listen! What you said is exactly true as the churches in these days are filled with head knowledge of scripture and no Holy Spirit in action! Lord sent your Holy Fire down ablaze to transform and renew your church who are not willing to let your Spirit filled their sanctuary to hunger and thirst to know You!
RE: Prophetic Event Norfolk, Virginia April 3-4, 2015
Lisa T-J
THIS GATHERING WAS AMAZING!!! I don’t know how I was allowed to get in, attend, register, bring my whole family—BUT WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE! EVERYONE LISTENING, YOU MUST FIND this MINISTRY and GO to ANY CONFERENCE they EVER have again.
Seriously, whoever you are, just allow yourself to be prayed for by these Prophetic ministers and you will never see things the same again! (in a good way!) What you’ve been struggling to UNDERSTAND or WORK for YEARS to attain, can be accomplished in a few minutes by this guided praying. Contact this ministry for PRAYER/ GUIDANCE/ ENCOURAGEMENT for ANY issue of your life. They want you to do well and bloom where you’re planted, with whatever gift you’ve already been given by God. Don’t be shy. Don’t hesitate!
RE: Norfolk Prophetic Gathering
I wrote about that to Kirkland, and even at the meeting on Friday night every time an usher went behind me, I was waiting for them to tap me on my shoulder and throw me out. It wasn’t until Mrs.Oldridge looked into my eyes at the coffee stand and she started speaking into me to be released. I was stunned, the longer she spoke the more was revealed, of course I wrote that all down too.
Then on Saturday sitting next to Mrs. Hertline, (perfect name!!! Call the Hurt Line!!!) she was speaking to me deliverance and peace. Only because of them did I get released enough to get prayer from your team up front that afternoon. I was ready for any kind of rebuke, instead I got MERCY. You were soo good to all of us and I’ll never forget!
I cannot forget either that Debbie had a moment she made to speak to me, and she shared about the controlling/abusive relationships she had encountered in the past. I was sooo struck by her utter sincerity, purity, sweetness, and that’s NOT easy going through all the hardships you all had to get there to minister and the great burden of all the needs in that room, and urgency to fulfill God’s call under a right deadline….
Thank You!!! Yes, I was one of those people in my little rural hometown of Centerville, Pennsylvania, who was leafing through the back of my mother’s Charisma magazine and saw that ad. I remember exactly what it looked like with that cassette tape image. Haha. Bet I still have that too!
Hi Kent & Debbie, God is continuing to be with us in a close way. After the gathering last weekend it was clear that things will never be the same, as was proclaimed then, but it is surely TRUE. The first phase was was walking on a cloud for 3-4 days and everyone visibly seeing the change in our family. Easy to tell everyone I met all about it! This seemed to be followed by a phase of severe spiritual attack for a couple of days. The enemy used someone to rail false accusations, tie up a lot of time, and leave me traumatized. Really extreme. This was followed by a phase of The Lord even ” using donkeys to speak” (people I know only loosely, but deciding to give useful counsel on many topics). ….the next pase seemed to be the worst trial —-God testing Guy. Guy was faced with repeated forks in the road in which he was free to make decisions but each time he selected his own path.
After crying out in prayer to God, I was before Him, completely broken again as I was 1 1/2 weeks ago. To my utter surprise I ended up prophesying to Guy himself, that God’s patience with him was running out. (That God did not draw him to receive of Him, only for Guy’s own benefit). That God would not be mocked or trifled with. That God was bringing a swift consequence to this (behavior). Etc. etc. …an actual judgment because of my fairhfulness !! (it was amazing ) I …and I’m sure that this kind if thing would never be preached from the pulpit either… I. was praying and binding spirits of lies and deception. Wow, I really felt The Lord Himself standing in the gap and defending me, and His angels surrounding me, holding me from behind my back as I prayed….. I told Guy that I didn’t envy him. (The judgment came so swift this time. ) It’s like The Lord defended me when I couldn’t even sort it out myself!
I found out today what God Himself thinks of this !!!! God is NOT happy about it! And God knows that every time I’ve been lied to and made to feel guilty that maybe I need ANYTHING from having a husband that I slave for without love or recognition
I am impressed with God !!! He is practical and HE SEES the real score even though I’ve been made to feel unworthy and out of place. Lisa
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
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Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
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To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
This past weekend, the Prophetic Gathering was held in Norfolk, Virginia. While in flight, our Lord began speaking words into my heart and charging my soul to declare this prophetic creed. From the East Coast where our Nation began, and in the same area where the foundation of the sleeping prophet Edward Cayce (1877-1945) still stands, from the shores of Virginia Beach, this prophetic creed will spread across these United States and beyond.
Norfolk Gathering – Prophetic Creed
April 3-4, 2015
These tired eyes have seen around the corner of tomorrow for each one of you, knowing that when I pass on to glory you will be in charge of picking up where I have left off.
You are the chosen ones of God and bearers of the Vision of the Tabernacle; you will operate under a double portion of His Spirit wherever you go.
Many of you will see deeper into the realm of the spirit than I and receive greater revelation. You will turn the massive rudder that guides the Church into the wind of God’s Spirit, making way for greater things to come.
Our children’s children will experience a life of signs and wonders, and it will be commonplace for generations to come.
You are the prophetical people who will push back the enemies of the Church. At the same time, you will learn from the Holy Spirit how to draw down heaven to earth with a great sound that has never been heard by the ears of men. You are the trumpets of God’s voice to all people, prophesying around the world the same message simultaneously. Time after time the trumpets of God will sound in harmony, ushering in the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit for all to see.
Woe unto those who do not believe, who defile this great and holy event. Those who blaspheme the Spirit of God shall not see daylight again, for the tormenters will drag them down into the burning pit. With gnashing teeth and whips of fire, they will be tortured day and night with no end.
Time is at hand to take a stand. Now, cast all your cares over to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and surrender unto His calling. If you will give Him all your life and possessions he will reward you with eternal life in His Kingdom and bless you in this life, meeting all of your needs. As you follow Him and obey His commandments He will take you into a deeper realm of His Spirit showing you things Angels yearn to see.
PMT’s New Anointing: Oil of the Quiver
The Quiver of God
To be a Quiver of God is a tremendous honor. The process to become a Quiver is rocky to say the least; however, it is necessary. The vessel must be purged of its selfish desires. Like the hunter who goes out stalking his prize, so the Spirit of God goes in search for the one who will make a perfect vessel to carry His prophetic word. Each one of His pointed and straight words are created in heaven, able to penetrate the hardest of hearts, instantly killing the desires of the flesh. When this selfish want is eradicated, the Quiver begins to see that its job is to carry the arrows of God. Resting on the back of the Prophet, the Quiver rides through the jungle of life staring into the faces of the lost and hurting, who are frightened by the Prophet. They are afraid, but know not why. The demons hold the lost in bondage and fear of the Quiver of the Lord for what it carries inside. A demon shutters as the Prophet walks by, cringing as it sees the angelic feathers fitted tightly around the end of the arrow to guide these deadly darts of deliverance. The word of God is destined to strike a perfect mark. When the Prophet arrives and sees his appointed soul, the anointed arrow is selected as the Quiver gives way to the Prophet’s hand. Stretching the bow to the desired strength, the Prophet lets loose of the arrow sent straight from God’s throne. As the arrow strikes its desired target, the demons begin to wither and fall away, setting God’s chosen free from sin and doubt. Knowing the demon has been cast out, the arrow shouts with great pride, but the Quiver remains quiet. Everyone begins to praise the Prophet, giving credit to the arrow of God’s word. The Quiver, however, does not speak even though it knew before anyone else what was destined to be.
After the great works of God are complete the Prophet makes it back to the place of retreat, back to prayer where it all begins and ends. The Prophet takes off the Quiver and removes the special anointing oil from the shelf. He begins to work the oil, deep in prayer, to keep the Quiver flexible ready to receive more of God’s powerful words. The Quiver is precious to the Prophet for it knows when to draw the bow. If it were not for the Quiver the Prophet might send the arrow too soon, forcing God’s precious word to fall to the ground thus displeasing the Master that he missed His mark. Therefore, every Prophet needs this special anointing oil to keep his Quiver youthful, free of blemish and scars. The most important duty of the Quiver is to know from God when it is safe for the Prophet to speak, to make sure not one arrow is loosed from the Quiver and placed on the bow until it is told. Amen, so be it!
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
Thank you so much for interceding with the Lord on my behalf. The word you received was so on point. Yes, I have always been bold and outspoken. Throughout my childhood and adolescent years, I struggled with submission to authority and was constantly being accused of talking back to my elders or always needing to have the last word. Thankfully, God has already began the transformation process in this area and is teaching me how to choose my words more wisely and be more discerning of how I speak those words while maintaining a boldness to speak truth in love. I can see how having a spirit of boldness could be very useful in this day and time we are currently living in where society has become overly saturated with political correctness which has also infiltrated the modern-day church.
Also, God is truly maturing me in the area of my faith. I am currently without any source of income and have earned less money this entire year thus far then I use to earn per week last year. I’ve had prophetic words spoken over my life that God will open major doors for me in my career so I believe this is just a part of the process to prepare me for His promises. I believe God will somehow, someday make a way where there seems to be no way. In the meantime, I’m trusting, hoping, believing, and expecting my blessings from the Lord which could come any day now. Thank you man of God for allowing the Lord to use you to speak a word into my life for such a time as this. I pray God continue to bless you and your ministry.
~ Nakia
Precisely, I concur and you have made me more cognizant of the fact of changing my path. May the Lord, God of Israel, whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you are doing. May he continue to nurture and enhance your profound giftedness.
Thank you and stay blessed bro,
T. Ndhlebe
Dear Rev. Kirk Cross,
Thank you for your prophetic word! This word of the Lord about session of pain was true. My mum passed away 2 weeks ago. God bless you and continue to use you to bless others.
Moses S.
Ras Robinson was our pastor at this time. My name was Shari Kirby, since I had gone back to my maiden name “Kirby”. I was teaching at Lake Country Christian School. You prophesied that I would look at the back of the room (we did not know what room) and see my future husband leaning back in a chair against the wall with his arms folded and eyes closed.
About two or three years later, I was visiting another church, and a prophet asked me to stand up so he could prophesy over me. I stood up, turned around and looked at the back of the church. There was one of the church leaders leaning back in a chair against the wall with his arms folded. His FIRST NAME IS KIRBY, AND HIS LAST
NAME IS ENDSLEY. I just about fainted as I was remembering what you had prophesied. (Yes, his eyes were closed!)
Well, Kirby and I dated for some time after that, but not for very long. We did get married, my name is now Shari Kirby Endsley. Most people remember me by my auburn hair, and I would be described as petite. SO YOUR PROPHESY DID COME TO PASS, AND PEOPLE STILL ARE AMAZED WHEN I TELL THIS TRUE STORY.
I am now a retired school teacher from Fort Worth ISD, and Kirby and I are members of Glory of Zion International that now meets in Corinth, Texas. Chuck Pierce is the founding Apostle/Prophet. We usually watch by webcast, but we also love to drive from Fort Worth to Corinth from time to time for fellowship.
Thanks for your prophesy SO many years ago!
Many blessings,
Shari Kirby Endsley
RE: Norfolk, Virginia Prophetic Gathering
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am posting everywhere I can think to post a testimony as to God’s work through you all at The Gathering! God sure cleans house, restores, renews, gives NEW gifts. It was no accident that I was at the VERY END last week, suicidal. I had to LET IT ALL GO to see WHAT IS NEXT. LOVE YOU BOTH SO DEARLY. I am sorry for my utter faithlessness. I am renewed to PRAY fervently for YOU ALL daily. I will NOT FAIL this time. LOVE YOU ALL !
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
“And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Matthew 13:10-11).
Unbelievers cannot understand us, for they only have the knowledge of this world. They do not know where we are coming from or what is going on within us. All they see is the outer shell. They think we have lost our minds or just stupid.
We know we are peculiar in the name of Christ. We have a life that they could only hope for. It is only by the grace of God that we have what we have. It was by His choice that He chose us and we received Him as our Lord and Savior.
Understanding the Abundant Life
There are people who reject eternal life and chose to only live the way of the world. They rejected the conviction of the Holy Spirit and have found themselves miserable, though some have returned crying out to God to receive them. When that door opens, you better go through it right away. You do not choose when to be born-again; that choice is God’s. It is only when God opens the door for you that you can truly come in. But when God closes the door, no man can open it for you. When you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit upon you, you cannot afford to reject His calling. Many have lived a lukewarm life for Christ, denying Him full control of their life thus losing in the exchange His gift of eternal life. “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:16).
“Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him'” (Mark 4:24-25).
This verse is talking about the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said, when you pray, go to the Father in reverence, and when you receive the revelation from heaven and act upon it you will have the abundant life. Many people refer to the abundant life spoken of in the book of Acts, but they do not have an abundant life. They don’t understand why Satan has entered into their lives to steal, kill and destroy them. They question why these things happen to them but do not understand that there is a lack of obedience.
The Key is Obedience
…if you will crucify the flesh and not reason it within your soul…you will have the abundance and God will continue to bless you over and over again.
Obedience requires self-humiliation, humbling yourself to Christ in order for the obedience to actually work in your life. When Christ asks you to do something, you may fight it within yourself. There is a warring between the flesh and the spirit. But if you will crucify the flesh and not reason it within your soul (mind, will and emotion), don’t weigh it out, just do it. You will have the abundance of God, and He will continue to bless you over and over again.
“Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: ‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear” (Matthew 13:13-16).
This is not about the physical eyes and physical ears. This is about visions and hearing in the realm of the spirit, for that is where Christ lives. That is why the Lord prayed so much, to receive what God the Father wanted Him to do next.
Jesus waited four days before he went to the tomb of Lazarus. He could not go on the second or the third day. It wouldn’t have worked. It had to be in God’s timing. It had to be when God the Father said, “Go.”
Abundance in Living as Christ
The keys of heaven and earth have been given to Christ Jesus. He sits on the right hand of the all mighty, making intercession for you and me. What does this mean? Why is He praying for us now? Christ Jesus is making intercession for us so that we will know what to do.
What is miraculous about the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven is that He is omnipresent. God can deal with our problems all at the same time in totally different areas in each of our lives. People say that they do not hear from God. But God speaks to everybody! They are just dull of hearing. Remember when Jesus was talking about men who went into the synagogue daily and read from the scriptures. They knew the word given in the Old Testament. They knew the prophecy of Isaiah referred to the Messiah in the verse, but they did not know that Jesus was the Messiah. Why? Because He did not come to them in the manner in which they believed He was to come. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and shortly after His birth an angel came to Joseph and Mary to tell them to leave the country because King Herod wanted Him killed. After King Herod’s death the angel came back and told Joseph and Mary that it was safe to return. Thus they called Jesus a Nazarene and not a Jew; therefore, in their minds, He could not be the Messiah.
It is so easy to get so religious that you lose sight of who you are serving in this life. You can get so proud, so haughty that you start to look down on everyone else in the world who has not received salvation through the grace of Christ. You can become so callous and dull of hearing that you cannot interpret one thing God is doing because you are judging it with a physical eye and a carnal mind.
Do not judge everyone around you by what is happening in your life. For instance, when someone is delivered from smoking, don’t be tempted to point a finger and scold the smokers who have not received the grace from God so they too could be delivered from this bondage. Do not judge everyone around you by what is happening in your life. The quickest way to lose God’s gift of grace working in your life is to judge someone else who has not received an equal measure of grace. Judging another person can easily cause you to lose your God given grace.
Signs & Wonders
Be careful about being “religious.” Many Christians fall into the trap of condemning those who do not know or respect our Lord Jesus and miss the blessing that the Lord wanted to bring to that person.
All Jesus wants us to do is be obedient. If you are where Jesus wants you to be at the right time and the right place, you will see signs and wonders and the unbelievers will believe because of your obedience. People want to see the “stuff.” They want to experience the power of God, but they are not willing to yield to God. We want to see God move more in the church, but how are we going to do that?
Jesus Christ is not in the entertainment business. Don’t think that we are going to be entertained by the Holy Spirit. The gifts are not for that purpose. The signs and wonders are for those who need to see so that they too may believe.
Many times we are surrounded by those who need Jesus Christ but are not Christian. They need a miracle in their lives. That is the time towitness the signs and wonders, by putting God on the line. That is the time when God wants to show His best. You can say to them in faith, “My God will fix your problem if you give your life to Him. Do you think you can heal yourself? Then go your own way, but if you want God to heal you then give yourself to Jesus right away.” Then watch and see what God will do. This is what it is all about! Even prophecies, words of knowledge and wisdom are for those who need to hear His prophetic word so that they may believe.
Every prophetic word has a purpose: to reveal that if God can speak to me about you then you should believe that He will speak directly to you. Christ will reveal to you that the prophetic word given is the truth. “The gift and callings of God is irrevocable” (Romans 11:23). The reason the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of prophecy is to edify, exhort and build up the church, giving life to the members as well as spiritual gifts, healings, guidance, direction, confirmation and the list goes on.
There are many who have the gift of healings. “Healings” is plural. Each one of us has a gift for different healings. One might be able to pray and remove headaches. Another may have the gift for healing diabetes but not headaches. Each person needs to find out their particular healing gift. Many get frustrated because of ignorance. We do not understand all the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven; however, we can learn our part as we use the gifts God has trusted us with.
There is a “vein” that you need to flow from in the body of Christ so that your gift works 100% of the time. If you preach about hearing God, they will hear God. If you preach about healing, they will be healed. And if you preach about demons, guess what? They will receive demons. I preach so that people are encouraged and may be introduced to what God wants to do in His Kingdom. It does not matter how long they have been a Christian. They can be present in the natural but not yet arrived in the spiritual.
You do not need to be a biblical scholar to be able to move in the Holy Spirit. Some of the most anointed people are those who cannot read or write. God chooses the foolish. He does not choose the noble or the wise, but the willing, the yielded. This is what God wants. Many people are waiting for God to move in their lives after they finish reading all the books of the Bible. Don’t worship the book! Worship the one the book is about. It is so easy to fall into that trap. There is so much more to learn about Jesus and much more He wants to do through us.
We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that we will know what He is saying without laboring. The only way this happens is to turn off the world and turn up the voice of Christ. It is so easy to listen to the spirit of fear. But the word says do not entertain the devil and he will flee. That means not to entertain him in your thoughts. Resist the devil and he will flee. Do not listen to the voice of the devil when he brings fear into your life; turn quickly from him and put your thoughts upon what God has told you.
Seek God and ask Him what you are to do and you will receive the revelation on how to get out of a bad situation, but you must humble yourself to Him. This means not to think about it just believe it when He speaks to you. There is always hope and a lot more of it than you probably realize. Know who you are in Christ. Get out of your personal identity crisis and stop trying to be something you’re not. Rather, find out who God created you to be, and that alone will change your life. After all, that is the abundant life He has promised you. So be it. Amen!~
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
I cry out for the churches today because we are lacking important elements of our faith. Over the years, vital members of the body of Christ have been amputated by carnal men who have removed the apostles, the prophets, spiritual gifts and large portions of the Holy Scriptures. Many parts of the body have been removed leaving only the navel. We are back to the beginning of nothing. However, over the past few decades God has been grooming and reattaching these missing parts back into the body of Christ. When our body is fully mended we will become unstoppable, and when God moves we, His people, will move as one complete unit. Whenever God speaks, the Holy Spirit will move through His body to make the word happen for His people today.
It is important to remember that there is only one head of the church. Each and every group of God’s people should have the person who is totally obedient to God’s voice. He or she should also have the wisdom to know His ways. Anyone who leads God’s people must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. This is the only true way for the congregations to follow Christ as a body of believers. If the congregation of believers follows the will and direction of man rather than Jesus they are making man the head and not Jesus. Christ is the only true head of the Church, while the Holy Spirit acts like the nervous system. Whenever God speaks from heaven, the Holy Spirit goes searching for someone who will set aside their desires and follow the sound of His voice. We cannot bring the body of Christ and His church through what is ahead of us if we are not allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us.
When the Power of God fills the Church
When we get out of the way of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to rule over the Church again, signs and wonders will be in the midst of our gatherings. People will not believe except they see signs and wonders. Jesus said, “The works that I do, you shall do greater.” Jesus is still a miracle worker. How is it possible to do greater works than Jesus? Because He now lives within all of us and is sharing His power with those whom He can trust. He will send the Holy Spirit to make contact with our spirit calling and commissioning us to do the things that He needs done on earth. If we are willing to obey His voice and trust in His ways all of our troubles will no longer be ours. By His grace, our troubles will begin to melt away. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you (John 15:7).
If you have Christ, who is all-knowing, who has conquered heaven and hell and now lives within you, then you have all the answers to all of your troubles. There is no problem too big for God, but we must be willing to seek Him until we find His prophetic word for our lives and for the lives of those who trust us. When you obey exactly what He has told you to do then you will know all will be okay. However, too many Christians are going the way of the Pharisees, the very kind of religious folks Jesus condemned. He called them snakes, vipers and hypocrites. It is so easy to fall into the same trap they were lead into. The spirit groans within us, for it knows the right way to go. The problem most people have with following Jesus all the way is they afraid if they start hearing His voice He will ask them to do something they are not willing to do. Fearing they will not be received by their religious leaders and will lose all their friends.
You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life” (John 5:39-40).
What kind of life is Jesus talking about? The abundant life. You search the scriptures because you think you will find eternal life within them, but remember, the Pharisees knew the scriptures. In fact, in order to become a Pharisee you had to comment the first five books of bible to memory. They even wore a box filled with the scriptures on their forehead as an outward symbol. The size of their box indicated how much scripture they had memorized, yet even with all their knowledge they did not know Christ Jesus, the Messiah when He came to them. Scripture is a “tuning fork.” It reveals the personality and character of Christ. You need to feed upon the “bread of life” and drink from His endless cup.
Have you ever known anyone who could quote scripture after scripture, after scripture but they were blind as a bat when it came to seeking the will of God? Jesus is saying that you cannot find Him just by memorizing scriptures. The scriptures testify about Him and His works so that you will know Him when He speaks to you and shows you what you must do. Scripture is a “tuning fork.” It reveals the personality and character of Christ. You need to feed upon the Holy Bible for it is the “bread of life.” You need to stay in the scriptures to keep your ears in tune with His voice as He guides you into the life He has for you.
Many teach that if we can memorize the book then you will have the power of the word.
It took a long time for the church to believe that scripture from Genesis to Revelation is the inherent word of God and everything that is recorded happened as recorded. Christ is taking us to another level of faith that we will have faith to “hear” Him. Anyone can read about Christ but to know Him personally requires knowing His voice. There is a lot more to the church than just having the knowledge of the scriptures. We have become a people who have been educated in a system of education to read the Holy Spirit as if it were any other text book. Many teach that if you can memorize the Holy Bible then you will become all knowing and all powerful. It is not so. The Pharisees and Sadducees thought the same thing and look where it got them. In order to receive the power of Christ, you must be willing to seek God, hear His words and do whatever He asks you to do no matter the cost.
I was born again as a child, and, by the grace of God, He showed me what I needed. He gave me direction of what I should do. I was ignorant regarding the scriptures when God called me into the ministry. I respected the bible, but I was ignorant of its value. I knew I needed to learn what it was all about, so I began to study everything I could about God and living in His will.
It is not in your intelligence. It is not how much you know but WHO you know and WHO you are willing to follow.
I began to recognize that many times I had similar encounters to those recorded in the bible. I read in the scriptures about hearing the voice of Jesus and it was like revelation smacked me in the face. Now I knew where that small still voice was coming from and who it was speaking to me all the times I needed help. I was doing things in my life by the Spirit before I read that it was the Holy Spirit whom was given to us according to the Holy Scriptures. I was hearing his voice before I knew that Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice.” It is not in your intelligence. It is not how much you know but WHO you know and WHO you are willing to follow that makes your life whole.
People today are looking for a man to follow. Many people will ask, “Who is your mentor? Who is your spiritual father?” My mentor is the Holy Spirit. My father is Father God. Still they ask, “Who is your teacher?” Scripture makes it very clear: call no one on earth your teacher or your father for there is only one and He is in heaven. “Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ” (Matthew 23:9-10).
The body of Christ cannot unify and work as one body with one head until we start hearing the same Spirit and being led by the same head, Jesus Christ.
So be it. Amen!
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
Hi Kirk.
Thank you for the dream interpretation. It was very accurate. The dream interpretation was definitely a now word for me. The interpretation initiated in me steps I can take to another level spiritually. It’s amazing to see how the Lord will speak to us in such a real way in order to initiate His change into our lives.
Be blessed,
Rev Kirk,
I am sorry for bothering you, i know you have a lot of work,:) Wow that was really amazing,..It really is!! I thought you are some scammers but you aren’t, Can i send you the next month a new request? So you are a real prophet wow nice!!! 🙂 Jordan Nenchev
Rev. Cross,
You REALLY know Jesus because that was extremely precise. Thank you for loving Jesus and keeping your ear to His Heartbeat because that really encouraged and edified me.
You were 100% on target.
Dear, Kirk Cross Jr,
Thank you for praying for me.I remember you gave me a prophetic word, and those prophecy came to pass.I believe you are truly anointed servant of God.
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
The Father spoke to my spirit a now word: “Now is the time. I AM opening a door of supernatural grace for family revival. The door opens March 20. It is open on My side. I want My people to open it on their side. My people themselves are the door on the earth just as I AM the door for them to Heaven (eternally and also in the now). Each person who opens the door within themselves by saying yes, then taking steps to move forward through My open door, will be met with My Spirit of grace on each word and each action that they release. Even small steps will release a supernatural return on their investment. I want My people to know that I have set this time, and it is My time for My grace to be poured out on their efforts. Though they have been met with resistance and endured failed attempts before, this is My set time, and it is even confirmed with signs in the heavens, this time is different. This is a special door of opportunity that I desire them to take. I will send rain to water their seed; it will produce harvest of family revival. This is not a snow season of Word to be held for later; it is a rainy season on their seed as they enter the door of supernatural grace that I have opened for family revival.”
A Picture of Family Revival
Eleven years ago, the lab results came back in; the doctor’s office called directing my dad to the ER. We knew he sure hadn’t felt himself, but we all shared the belief that he could hunker down and it would pass over with prayer and faith. But it didn’t, so he went for tests. Suddenly, we’re sitting in the hospital, facing cancer with my dad who had always been the epitome of physical and spiritual strength.
My parents had long-time friends who dropped everything and joined us in prayer and faith at the hospital. As we prayed and sang that night, facing this diagnosis, the strain left his face, and the glory of the Lord filled that room. We didn’t know what the future held, but my dad directed us by his trust and faith to hold on to the One who held the future.
This is when our family met Pastor Kent Simpson. Mutual friends filled with concern for my dad asked Pastor Kent to come to the hospital to pray. As events would have it, Pastor Kent did not have opportunity to prophesy on site, but he came and prayed for my dad and family whom he did not even know-for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Supernatural Grace Came; the Door Opened
What happened during those 10 days in the hospital was highly unusual.People steadily streamed through his room-not to mention the staff who lingered when they came for various tests and stats because they felt the genuine love and concern my dad had for them as people and did not want to leave. Family and friends who may not have been as close as they once were came, and while no formal words of identification of repentance were spoken, that is what happened. Hearts were opened back up where they had been closed, and efforts were made to extend a hand of friendship where those had previously been withheld.
As for my dad, he entered the hospital with no regrets because he made the practice of keeping things right with God, himself, and others. But, people were drawn to him to open back up relationship where the events of life had caused bruising or closing.
By the grace of God, he came home. We were fully expectant for complete healing, and sighted in our spiritual weapons of faith and prayer, keeping aim at that target.
What happened in real time was that the Father granted us three years of grace-it was time for family revival. We were like a new family.
My parents always had a good marriage, but facing an uncertain future has a way of causing us to talk about things we normally wouldn’t because of the constant pressures of the marathon of life. After this, they had a great marriage.
My dad always loved and served the Lord. But, when he faced that hospital stint, the Lord showed that He loved and honored my dad as His presence filled that place, and his room turned into a sanctuary where reconciliation happened. That room became The Tabernacle, and we, the living stones, where the Presence of God was.
With layers of old stuff evaporated, the reconciliation that happened in the hospital continued.
The difficult hour produced the spark that lit-family revival.
My dad departed for his heavenly home-and our prayers and faith for complete healing were answered, though not in the way we expected. The family revival he made room for has never ended. The ground that was gained in the relationships has continued on. Life has not been perfect since then, but the forward motion has continued.
Practical steps to open the door on our end for family revival
1. Recognize that we have power from the Father to be a conduit, a door, of family revival.
2. Do not take this time for granted. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, nor are our loved ones.
3. Refuse to live with regret-so start now saying the things you would want them to know if you (or they) were to make eternal departure soon. Words of love, Words of appreciation. Words of asking — have they made peace with the Father through Christ the Son? Words of forgiveness. Whatever words need to be said.
4. Be there. If a loved one or friend is in the hospital, be there in a helpful way. Or, just arrange time to “be there” for ones you haven’t seen in a while.
5. Write. If situations make it very difficult to speak or to be there, write the words down. Speak them out loud until you can say them. Or, if the situation is extremely difficult, mail the letter after anointing it with prayer.
6. Do not miss this door of opportunity because of rejection and disappointments of the past.
7. Do not leave things unsaid, thinking there will be more time later.
8. Watch for the prodigals, and come out to meet them with welcome. Or call them! Sending a gift (with a letter) opens a door, too. Ask the Father how to facilitate their homecoming. Shut the door to the past on your end, and open the door before them to a new beginning.
What I hear the Father saying in this now moment is: “It is time for family revival. I AM releasing My grace for family revival in this time. Move forward, I will be with you.”
Father, thank You for Your Son who gives us strength and supernatural grace to walk through the valley which can become our shining moment. Father, grant us courage and grace to open the door on our end, and to walk with faith through the door You are opening. Father, dissolve the walls and barriers that prevent us from coming to You and to others, expressing the love that is truly in our hearts. Give us the grace to trust You. Help us live without regrets, not wasting our moments. Give us courage to speak and to act. Grant us greater grace to seize the moment, make the first move, and speak the love we hold in our hearts to those around us, so that we can be the spark for family revival. Grant us grace to connect with Your heart of love so we can speak from our hearts. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Crystal and her husband Stephen Wade are overseers of PMT’s website GodsPenPal.org
You can signup on the GPP site and receive each week an article from one of the many authors on the site. Crystal is also and author, wife and mother of three boys who all live in Texas and have been Family Partners with PMT for many years. Please check out her work and material on her profile page @ GodsPenPals.org
PMT Mission Statement:
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
Prophetic Kirk,
Thank you for your prompt response, your prayer, and your ministry. I have to tell you, I am blown away. Absolutely, blown away with the mercy and tender loving kindness of the Lord. Gracious and abundant in mercy and generous in His gifting and provisions. Awesome is our God. I am stunned, and jaw dropping-ly, amazed.
The word that you sent was practically verbatim, the prayer requests that I have put before the Lord for a long while.
Thank you for your obedience to walk out God’s anointing on you.
Wow! Thank you Kirk! I have been asking the Lord to remove the blinders from my eyes so that I might see. I want to see into that realm. I see visions, but I want to see them in the natural. I’ve never seen my Angel before, although I have had many experiences with them. I was just wondering if it’s the one that has always been with me, or if it is one that has recently been appointed, because of an experience I had last month. In the middle of the night, one came to me and all of a sudden I began to feel a touch of what felt like icy/hot begin to run from my shoulders down to my hands, back up to my head, then all the way down to my feet. It would increase in hotness and get intense at times. I’m trying to figure out what it is? I’ve asked the Lord to reveal it to me, but I’m not completely sure I understand. I feel like he told me it was an anointing of Favor/Faith, and that would go along with what you saw, but I have been told also that there were other anointing or Angels that would come. So, I’m just not exactly sure. I sure wasn’t expecting diamonds either Wow! Do you see any garments? Or attire?
Thank you so much for your willingness to let me know this. It does encourage me greatly. Pastor Kent felt like it would be a good experience for me to see how other ministers minister the Words they have for others as part of my training. You have blessed me tremendously today.
Melinda ~ More Testimonials » Share Your Testimony with us @ Prophetic Ministries Today
Change You Need to Know About!
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7).
The verse of scripture has a much deeper meaning than you may think. To “abide in Me” is to live in Christ and Him in you. And you are forbidden to meditate or touch anything that is not of Him. This part of the verse is not too difficult to understand, for anything of sin should not be let in. The next part of the verse has been misunderstood for a long time by many and needs further explanation; “and My words abide in you.” Here is what most people think this part of the verse is saying; if you stay away from sin and read your bible every day(or as often as possible), then you are abiding in His word. Therefore their belief is that the promise in this verse “you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7b) is automatically working for every believing Christian. And when it doesn’t work in their life they question their faith and the truth of the bible.
We must be willing to answer the call of the Holy Spirit and be willing to follow Him to the depths of our sanity. He will take you through various situations along this journey teaching you what His Words really mean. Whether it’s the written word or spoken Word we must obtain understanding for this will increase our knowledge and with knowledge we will become much wiser.
The Deep Calls unto the Deep
Now let’s give this some thought. It’s not too difficult to read your bible and restrain yourself from offending God. So why doesn’t every Christian receive whatever they desire; after all, the bible promises it to be so? The promise in this verse we are discussing states that “you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” This is a very powerful promise and I will explain how you are to obtain this promise. The first part of this puzzle of truth must be broken down in order for us to see the prerequisites outlined within it,before we can receive the full measure of the promise and its manifestation. Allow me to stretch your faith a little and share with you what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit. The next few steps are not meant to offend but rather to help set you in a place to where you can begin walking in the fullness of the promises of God. Remember this one thing! The Holy Bible is 100% from God and is all true. Truth will always work when applied as instructed. If what you have been taught in the past is not working then it’s not being taught correctly and it’s time to ask the only true teacher for the correct answers. The Holy Spirit is the author and teacher that will give you all truth and nothing but the truth. Also remember what is written in the Holy Bible is not all there is to know about living this life as a child of God. We can continue to learn more daily from our God; for He is NOT dead. He is alive and is speaking to you and me.
Who or What is the Word of God
First of all the Bible is not the Word of God, Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He can speak to you through the written words found in the bible but do not be confused; He is not wood, pulp, and ink, bound in genuine leather. The Holy Scriptures are a compilation of divine events that are inscribed testimonials about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. When you are reading from your bible you need to know the difference between the (logos) word and His (Rhema) Word. Many words in the bible have more than one meaning for they originated in languages other than English. So when we read our bibles in the English translation, the same word can be used over and over as having the same meaning; however, in the original text it may have multiple meanings. If you are reading your bible and you are obtaining information as you study, you are reading the written word or you could say the (logos) word. The Holy Spirit can use any book, billboard, poster, man, woman, child and even a donkey to speak to you. There is no limit to how God can speak His (rhema) Word or to say His life giving Word. We are always looking for the life giving Word, the (rhema) Word of God. The (rhema) Word changes our lives and gives direction, heals and delivers us. Do you know what it’s like to have the Holy Spirit speak His (rhema) Word to you in the very hour you need it? This is the (rhema) Word this verse is talking about, not just whatever you want to read or claim for yourself. The verse is referring to the (rhema) Word from Jesus Christ who IS the living Word in this verse. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7). I hope and pray that you understand this part and use it as your spiritual compass to guide you through life. Continually keep your spiritual antennas up,ready to receive every life giving (Rhema) Word that comes to you. It is your Master, King, Lord Jesus speaking to you. Pray, hear and obey, for it is the Christian way. Amen, so be it!
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
8 DVD’s from Prophetic Gathering January 2015 Donation of $29 or more
Our Intercessors are waiting for YOU to send in your prayer request. Within just a short period of time you will receive an email with a honest personal prayer that is written just for you. You will remain on our prayer teams prayer list until you send us your praise report for miracles are happening. Many times our Intercessors received a direct Word from God for you!
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
Pastor Kent,
Thank You for your message “By the Measure You Hear!” And forgive me for not Thanking You enough for going to the Throne of Grace on my behalf and receiving a Word! You are a true blessing to all of us and may we continue to hunger to know and hear His Voice and to follow it wholeheartedly and completely.
So very grateful…I will keep you in prayer –
Hi Man of God,
It’s exactly what I’ve been praying for this week. To be able to have clear revelation from God of what’s happening around me and be able to grasp spiritual truth and speak it out like you said it will be like a spear that will hit It’s mark every time. I’m tired of people being so confused, they need the Light, they need Hope and the world really needs a clear revelation of the Word of God. So that they can testify that Jesus is alive and He is well!! My desire is to please the Lord and His Holy Spirit and I thank the Lord for making you a Gift for His people. God bless you I’m so blessed.
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
In the prophetic ministry, there is a need to teach the same group of people over and over. The hit and miss approach for teaching how to hear God is not going to work. It is very difficult to teach people how to hear the voice of God when they do not have the prophetic anointing to draw them into His presence. It is by association that the anointing is transferred one to another. If you do not hang around prophetic people you will not get it. If you are just passing through you may get a little of it for a while, but it will wear off; you need to soak in it to really experience His prophetic anointing.
“But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things” (1 John 2:20).
God’s Revelation Knowledge vs. Human Reasoning
When you have prayed to our Father and you know that you know in your “knower” that He has heard you, things begin to change. After God delivers you from the place you were trying to leave He will close the door and you will find yourself waiting for the new door to open. We call this place the “Hallway” and it sometimes is dark and scary in this spiritual hallway; you may want to bail, jump ship or abandon God’s plan.
When you are in the “hallway” you should not make any major decisions. You must wait until you see the light coming through the door that stands open for you, move toward the light and trust God. If you will allow God to lead you then you will find out who you are in Him. The hour has definitely come; we are going to see major changes. God has a plan and He is getting us ready for something big.
A lot of people are proclaiming that everything is great, but when it all falls apart the people who rested on those words are going to be devastated. However, there are people who are preparing for it. It is important for us to stay out of debt and try to be as financially free as we possibly can. To be a poor man is a hard thing but the worst thing is to be a poor man in debt. You may not have all the material things you desire, but at least you have zero debt. It is easier to find a morsel of spiritual bread, which is a word from God, than to keep looking every day for the stale loaf the world continues to promise.
“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God'” (Matthew 4:4).
For years we have heard that we need to stay out of debt, yet people have wondered why. They thought everything was getting better. We must know what God wants us to do in the financial arena in order to have foresight on what we need to do for future plans. We need 20/20 foresight, not 20/20 hindsight. The only way to do that is to be in touch with the Lord and work under His anointing.
The time has come when God is telling certain people what to buy, what to sell, and when to sell and where to buy. God will begin to prosper us and take us through a time that will be very difficult. We cannot go on what the world promises; we must go with what the word of the Lord is for each and every transaction we make. He is the only bread we need. When we know what God wants us to do, then we will know peace. God’s word will always test us. We are often being tested by His word; we either trust Him or trust the ways of this world.
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and He who believes in Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35).
Knowing All Things by the Spirit
We shall know all things by the Spirit. The things you have need of cannot always be successfully obtained by human knowledge. That is why God has given us the window of prayer to find answers, so we know how to obtain the things we need. If you have need of anything, you can find out how to get it by praying in the Spirit. When you pray, God will be faithful to send His ministering spirits (angels) to deliver His revelation knowledge revealing how to obtain what you need.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
One of the recorded events regarding angels interacting with man is found in the story of Jacob’s ladder, a Sunday school teaching many of us have forgotten. This event is biblical proof that angels do co-exist between heaven and earth. The Angels of the Lord are continually ascending and descending between heaven and earth, delivering messages to us and taking our prayers back to the throne of God. In a dream, Jacob saw angels traveling up and down a ladder that extended from God’s throne to earth and back again. The angels were making way for the word of God to be delivered to Jacob while he slept. The promise of the Lord was given to Jacob during this dream and Jacob knew when he awoke that God had revealed His plan.
Jesus Prophesied and Imparted Spiritual Gifts
The New Testament gives confirmation that a similar occurrence took place during the days Jesus, the Son of Man, ministered on earth. While Jesus was ministering in the word of knowledge, He prophesied and imparted the gift of discernment into Nathaniel (John 1:49-51). Philip, from Bethsaida, found Nathaniel and told him about Jesus, who claimed to be the Messiah. Nathaniel did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah that was prophesied about in the Old Testament. When Jesus saw Nathaniel, He spoke a word of knowledge to Nathaniel, telling him He had seen him sitting under a fig tree. Nathaniel knew there was no way that Jesus could have seen him sitting under the fig tree, thus Nathaniel believed that Jesus was the Son of God. The Lord gave Nathaniel spiritual eyes to see how Jesus knew and operated in these supernatural gifts by giving him the gift of discerning of spirits (seeing angels).
“Jesus answered (prophesied) and said to him (Nathaniel), ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man'” (John 1:51).
Down the Hallway to the Promise of God
In 1995, we were asked to go on television by a friend who worked at LeSea Broadcasting. Before I begin, allow me to go back a ways. I was introduced to a downtrodden pastor by another minister who had asked me if I could find God’s will for his friend. This pastor of seventeen years and his wife became friends of ours after God was faithful in sharing His word and direction that day. This pastor was let go after serving his denomination all his adult life. He had no skills outside of ministry, no money and two teenage children. After being asked to move out of the parsonage they traveled from Hawaii to Fort Worth, Texas to meet with me expecting to receive a word from the Lord. While we ate dinner in a crowded restaurant, he and his wife began to tell us about all of their problems. They were destitute; they had lost everything and did not know where to go or what to do. I had brought a small tape recorder and a blank tape to record their prophecy.
It was not long before I received the message the Lord had for this man and his wife. The ministering spirit told me to tell them to go back to Hawaii; there would be someone there to meet them who would give them a place to live. This portion of the word was really hard to believe being Hawaii’s real estate is very expensive. He was also to go on Christian television and begin to pray for people over the air. They seemed to roll their eyes in disbelief, but they realized they had nothing else to go on, so they took a leap of faith and agreed to go back to Hawaii. The pastor’s friend paid for their tickets and he and his family flew back to Hawaii to find a home even though their pockets were empty. Just as God had said, to their surprise, they were met at the airport by the new pastor who had taken over his pulpit. The new pastor said they could move back into the parsonage, because he already had a home and they could live-rent free in the very place where they had lived before they were kicked out. As the pastor sat in the parsonage with his family he found himself struggling, scared and wanting to run away; he was now in the “Hallway” waiting for God to fulfill His promise.
For two weeks he worked up his courage to go to the Christian television station and see if he could get a spot on the channel. This man had no money; however, he stepped out on God’s word and was given a spot. By faith, he started his weekly TV program. Within the first month he was unable to pay the expenses for his program and went off the air. He was stressed beyond measure, and unbeknownst to me he sent in his last $50.00 for another prophecy. Then he stepped back into the ‘hallway’ and waited for his prophetic word. The word he received was: “This very day things will change,” along with other more personal words but the main promise was “This very day things will change.”
The day he received his prophecy, he also received a phone call from the television station. The station asked if he would start up his program again, but this time he would become a paid employee working in sales for LeSea Broadcasting and his television program would cost him nothing. What a blessing it was for this family in Hawaii! The name of the program is “Prayer Line Hawaii” and we have a few of these programs on video where I appeared on his show and prophesied to callers live over the airwaves. Becoming friends with this television minister became a blessing program was over, the owners started calling all of the ministers who had live programs airing at their studio and set it up for me prophesy to their viewers, as well. I agreed and received no payment of any kind because the Lord had promised me wherever I send out His prophetic word I would reap a harvest. Even after all these years, I still have close relationships with a number of people and churches from around the world due to allowing myself to be a vessel through which God could speak through.
“Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:1-7).
PMT Mission Statement;
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
Dear Prophet Kent Simpson,
What can I say; everything you said is truth and thank you for praying for me.
“When you joined my people and gathered within the building u slowly began to find out not all of them were of me. Like wolves in sheep clothing. A few still kept their sins while trying to walk with me. Now u see that they are lukewarm and I will spew them out of my house. I will come to u one day and I will pour within u my compassion for them”
This is true! The first church I entered was a church of lukewarm. Everyone in the church would judge and gossip about the new members and made themselves like they know everything and everyone else was dumb. I walked away from this church and I was so very angry and annoyed and I asked God why he made me experience that as a new believer to a new church. I am pleased to say that after years of them failing Christians and sinning the way they did, the Lord has separated everyone in there and all the members woke up to themselves and now go to another church. It is like all the members were scattered away from this church and the pastor was left all alone. One of the members emailed me and apologized for everything. I am thankful that God brought his light into that church. I ask if you can pray that the Lord changes that Pastors heart because he affected many people and his pride letting him down a lot. Also pray that he stops gossiping and judging people and also that he may stop passing this habit onto new believers who just want to seek God.
About the prophetic Gift, I do see prophetic dreams all the time but I don’t understand them. For example, after I left that church I immediately started to see the church in my dreams almost every week, I always saw it in darkness and there was always a candle outside lighting, but the inside was darkness and I would see the people walking away. I would see the same kind of dream all the time and then the dream happened months later.
And also what place will the Lord give unto me to feed the lost sheep? The Lord said I am the sent one. I am sorry but I don’t understand, I have sinned too much and are not worthy to be trusted to do what he has planned for me!! I feel bad for doubting but why me! I am excited and at the same time sad because I feel like I’m not good enough to do anything for God.
I would love prophetic counselling, what do I have to do to get that prophet? I want to be stronger in Christ. I am so hungry for God! I just do not have the right people in my life to help me and encourage me to go to church! I have not been to a church for a long, long time because I got confused and lost and now that the Lord spoke to you these words, I am wondering how on earth will all that happen if I don’t even have a job to work and buy me a car to go to church every Sundays and Wednesdays for gatherings. It breaks my heart.
Thank you again and God bless you man of God
Pastor Kent,
Thank You for your message “By the Measure You Hear!” And forgive me for not Thanking You enough for going to the Throne of Grace on my behalf and receiving a Word! You are a true blessing to all of us and may we continue to hunger to know and hear His Voice and to follow it wholeheartedly and completely.
So very grateful…I will keep you in prayer –
Dear Kent Simpson,
You will never know how much you bless me with this word…I just received in my email…May Yahweh give you Peace, Strength and Supernatural energy to help me and others…may every finances you need …be also provided…peace forever* More Testimonials » Share Your Testimony with us @ Prophetic Ministries Today
Change You Need to Know About!
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.
When I finally surrender to the calling on my life I began to really study the Bible. The one thing that kept grabbing me was that we should be able to hear the voice of God and have the power to minister in spiritual gifts. The only way I knew to obtain these gifts was to ask for them. So every morning at 5:45 I would go to the Church sanctuary and walk and pray for an hour or more each day. After about 8 to 10 weeks of faithfully praying and asking God to be used in signs and wonders He spoke. Now, this was not some faint whisper, no it was His auditable voice booming in this wide open space. He started with a question; “Do you want to do the stuff?” and He said it just like that. Without thinking I responded with a loud “YES” thinking why did it taken so long for Him to hear my prayers. He then interrupted my thoughts saying; “Then love My people the way I do.” I took a quick self-examination of my abilities to love people like Jesus loved the people and realized I cannot do that of myself. From that day forward I changed my prayer to: “Lord teach me how to love Your people the way you do.” Within just a couple of weeks I was invited to travel with a group of apostles and prophets who were scheduled to travel through Texas ministering an in a number of churches. It was at the very first church we visited that the prophet prophesied and laid hands upon me and I received the spiritual gift of prophecy, word of knowledge and the word of wisdom.
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29).
It is true that when God blesses you with a spiritual gift it is irrevocable; in other words, it cannot be taken away. Many folks have a real problem with this but not to worry. He will not take the gift back if misused; he simply removes the vessel. That is something to truly fear. The Scripture above also explains why the gift is still working when ministers go astray, living a life in sin but still ministering in the spiritual gift for which they are known. Unfortunately, there are also ministers who guide God’s people with an iron fist and make demands of their flock that are unreasonable. Those kinds of misgivings have concerned me for years until the Holy Spirit taught me about these truths regarding spiritual gifts. After I had received the prophetic gifts, my life was radically changed. However, at the same time I was troubled over what our Lord Jesus had said in this verse: Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? ‘And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! (Luke 6:21-23).
In the beginning of this ministry I thought that I could do no wrong in the eyes of God. Soon, however, these verses shattered me and made me question my own salvation; I wondered how I would ever be sure that I was pleasing God. Even while ministering in the gifts of the Holy Spirit I could mess up and hear Him say, “Turn from me I don’t know you.” How could I ever get it right? What must I do to please God and not feel at risk of losing my position in heaven? It seemed to take years before the Holy Spirit came to me and told me what I needed to do to keep myself safe in the eyes of God. What He said is easy to repeat but much more difficult to accomplish. Once again these are His words: “Love My people the way I do.”
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is built upon showing the love of God. Tabernacle by definition means gathering place. It is a place to gather, worship and seek God for His direction and healing touch. Those who are called to the prophetic ministry hunger for a place where they can be accepted and understood. For over years I have been trying to find a place to worship and minister. However, I know I am not the only one. Throughout my experience in this ministry I have met many people who have stood alone not knowing what to do. Our choices are either abandon our calling from God or submit to the passive present system of church government. I have NOTHING against the Church because I am part the Church. There is a Biblical need for change, when I read my Bible I see that the present day Church does not follow the scriptures. Here is one example: And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? (1 Corinthians 12:28, 29).
Now I beg the questions: WHEN DID GOD TAKE THESE MINISTRIES OUT OF THE CHURCH? Can a Pastor effectively teach and guide someone who is called by God to be a prophetic minister? Pastors are valuable teachers and overseers of congregations worldwide and are not to be belittled by any means. Pastors have various functions and are greatly needed to feed their flock, filling their needs.
In the past few months I have started to open the Shepard’s gate so God’s prophetic ministers no longer have to stand alone. At present we will continue to work together as prophetic ministers, living in our present locations. However, at some point in time we will all have to physically gather into one city and start building the Tabernacle of God. We welcome you to join us in showing the love of God through His prophetic word. Join us by enrolling in the School of Prophetic Knowledge you cannot fail this course if you have the love for God’s people in your heart and words.
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Norfolk, Virginia April 3 &4, 2015 for More Information Click Here
‘The Vision of the Tabernacle’
8 DVD’s from Prophetic Gathering January 2015 Donation of $29 or more
Comments and Testimonies
“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,When the Lord has not commanded it?”
(Lamentations 3:37) New King James Version (NKJV)
I was given prophetic words during the Prophetic Gathering in early Jan of 2015. I am already starting to see the outward manifestations of part of those words. I am also seeing an increase in the inner manifestations of those words. As I spend time with the Lord, he is so kind to reveal my heart, remove the things I had placed inside, so I can receive more of him and His promises.
My daughter Inger is free from alcohol now. It happened about one month ago. For 14 days she was sleeping most of the time in her home, and now she has no urge to alcohol anymore. She is so glad for what has happened with her and she is so thankful. She wants me to say a very big thank you for all the prayers for her.
I wanted to connect with you and say thank you for the amazing word God spoke through you. As God orchestrates things, the morning of the day I received this word I was looking at the largest 1.5 billion pixel picture of the Andromeda galaxy taken by the Hubble space telescope. I kept zooming in and in. I really could not even comprehend how huge and complex it is. I told my son the come and look as I exclaimed how absolutely big and amazing our God is.
Then later that day I received your word. I know it was not a coincidence. I still am reeling in a sense from the magnitude of it. “Can you imagine holding the universe in your hands?” What? God took something I thought I could never grasp and will show me. Wow.
Your word is filled with big things like that. As you said, I am choosing to believe that I will experience all these things I never dreamed could be. Truly, life with our Lord can be an endless adventure. Also God used you to confirm a word spoken by Kent about how God loves my heart. Very special.
I am excited to bring our family to Norfolk, VA so they too can see and hear our God in action through everyday people yielded to Him.
I am honestly beside myself. To be associated with PMT would not only be an honor, but humbles me greatly. It is hard to wrap my head around that, because I’ve never given a word or seen anything in advance YET. I’m anxious by nature and do not like to speak publicly. Then again, God used many “unqualified” people throughout the Bible.
I just reread my first prophecy from you and my heart leapt with excitement. This portion foretells what I have gone through for almost two years since received,
“The Lord said you will see there is coming many different changes in your life that shall begin to strain you in many ways. Cause you to feel as though, you have been forgotten. But know this in advance saith the Lord, you are not forgotten and this is a time and a season for you to experience a miracle. For as you come through this period of time, the angel that I have appointed to minister for you, shall bring you through these dilemmas, these times of chaos and calamity that will give unto you the nurturing that you need. To help you to begin to move through those things in grace. For you will find that grace that surpasses all understanding shall give unto you the ability to be able to know that it is pure and sufficient to help you through this time of need.”
I made it, LOL. Wanted to quit many times!! It’s hard to imagine that God created me to be an end time prophet and seer. I have always admired those that have walked in that ministry. The fact that I am called to do the same is met with anticipation and intimidation at the same time, if that makes sense. I am beyond ready to get started. I know the fear that comes with that leap is not of God. I have been long awaiting for His sign and I am ready to receive!
God bless,
Shay from Oklahoma
Kent, this came in this morning to Cathy who does our “intake” of comments. Thought it might bless you as it did me!!
Thank you SO much for your personal recommendation of Prophet Kent!
I am so grateful to have received my personal prophecy from him which is so right on I cannot tell you!
I did this primarily because of your personal recommendation on his website being an Elijah List subscriber for years.
There can be so much errant “stuff” out there leading people astray that your recommendation gave Prophet Kent total validation in my heart since I had not known a lot about him other than Prophet Kent being an excellent contributor to the Elijah List over the years.
May the Lord continue to enlarge your territory for His glory and thank you ever so much again for your personal recommendation of Prophet Kent.
As you know for the past two years this ministry has been growing at an alarming rate. The result of this growth has hindered me from being able to spend as much time as I would like writing and spending time with God. This all has changed. It is very difficult for me to minister to more than 8,000 people alone. I need more time for God and my Family and Ministry Partners but having to do prophecies for as many as 700 people in one month is just too much. Therefore, as of December 17, 2014; I will not be making myself available for everyone who wants me to seek God on their behalf for a prophetic word. I will only be ministering to our Family and Ministry Partners; however if you desire a prophecy being one of my partners you may go to any one of the prophecy pages on PropheticMinistries.org and make your request with the required offering.
Receive your Prophetic Word on Audio Email (MP3)
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering. You will receive your prophecy within 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. From your computer you can even burn a copy to your own CD.
Not geeky enough to do the MP3 or burn your own CD then save yourself the trouble and select to have your prophecy recorded on CD and mailed to you.
(When requesting your prophecy on CD the 10 day delivery does not apply; allow 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending upon how far you live from our location)
PayPal Members or Non-Members use PayPal Shopping Cart
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.
Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
Participate in the Prophetic Ministry Outreach
Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
Receive 100% of All Contributions to Your Ministry Under the Banner of PMT 501(c)3 Status
For a personal prophecy sent to your email inbox, please send a tax-deductible offering of 30.00 US dollars. You will receive your prophecy in 10 business days or less attached to your audio email in a MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
Business days are Monday-Friday and Holidays are not included; if we experience an unplanned surge of requests we will notify you of any delays.
Your Prophecy will be attached as an audio email file in Microsoft Media MP3 format compatible with Microsoft Media Player, Macs, iPhones and iPads can download an APP from Apples App Store for FREE to play all Microsoft Media files.
The file will be virus free and available for you to download to your computer for immediate playback or to save on your hard drive. You can even burn a copy to your own CD.
PayPal Users
Online Prophecy on CD or Cassette Tape
If receiving your prophecy via audio email MP3 is not feasible, we can send you an audio tape or CD by first class mail**.
PayPal users please choose the country of your location:
Become an Internet Master
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge
request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind.
Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included at NO extra charge. Have Questions email us at PMTkent@aol.com
For International Orders go to: School of Prophetic Knowledge: in English Only
PMT is a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation
Become a Prophetic Family Partner Today
What is Prophetic Counseling?
There is a difference between receiving Prophetic Counseling vs. Personal Prophecy.
When giving prophetic guidance and counseling it helps to know more about the person. The difference is when you receive a prophetic word from God He is telling you what He wants to say. When I am ministering in prophetic counseling He is giving me answers to what you need to know and what to do in order to receive the results you are looking for. When emailing or visiting over the phone most of the time God gives me the answers within seconds, if they are warranted questions. My understanding of this scripture below is different than what the Word of Faith movement taught me:
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Anytime I am with someone or chatting via email or other ways I am listening to what God has to say. The is a totally different understanding of this verse rather than what Word of Faith has been teaching over the years; “Whatever we agree upon it will come to pass” one major flaw is the one person left out of this formula, GOD!
The partnership level between being a Prophecy Partner and that of being a Family Partner are different and one does not automatically cover the requested offering for the other.
What do Prophetic Family Partner’s Receive?
Prophetic Counseling
Learning How to Know God’s Will
Making Business Decisions
Working Out Family Problems
DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
Personal Training on How to bHear the Voice of God
Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
PayPal users, please choose the country of your location:
I Want to be Your Prophetic Pastor
In the past, I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
Since 1989, I have ministered to over 120,000 people via prophecy as of May 1995. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each year and I will continue to send out personal prophecy via Audio Email and on CD’s to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has given me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity, I can sew prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason, I have started the Family Partners Telephone Access Card. The Access card allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when having difficulty finding God’s will when making tough decisions. When you use the Access card, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 2
In HIS service,
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Though a prophet may receive a monetary blessing when giving a person a word from God, he is not to be mistaken for a hireling. A prophet who is a hireling will give a false prophecy at the request of his financial provider for monetary gain.
In contrast to these false prophets, there are men of God who desire to only speak God’s words and to reveal God’s plans for the people. These men receive their spiritual blessing from God and their financial blessing from God’ people.
Old Testament Times
In the Old Testament we find that the Lord commanded Samuel, a prophet of God, to prophesy over a young man who would be coming his way around lunchtime. The Lord indicated that this young man’s name was Saul and he would be looking for his father’s lost donkeys.
As Saul and his servant wandered around looking for the lost donkeys, the servant spoke up and said, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.”
I Samuel 9:6 Today’s Spiritual Guidance
As it was in the Old Testament it is today; it is not evil to seek a prophet for spiritual guidance or direction from God.
Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, WHAT SHALL WE BRING THE MAN? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
I Samuel 9:7
Then Saul’s servant said, “Look, I have here at hand one fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.”
I Samuel 9:8
In this and other scriptures throughout the Bible, God has shown us that we must support his prophets. These men of old had conviction that they must bless the prophet, Samuel, for his intercession. God wants His people to be cheerful in giving.
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthians 9:6,7 You Can Receive Your Own Personal Message From God!
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
Prophet Kent of Prophetic Ministries Today can provide you with a personal audio tape or CD message.
A prophetic message will include one or more of the following:
Word of Knowledge – confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation.
Word of Wisdom – conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized.
Prophecy – revelation of things to come with or without one’s faith.