The first time I ever experienced the manifest presence of the Lord was back in 2004, sometime after the holidays of that year or the beginning of 2005. My birth mother, who had been living with me for a time decided to move out because of some interpersonal issues that had arisen between us. It was really hard for me to understand why she was making some of the decisions that she was making and as she took the last vestiges of her belongings, the apartment felt bare! I went into my room and with a fair amount of despair, I sat on the bed. My Bible was there and I opened it. At that moment, I felt a presence walk into my room. The presence, I would later be able to identify as the Holy Spirit. If I remember correctly, my bedroom door was closed but I knew that instant that the atmosphere changed. I looked down at my Bible to see that I had opened up to John chapter 14 and read through chapter 18. I cannot explain what happened to me better than to say that the scales came off of my eyes at that moment and I was able to understand with a whole new enlightenment, what for years I had been reading. I soaked in the reading with vim and vigor. I had a renewed sense of commitment to the Lord. I began to pursue God and His truth and His ways. Since then, the Lord has worked with me in even more amazing ways, which I will relate another time.
I woke with a dream this morning. There was a large gathering of a great multitude of Christians. Some were on horses carrying royal banners hung on poles with golden cords, like in medieval times. The rest of us were on foot, milling around with great anticipation for what was about to happen. I knew that there was going to be a transfer of banners from one generation to another, but I did not know how it was to take place. I desired to be a carrier, yet so many seemed to have the same desire. Would we approach the banner to which we were most attracted and hope to be the one? That would make for chaos. I did not know what to do, but it was soon to be seen that the choice was not mine anyway.
In the next scene we were all cramming ourselves into a great hall on the same property. We were standing shoulder to shoulder and the passing of the banners was being initiated. I felt a little sad because I was pinned to a wall and could no longer even view the most beautiful banner, much less move toward it. It was a deep crimson with a yellow-gold appliqué. I had not been close enough to see the details of the image in the center, but in my spirit it was majestic. There were many present who I believed were worthy to carry this most beautiful banner, and I did not view myself among them. It seemed that certain ones had been designated for certain banners.
The crowd slowly began to thin as it moved back outside the building. As people exited the building, I was pressed to follow. A remnant was milling around on the grounds as the last of the banners were being transferred. Those who had received banners were lining up in another area for some type of ceremony. Suddenly I heard a horse walking a ways behind me, but I was afraid to turn around and see if it was me who was being approached, or if the horseman was just passing by. The horse got closer and closer, yet still I never turned to look.
Finally, he was right beside me and someone called my name, “Jill.” I felt suspended in eternity while hearing the voice speak, “Jill, He has saved the best for last” (John 2:10). With fear and trembling I turned to see the crimson and yellow-gold banner being held out to me to carry! I was stunned and overwhelmed.
I was sobbing with emotion at this point. Although I could not see the man’s face, I felt his voice of authority asking me, “Are you moved by the honor or by the weight of carrying the banner?” I said, “Both,” and began to weep all over again. Then he asked, “Do you want to get in line with the others, or come to me?” I desperately needed comfort, so without words I ran to him and he held me. It was then that I recognized Him.
As His arms embraced me, I felt a grace and a love that I have never experienced in real life. I was made to understand that the banner was a call to be like “Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross.” (Hebrews 12:2)
Rising from my sleep, I went to prepare Communion. I fellowshipped with the Lord, thanking Him for the incomprehensible grace He showed in allowing me to carry His banner. I didn’t hear a voice in my spirit, but there were thoughts: “Jill, you know My banner over you is love. This is the banner I have given you to carry, that others will see My love high and lifted up, even as I was on the cross. The crimson is My blood and the yellow-gold is My joy. For the joy set before Me I endured the cross. I will reveal the joy set before My people, and My joy will give them strength to endure.”
He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.
Song of Solomon 2:4
You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth.
Psalm 60:4
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
Who has prophetic insight for what tomorrow holds? Many think they know what God is about to do. It is not easy to find out what the future holds. However, Jesus tells us according to the gospel of Mark that we can know these secret things. For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. Mark 4:22 We know also that the scriptures tell us the Holy Spirit will tell us of things to come.
We do not want to forget that Prophetic Insight is also useful for business men and women. There are many changes coming down the pike and you do not want to miss out on any opportunities. Being at the right place at the right time is what it is all about.
The Word of God
He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
and His name is called The Word of God.
Revelation 19:13
Prophetic Insight?
Word of the Week
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Man of God
I thank God for the gift that you are to the body of Christ. The church and the people in general truly need the word of the Lord as this word has become scarce and difficult to obtain. I wanted a prophet to give me a word from God and I had to pay $1000 to get the word – money I could not afford. You have made the true, tested word of the Lord to be available to anyone who needs it, and for this I give God the glory for having made you available to the body of Christ.
Very clearly you have not traded seeking the Lord for a true word from Him, for anything else, and very clearly you take the time to hear from God concerning the lives of His children. I should stop writing this but I am tempted to continue, because my heart is rejoicing so much. You are not peddling with the Word of the Lord, and so be it forever, for the glory of God, and for the welfare of His people!
I am thankful to God dear Servant of the Most High. The word was spot on and I will hold on to it.
In His Service,
Dear Kent,
Thank you so very much for your C.D. of prophetic Word to Becki and Ranko Goronja. Of course, at first they were so taken back to hear these things on C.D., but Becki said it really helped soothe and encourage them in their situation, especially when they listened to the C.D. a couple of more times and digested it. She said it was definitely a sign to renew their involvement in the Bosnian community when they returned home shortly after they listened to your Word from the Lord and there was a wedding invitation to them from another Bosnian family. Becki said she had neglected these ties for a couple of years and they were all but erased from their Eastern European community’s consciousness, but this was such a sign to them to renew their ties.
Becki was so grateful, and they are not losing heart with the present jobless situation. They are grateful for your uncompromising directness that a new job would not happen necessarily too soon for Ranko, but they would have to be patient. Of course Guy is worried to lose Becki to moving to another area, she has become indispensible as an employee. They are dear, dear people who have very good work ethic and character. They have had a rough road.
One of the biggest struggles in our lives is over the issue of legitimacy. In the society we live, we are made to feel we can buy legitimacy by wearing a certain label on our clothes, driving a certain car, attending a certain school, and so on the list goes. The things we identify with can be substitutes or cover ups for our own feelings about our lack of legitimacy. We often don’t feel chosen, sent, qualified, or accepted. Where does real legitimacy come from-the kind that doesn’t just make us feel like we belong, but makes us so secure that others feel like they belong just from being around us. What did Jesus have that enabled a sinful woman who had no credentials to recommend her to be so comfortable in his presence that she was able to enter a room of Pharisees and completely ignore their loud whispers and repulsion and set about washing Jesus’ feet with her hair? Was it that He knew who He was, what His mission was, and how much His father loved Him? And how do we find that place where we too know who we are, what our own mission is, and how much we are loved? That is our quest.
This woman who came to Him had witnessed something about Jesus that enabled her to risk everything to anoint His feet. She could push past all her own fear of religious men, town gossip, and systems of decorum and polite society, because she knew that He would accept her. She was an outcast in society, but the person who was going to accept her and her gift was so powerful that His acceptance was all she needed. She could lose herself in His acceptance and the rejection of every other person would not penetrate her spirit. That is powerful, and it is real, available to every believer. He welcomes your dash toward His protection and your faith that He is able to encompass you in love that cannot falter. He can give you a sense of belonging that no one can take away. And from that place of acceptance, you can pour out your gift and love.
You know how God gives you success in praying for certain things, and how with each victory your faith is built up for the next time that kind of need arises? Some people develop faith for solving mechanical problems, some for creating needed inventions, some for healing backs, or even cancer. Well, my specialty is finding lost things. Maybe it’s because I’m an absent-minded professor-type who needs the help of the Holy Spirit to remember where I’ve put something or left it. However, I have also had success in praying for others with missing articles.
Living in cold New England, I once found that my favorite red wool scarf was missing. This was an item that I loved, and it brought comfort to me for sentimental reasons. I looked for a couple of days, praying as I searched everywhere in my house and car. Finally I sat still, closed my eyes, and asked the Holy Spirit where it was. After a few moments I remembered wearing it recently in a movie theatre. I immediately got in my car, drove to the theatre, and described my scarf to the manager, who proceeded to pull it from the “lost and found.” My favorite scarf found!
Last November I lost a key ring of nine keys that unlocked the building that housed our city prayer center, its storage closet, the soundboard, and related secured areas. By this time I had lost and found so many things that I had learned to pray before looking. I prayed several times the first week before telling the Director of the Prayer Center, with no little embarrassment, that I had lost the only spare keys she had entrusted to me. From time to time I prayed repeatedly to find these important lost keys.
Then one day in early February I opened a drawer in which I kept items for travel. It’s not a place I would store keys, and I live alone. Mysteriously, the keys lay hidden underneath another item. What caught my attention right away was the fact that I had just returned from the inauguration of a new location for the prayer center. The building that the ministry had leased for many years had been suddenly and unexpectedly sold the previous month. Neither the old tenants nor the new owner of the building had been informed about one another. The Director of the Prayer Center showed up for work one morning and found to her shock that all the locks had been changed and that our keys no longer worked!
I pondered the timing of finding the keys and wondered if God was confirming that we were not victims, but that He knew months before that the old keys would no longer be needed because he was relocating us. Since then, there seems to be new authority and wisdom in our prayers. Keys are a biblical symbol of both (Matthew 16:19; Isaiah 22:21-22).
Also this year my mother lost her credit card. We were at her cardiologist’s and she was asked to pay before leaving. She became quite anxious, dumping the full contents of her purse out onto the couch in the waiting room. We both combed through the emptied contents finding nothing. She was sure she had lost the card, and it seemed so to me as well. I was holding back praying but when I could no longer contain myself I blurted out, “Father, in Jesus Name, help us find Mother’s credit card.” Just as I began picking up the items to put back into her purse, I noticed the credit card right under my hand. We were both amazed!
Remember the stories in Luke 15 of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son? Let me share a true story of how the timing of finding a precious object confirmed the process of restoration in a precious son.
I have recounted some of my experiences seeking God about lost items. We are always filled with joy when we find something that we treasure, or something important that has been misplaced, left behind, or even robbed. Luke 15 tells three stories, each of which likens the joy of having either things or loved ones restored to us. The restoration of God’s children to Himself is heaven’s highest joy, and ours as well.
Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Luke 15:8-10
Earlier this year my sister told me that she had lost her favorite ring, a little gold pinky ring, handcrafted with semi-precious stones and purchased while she was visiting me in New England. Like the woman in Luke 15 who had lost a silver coin, my sister had searched her house thoroughly, but unlike the story, the ring was ne’er to be found. We each prayed and hoped, not really hearing where else to look. I encouraged her not to give up, sharing about the time I lost a bracelet crafted by the same jeweler and found it six months later in the garage right under my car.
However, there was a greater loss that had made my sister’s heart truly sick. All of our family was crying out to God for her adult son, my beloved nephew. When he was a young boy, the Lord had impressed Psalm 18 on my heart for him. When he became depressed and then seriously ill, this Psalm proved to be an anchor of faith for me that one day he would be healed and reach out to others with the healing he had received from God. Eventually it was determined professionally that he was suffering with a mental illness, but he didn’t seem to recognize his state. He left the country and was out of touch for several years. We prayed continuously.
When he showed up in our hometown, an uncle recognized him walking down the street. We were sad that he was not comfortable to talk or be with his parents or family. It was heartbreaking. There was great concern for his life. My sister and brother-in-law prayed in the extreme, and did all that was humanly possible to reach him and to help him. Many of us prayed daily, beseeching God to restore this precious son to us and to Himself.
After the last effort, he simply left town again. Where was he? Was he okay? What would happen to him in his unstable state? We had many real concerns for his well-being. And our hearts were rent with pain for the breach in the relationship. We continued to hold him before the Father. A couple of years more passed. One day, when my sister ran out of words to pray, she turned on the radio to find playing a beautiful song about the return of the prodigal son.
Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.
Luke 15:13-14
About two years later my nephew made contact because he had run out of money, had been seriously ill, and needed help. He was in dire straights, and open to a visit from his parents.
When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!’
Luke 15:17
With great hope and great trepidation, for they did not know what they would find, his parents flew to spend a few days with him. Indeed, he had come to his senses. They saw no sign of mental illness and marveled at what appeared to be a miracle! They delighted in him day and night, and agreed to help.
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
Luke 15:21
When they returned from their visit with their son, the whole family was overjoyed with them. We are still rejoicing in the gift of three wonderful days of love. Although there are yet mountains ahead that need to be removed, our faith is soaring from what God has already wrought. We now pray that this is a true new beginning for him.
Two days after their return home with the marvelous news, my sister sent me an email whose subject was “Lost and Now Found.” It was not about her son, but about her precious gold ring. At the end of the first full day of visiting their son in another state, her housekeeper called from her home and told her that she had found the ring under a couch. The Lord had waited until my sister saw her son first-hand in order to confirm that He is the Finder and Restorer of all things and people. If you are still praying and hoping against hope, your trust is in the right Person.
It’s the Christian Way!
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
During one of our morning radio programs God told me to tell the people we are breaking out of the this place, taking His grace. At the time I had no idea how His Word would open so many doors. Within a few minutes the phone lines lit up on the reception’s board. People were calling in asking if we would come to their homes, meetings and businesses. We took all the names and numbers we could, and after the program was off the air we began calling people back and making a schedule.
One of the first places we traveled was Desoto, Texas. As we traveled to the city which was about 60 miles away we prayed for God to make a way to help us with our radio expenses. You see, we were given notice from the radio station the day before that our program would be cancelled if we could not pay for the program in advance. Needless to say we were very concerned. The previous week we held a yard sale and raised enough to pay for the prior week’s program, but we had nothing left to pay in advance.
When we arrived at the family’s home we were greeted by four people who were extremely gracious and excited about our coming. After exchanging names we all sat down in the living area and I began to share what our Lord had placed on my heart; afterward, I began to prophesy to each one at great length. I distinctly recall His Word for the young lady, the daughter of the woman who owned the home. The Lord revealed that she was having trouble in school and that she was afraid she would not graduate; however, His Word was that she would receive her degree. After delivering His Word I asked her what this was about. She said she was a biology major at Texas A&M University and that she was working to complete her master’s degree. Sadly, she said that there was no way she could graduate because her scores were too low; she had already been notified that she would not pass. My faith was immediately challenge, but I did my best to comfort her.
After a few more Words were given, we noticed the time had sped by and we needed to start our journey home. As we were walking out, the man of the house came running out the door toward us with an envelope in his hand. Thanking him we went to our vehicle and sat for a moment; as the anointing began to leave reality stepped in our thoughts, reminding us we were still unable to pay for the radio program. Feeling a little bummed out, I started driving home when suddenly my wife let out a shout, “Pull over, pull over! We have it.” As I stopped the vehicle she said, “It’s enough; I think it’s enough.”
Puzzled I ask, “What is enough?” She began to explain that the envelope which we thought was just a card turned out to also contain a sizable check inside worth the exact amount we needed for the radio program for the next week. What seemed so amazing was we had NOT told nor hinted to anyone that we were having financial troubles keeping the ministry going. From that point on we never had to worry again about the radio expenses.
A few months later we received a call from the family in Desoto wanting us to come back. When the day had come to return to Desoto we were so excited, because the family had informed us that there was a big surprise they wanted share with us. After we arrived and all settled down the mother, who was beaming from ear to ear, said that her daughter had something very exciting to share. The daughter began to refresh our memory about His Word that she had received regarding her obtaining her master’s degree. As she showed us her diploma, she told us a remarkable story about how God fulfilled His Word. After our last meeting she drove back to A&M to finish up her lab work that she had started at the first of the semester. As she began finalizing her report she discovered that she had stumbled upon a formula that would block a strain of influenza. She wrote to the Medical Journal of her findings. They checked it out, confirmed her discovery and ran an article in the journal about her work at A&M. This placed the university in a very awkward situation. To resolve the problem, Texas A&M University gave her an Honorary Diploma with high honors for her work.
This was just one of many blessings we received for broadcasting His Word, “Busting out of this place, taking His grace.”
With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind. Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
What You Need to Know
You have now embarked upon your personal prophetic journey by enrolling in the School of Prophetic Knowledge. It is important for you to know that we have included your Ordination Papers and Ministerial Licenses. We believe that only God can truly call and ordain a person into the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are offering you the privilege of ministering under the banner of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle under these premises. The school is to inform you of what we believe and what we teach.
After studying the material, if you still want to build your ministry alongside of all the others under the PMT banner, then you will need to call or email me after you have completed the course. There is no testing and you cannot fail the course.
Once you have completed the course and have made contact with me then we will activate your Ministerial Licenses. Once these things have been completed then you will be ready to begin your “one on one” training. Part of this training will include you seeking God for others. From time to time you will receive an email with a name of a person who has made contact with PMT, seeking a word of prophesy. You then will send back to me what you have heard, seen or felt our Lord reveal to you via the Holy Spirit. I will review the word and send it on to the person who contacted us and will then discuss the ins and outs of delivering His Word with you.
When you have sent out enough prophesies and I sense that you are ready to move to the next level then we will begin the process of letting your ministry be a connected as a branch of the Family Tree of Prophetic Ministers. One of the ways we will do this is by offering you your own streaming video channel on This offer is much more than just placing your video on a page. Your channel will be a source for you to offer up to 20 different ministry materials, such as teaching on CD, DVD or printed material, as well as a source for people to make contributions toward your ministry. One of the largest gains in placing your ministry on your own streaming video channel with is that ALL funds that come to you through your channel are tax deductible to the contributor and tax-exempted to you. Being that PMT/VC is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation, you can operate your ministry over the Internet or in a building under the PMT/VC banner.
In the months to come more options and opportunities will be made available to you. We are excited about the decision you have made to begin this most rewarding journey. We will be here to assist you every step of the way.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
To; Kent Simpson,
I suppose I should tell you at some point, no time better than another necessarily, that you have spoken over me several times. Once, no twice in person, I think. I have most of the tapes, as I have diligently kept them over the years and from time to time, listen to them. You spoke into me the preparation of ministry by God through dreams and visions. I have had these and many supernatural experiences, which continue to drive me to pursuing God as He has done sooooo much in my life. I am a totally different person than I was years ago. God has healed me of emotional traumas and such stemming from an abusive adoptive home, rejection by them, and a very dysfunctional birth family. I cannot convey the depth of the work God has done in my life. But really, what I am getting at is that God has been working with me in the supernatural things, except two things I lack.
One of the things I keep running against is hearing God for myself, and being able to STILL MY MIND, which is something you mentioned on one of the tapes. I don’t know how to do this. I have feelings of being led by the Holy Spirit, and only one time did I encounter a voice come from within me that I knew to be God. The presence that I encountered with it was clarity and calm and the words I knew to all come from God. Other than this, nothing! No voice, no more speaking from within, and I am fairly despondent about this. I pray lately that God unstop my ears, so that I would be able to hear Him speak. “Pray, hear, obey!” Like you say! But I hit a wall. I am frustrated and feel like I should be making progress. Or perhaps, God does not want to speak to me, but then, why or why not?
I desire to order your prophetic school set, but it will have to wait until funds become available and that might be a few months. So, can you help me understand two things? How to still my mind and how to hear God like you do? It seems that without the ability to hear God, I have nothing!
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
I am amazed at how God has ignited Jenny into a fire ball, branding new found revelation from my old teachings. I consider Jenny as one sent to bear witness with what God has been revealing to me for the past 20+ years. As to say; through two or more witnesses every word will be established.
I have been used as God’s plow to break the hard ground preparing for Jenny and others to sow the seed of controversial teachings. She will be one of many preaching and teaching these messages and reaping a great harvest from His Word for the times are ripe.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Jenny Little
My Prison of Unforgiveness
While listening to Kent Simpson’s CD about Prophetic Visions it was brought to my remembrance by the Holy Spirit a dream I had in 2006. I remember the details of this dream very specifically, as I was caught off guard by what I saw. I thought I was a good Christian woman, and knew Jesus. It was about 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. I was only asleep for about 30 minutes when this dream came to me.
Here is what I saw: I was standing behind metal prison bars. As I looked up I saw Jesus standing in front of me talking to a group of people. His back was to me. I could only see from His shoulders down. I could not see His face, nor could I see that back of His head. He was wearing a long white robe. He was just out of my reach, and I wanted so badly to get his attention by reaching out through the bars and touching the hem of His garment. In my mind I wanted to say, “Hey Jesus, here I am, you know me, turn around, I am here behind you.”, but I was unable to speak. He never turned around, but kept standing with those other people. Then the dream ended.
Over the last 6 years I have wanted to know why He never acknowledged me and why I was behind the prison bars. I now know it had a lot to do with my unforgiveness. I have spent so many years complaining to God, and having bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart towards another about my circumstances. I had tied Gods hands from being able to deliver me out of the miry clay which was weighing me down. I had to come to the place where I understand this vitally important concept. I had to learn to praise God and be thankful for the hard places. Recognizing that it was God who allowed me to be there, and not the fault of anyone else; then, and only then, could I be delivered from my prison of unforgiveness.
This was a very important juncture which God had brought me to. The Holy Spirit spoke to me these words: “You cannot sow unforgiveness to anyone and reap forgiveness from God.”
There is no deliverance from sin after you get to heaven. The deliverance has to take place here on earth before you die, because unforgiveness can-not exist in Heaven.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, THAT he will also reap.
Galatians 6:7
If you sow corn, you reap corn. If you sow wheat, you reap wheat. If you sow unforgiveness, you reap unforgiveness. Likewise, if you sow love and kindness, you reap love and kindness. Sowing and reaping is a spiritual law. You will reap exactly what you sow. When you have unforgiveness towards someone you have put yourself in a place of judging that person. When you judge that person, you then will be judged by God.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
Matthew 7: 1, 2
When you are consequently judged by God, after having judged another, you have created a breach between you and God, thereby limiting or even stopping your spiritual growth.
Now, here is another important spiritual concept that goes along with forgiveness; if someone has hurt you, then you should ask God for the opportunity to go to that person and let them know that you have forgiven them for hurting you. Don’t wait for them to ask for your forgiveness. They may never acknowledge that they have hurt you. That is ok. That is between them and God. The wisdom in this is, by your letting them know that you have forgiven them, you have enabled them to start forgiving themselves.
Now, instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow.
II Corinthians 2:7
Forgiving someone has to come from the heart. If it doesn’t, then it will not be accounted unto you as righteousness. If you don’t feel it in your heart right now to forgive, then ask our loving heavenly Father to help you and He will. He wants more than anything for you to be delivered from the sin of unforgiveness so He can bless you with every good and perfect gift and draw you close to Him.
So be it, Amen
Jenny Little
Prophetic Minister
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
“True prophets of God do not tell you what to do, but they do tell you what to expect”
Most people think that I just walk around hearing God’s voice audibly telling me each step to take and what to expect each and every hour of the day. Well, I’m here to tell you that is simply not true; I too experience times where He is hard to find. Remember, His favorite game is Hide-n-Seek. Just about the time you think you know all His hiding places He goes somewhere in His spiritual kingdom that you have never been. It’s scary to not know where God is for you, especially when everything seems to be coming apart at the seams.
I recall many times I have been caught between a rock and hard place and God wasn’t telling me how to get out of my dilemma. One time in particular I had offered our partners a personal prophecy on video from the Holy Land. Everyone sent in an offering to help me get there and cover my traveling expenses. I could not afford to take anyone with me, so I traveled alone. When I arrived and checked into the hotel, I took my video camera and started to walk the biblical streets of Jerusalem. As I entered the Gates of David, a young merchant came begging me to write in English “Grand Opening”, for he said they had just opened a new jewelry store and needed a sign in English. He had me come into their store, and as I was writing he locked the door. I thought that was rather odd, but I continued to write; then he demanded all my money as he stuck a tray of rings in front of me. I told him I did not want any rings and he took four rings and put them in my shirt pocket as his co-worker took my wallet out my back pocket. I tried to give the rings back but they said, “Oh no, you purchased these rings and paid for them” as he handed me back my empty wallet. I knew there was nothing I could do, so I turned and asked them to let me out.
Confused and wondering why God did not tell me this was going to happen, I went to my room. I began to seek God, knowing I had no money and no way to get back to the airport. I was scheduled to stay two weeks, but I couldn’t figure out how I was going to eat. I talked to God about it and then I handed Him the problem. I packed up some tapes and took off walking toward the Whaling Wall. After a few hours of prophesying in the streets in front of my camera, I started back to the hotel to see if God had a solution for me. As I was taking my shower, His Word came to me. He said, “Go back and tell them you know Ruth Heflin, a woman who had a church in Jerusalem for over 33 years, and let them know that you are going to see her tomorrow about the rings.” When I walked in and told them, their faces suddenly turned from a bronze color to stark white. They said, “Do you know Ruth Heflin? She gave us all these display cases for our jewelry and the desk and furniture.” They begged me to take back the money and keep the rings, but I didn’t want the rings, just my money. They wouldn’t hear of it, and eventually I walked out with the rings and money. I couldn’t praise the Lord enough!
After I had recorded over 300 hundred prophesies all over Jerusalem, I headed to the airport. I thought I would just get on the airplane and start my long journey home. In order to carry 300 VHS tapes, a video camera and my clothing I had to purchase a very large toolbox. When traveling with a large toolbox on a dolly secured with two bulletproof pad locks, it is not easy to get through International Customs. However, I didn’t have trouble coming into Israel, so I didn’t expect any trouble getting home, nor did I plan on being detained by the Israeli Army. (And that’s another story for another time.)
What You Need to Know
You have now embarked upon your personal prophetic journey by enrolling in the School of Prophetic Knowledge. It is important for you to know that we have included your Ordination Papers and Ministerial Licenses. We believe that only God can truly call and ordain a person into the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are offering you the privilege of ministering under the banner of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle under these premises. The school is to inform you of what we believe and what we teach. After studying the material, if you still want to build your ministry alongside of all the others under the PMT banner, then you will need to call or email me after you have completed the course. There is no testing and you cannot fail the course.
Once you have completed the course and have made contact with me then we will activate your Ministerial Licenses. Once these things have been completed then you will be ready to begin your “one on one” training. Part of this training will include you seeking God for others. From time to time you will receive an email with a name of a person who has made contact with PMT, seeking a word of prophesy. You then will send back to me what you have heard, seen or felt our Lord reveal to you via the Holy Spirit. I will review the word and send it on to the person who contacted us and will then discuss the ins and outs of delivering His Word with you.
When you have sent out enough prophesies and I sense that you are ready to move to the next level then we will begin the process of letting your ministry be a connected as a branch of the Family Tree of Prophetic Ministers. One of the ways we will do this is by offering you your own streaming video channel on This offer is much more than just placing your video on a page. Your channel will be a source for you to offer up to 20 different ministry materials, such as teaching on CD, DVD or printed material, as well as a source for people to make contributions toward your ministry. One of the largest gains in placing your ministry on your own streaming video channel with is that ALL funds that come to you through your channel are tax deductible to the contributor and tax-exempted to you. Being that PMT/VC is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation, you can operate your ministry over the Internet or in a building under the PMT/VC banner.
In the months to come more options and opportunities will be made available to you. We are excited about the decision you have made to begin this most rewarding journey. We will be here to assist you every step of the way.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Greeting Pastor Kent,
I thank God for receiving your newsletters. I help me a lot for prophetic direction,activation and impartation.
May the Lord bless your ministries in everything.
RE: School of Prophetic Knowledge
Absolutely loving these DVDs, awesome!!!
Thank you sooo much!!
Susan from Australia
Good morning Kent,
I too was blessed hearing your heart for the people of God who are searching like myself to get in sync with God’s plan for their journey. You are a remarkable person. I rejoiced viewing the Hebrews 1:13-14 DVD last night, seeing the blossoming of your gifts in the office of prophet. Countless people have been set in place for the Lord’s purposes in this hour.
I am jealous for your faith and spiritual sensitivity, yet I know they have come at a price. I will need to overcome inertia and learn to discern the difference between wisdom and being overly cautious. I shudder to think of having to go through any more trauma in order to make progress. Perhaps that’s why I was given Psalm 63:7 yesterday.
“A Because You have been my help, Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.”
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
The Sunday TYM.E.S. (Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers,
Greetings, and Grace and Peace to you from God the Father and Our Lord Jesus! As you read this, Lord willing, I have just returned from spending almost a week with Sandy Landry, writing and editing the life story of a prophetess and friend of mine named MINNIE. As the work nears completion, we are so thankful for your prayers.
This week I have chosen to reprise the very first article published on January 29th. It’s the first chapter of this series entitled “Getting Started With Hearing God’s Voice.” For those of you who missed it, the entire series will soon be available on the website, chapter by chapter. For those who read the “dangler” at the end of Chapter 19 and are waiting to hear what happened next, well, hopefully I will continue the saga in Chapter 21.
I want to take this moment to thank a special friend named Lisa who has prayed for this ministry. There have been many rough moments in the writing of the MINNIE book, and much prayer has gone forth, especially over a few areas of serious blockage. Lisa had no way of knowing this, nor did she know I was spending this week with Sandy to “look for the missing link”, as it were. So, last Saturday, before leaving for Sandy’s home, I received this email from Lisa in my inbox:
Dear Tyane,
I wanted to say…(kind words! Thanks!)
I also feel that God would like for me to tell you that within the next week that He is going to make something very clear to you that you have been wondering about for quite a while now. I feel that I am to also tell you to be aware that God is going to give you an answer to a specific question and it’s going to be like a missing piece to a puzzle being found…a missing link that will help connect and network and help bring completion and satisfaction. Just felt strongly to say that so I had to be obedient.
God bless you,
I not only want to thank Lisa for the prophetic word, but let her know truly and publicly that she is hearing God with great precision and timing. This word came to pass just as prophesied! About midweek Sandy and I hit an insurmountable wall. We talked until we were hoarse. We had both prayed, separately and together, and the answer just wasn’t manifesting. Finally we ran out of steam and tried to sleep. At about 4 am Thursday I woke up and heard the next step, the one that has eluded us for many months. The Lord is a great writer; He can speak to anything, even an old British sports car, as I once found out. Anyway, I spent the next 4 hours sketching out what I had heard. Sandy walked in and took off with it and made it even better than I could have imagined. Praise the Lord! He truly showed us how to finish the book, and I think this has been the missing piece that will help us bring it to completion and satisfaction.
Praise the Lord for friends who care to pray and share. Thank you again, Lisa. We started the week with great expectancy that this word gave, and He did not disappoint! There was divine fruit and redemption in this word! Thank the Lord.
Praise HIM,
Sister TY
“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”
Proverbs 25:11
Getting Started with Hearing God’s Voice
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”
Romans 8:14
In answer to those who have asked, I plan to share with you the story of how the Holy Spirit began to train me to hear His voice for others. In fact, He’s still in the process-as He is in so many ways with all of us- so the saga continues. But I believe He will use the hearing of this story to impart to you the hunger for more of Him and the desire both to see and to seek His training in your gift. I say “to see” His training because He may already be speaking to you more than you think.
There is a great deal of scripturally sound teaching readily available to us on hearing His voice and even on learning to prophesy. Perhaps you are familiar with Kent Simpson’s website? Anyway, the story you are about to read, as it appears in weekly installments, is not to be considered a how-to manual or a doctrinal thesis. It is merely the record of how He began to reveal more of Himself to me than I had ever known or understood to be possible on an ongoing basis.
The Holy Spirit will encounter each of you in His own way, and in the end, we each represent but one of the “books that should be written”
John 21:25
Ty BoyeMuch of what I would like to tell you about my past is being written up in a book which Sandy Landry and I are creating as a joint project. So you will have to wait for the book in order to read about the exciting individuals who have crossed my path in the Lord. For now, I plan just to focus on the training the Holy Spirit began in me starting in 2008.
It wasn’t a case of just “deciding” one day to start writing prophetically on behalf of others. In fact, most of my life was spent in churches which viewed contemporary prophesying as either heretical, dangerous, or “best left to the experts”. No one had these gifts anymore, and even if occasionally a glimmer of the miraculous broke through, it needed to be tested with a high degree of suspicion. Prophets were guilty until proven innocent. Even those who accepted that prophetic manifestations might occur were quick to ignore to downplay the supernatural, while insisting love was and is more important anyway. Not wanting to argue over the primacy of love, I stifled any curiosity I might have had. Who needed prophecy when the church had the Holy Scripture? I was thankful for Wycliffe and Tyndale and Luther-as we all should be, of course. But day of the great freedom fighters was past, and now we the laity had the Word at last. If true modern-day prophets did exist, it seemed the historic church had been getting by without them just fine. Or so I thought.
“Everyone knew” that, at least for the average Christian, visions and prophecy all ended when the Apostle John went on to glory in the first century. Now, if someone pressed me, I probably would have said that as an open-minded, educated person, I had to admit that MAYBE it could happen again, but visions and prophecy would only for an extremely important servant of God who had fasted for weeks and was commissioned for world evangelism. Two of my most beloved pastors had told stories about prophetic words spoken over them; I was awed over the accuracy of their confirmations. These were both men with huge ministries. At one point I had actually befriended and elderly lady who called herself a prophetess. I was not sure I could believe her stories, and 30 years had passed since our talks, so that I only dimly remembered her stories. But surely prophecy was not for the rank and file, such as myself. Our job was to stick with the Written Word.
I was a working woman who didn’t have a lot of time to read and keep up on the 21st Century Church. Like a LOT of folks in local churches across America, I thought I had enough to do, just keeping up with my family and my job and the overseas ministries I read about and supported financially. Bill Haman, Bill Johnson, John Paul Jackson, John Wimber, Bob Jones, Patricia King? Who were these folks? Never heard of them. The prophetic movement, Latter Rain, Toronto Airport? I would have said, what is this? New Age? I had not a clue, and nothing in my church experience had filled me in that anything had changed in the spiritual climate in the last hundred years. I didn’t watch much TV. No time. I was BUSY. I played my violin for worship services and was involved in a tiny prayer group in a local church. That was my ministry, and God and I had it figured out that this expenditure of time and energy was something we could both be comfortable with. Or so I reasoned, in a way that echoed the sentiments of many others who say: “This is the way I hear God, by reading the Written Word!”
Then something happened.
In January 2008, a fellow Christian, a trustworthy friend of mine, and one not given to flights of fancy, approached me and said he had seen a vision and heard an audible voice, and this message directly concerned me.
No, I won’t tell you what the vision said, or what he saw. What is important here is that I had no grid for processing this kind of event. I tried frantically to think back on those few times in over 40 years of Christian experience that I had heard Him personally. Ok, yes, there were a few, come to think of it; feeling cornered, I had to admit it. At 51 years old, there had been some voices and visions, but I had suppressed these things and never discussed them in polite Christian company.
That night, thinking about the vision, I lay awake all night, shaking. This vision had seemed true. What just happened? Was this for real? Was this safe? Was it God, or the enemy? How could I ever share this with my prayer group-or my husband? They would think I’d flipped out if I said I took it seriously. Was God trying to get through to me? Why hadn’t HE just told me Himself? OK, yes, I had been praying over this same issue lately in that little church prayer group and this vision seemed like a direct answer to those prayers. Was this vision and voice His answer? Why didn’t He just unfold the answers to my prayers in the slow, laborious process of time, through the accumulation of events, the way it seemed He most often did? Should I be shocked that He would answer me THROUGH SOMEONE ELSE in a big flashy way? Wait: was He still operating the way He had in the book of Acts after all?
I prayed all night and finally heard HIM say something in my spirit. I had not heard the Lord in this way in a really long time. Next week I will tell you what HE said.
I just want to say it was my pleasure reading your email message. The Lord has been shaping me and getting me to be stronger in all the weak areas of my life. I have become stronger in the Lord and closer to the Lord since i became born again Christian. My brother has just gotten saved as well. He was the biggest distraction and always against me because he was so into Catholicism! But all that changed within 4 months. The Lord got to him and now he reads the WORD and his eyes are opened and i pray that the rest of my family sees the truth as well as my brother did. It all requires patience and trusting in the Lord because this is only a trial for me. I have become really strong in not giving up.
I got a prophecy from Kent about a month ago, it lifted me higher and made me feel so much better knowing i received words of encouragement from the Lord! I believe in miracles and in anything that involves the Lord with all of my heart.
— From Sarah
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
Hebrews 11:6
An account of the miracles God performed in our midst.
Over the weekend a dear friend of mine, Adrian Carrier, who lived in Grapevine, Texas, now residing in Georgia contacted me by email, which I will share with you. Adrian and nine others I was training under our ministry in the prophetic gifts traveled with me for a while to various cities in Texas. Looking back at the days during the summer in 1992 and the experiences we encountered, I noticed that PMT has come full circle. Being we have recently started the training sessions again, we are now able to offer prophetic training for everyone no matter where they live; thanks to the internet.
My dear friend Adrian and the ministry team were the very first of many who have trained under this ministry. Adrian’s email stirred my memory, taking me back to events that I had long forgotten. Hopefully, you will find these email transmissions of ours helpful, and may they inspire you to be led by the Holy Spirit to join us and begin your own prophetic journey.
Hi Kent,
Hope all is well with you and yours. Quick question (2 part really)
Are you still going to share the second half of your newsletters’ concerning Nacogdoches trip? (One of the most memorable experiences of my life.) and… After reading your book again and again and again (and again)…
Why don’t you share it in your newsletter? (Unless I missed it and you mentioned it earlier)
It’s done a world of good for me and given me much needed balance. I think it “would do the world some good” to know your book is out there. Those are just my thoughts.
Take care, my friend,
THANKS ADRIAN! I was just wondering what I would write about this week. You got it; the Nacogdoches trip was very exciting. FYI we are scheduled to go back to Nacogdoches the 28, 29 & 30 of this month to minister; you guessed it, another training session activating the select of the elect.
Anything you can remember is most helpful. I do recall glimpses of what you wrote. I would love to have all our old friends together again and reminisce about the old times.
Kent Simpson
From Adrian:
Sure man, but you’re gonna have to answer some of my questions about your book sometime, lol. Can’t dodge me forever.
From my eyes, before the event, I walked into the hotel room to share with Marcus Williams only to find him praying for the team before the service and before our team prayer got started. I joined him in prayer. After we all had our team prayer we joined the service at the Senior Center I believe it was or the Civic Center. It wasn’t a church, I know that. We had P&W, a message from the host and then the team took the floor.
I remember it being the scariest and most excited I’ve ever been. (And remember I’ve had to stand in front of 150,000 to perform a few times) Although, this meeting at first was more nerve-wracking than that, why I don’t know.
After you had been delivering prophetic messages on tapes for about an hour or so there was an old guy that came up for a word and had a demon of alcohol or addiction or something bad like that. You had a word to deliver to him and that he shouldn’t drink before church anymore or he will be ill.
When you said those words you almost fainted or got weak in the knees and the man was delivered. I kind of freaked a little because I saw my bro (you) almost hit the floor. Andrea had explained (over and over) that the addiction went from him to you and then departed. She said it had to go somewhere and that you were weak a bit from all of the ministering and it attacked you before leaving. You were fine a bit later and didn’t seem to be phased at all. Unfortunately, I know there must have been others that were spiritually chained to their chairs because of whatever bondage they suffered. But they knew they were in good company and received anyway. I remember a really old lady who got wobbly the closer she got to you in some sort of fear and oppression. I don’t remember the word she received because we all had our hands full, so to speak. But you laid hands on her and she broke into tears. You could just see the freedom in her after that. You had a really, really big smile after ministering to her, one I’ll never forget; as to say, you were satisfied. I remember that you had to explain to me and Marcus what the words that we spoke over others meant as well. A lady I gave a word to, which I completely missed, was that you said she had an abortion and was living in un-forgiveness. And that she in fact was forgiven. I saw it as a vision of fox eating rabbit. Try explaining that lol.
It was the first time I had experienced the “expression of the church” as a unit, smile. Everyone seemed a bit negative before the service, but afterward you could just tell by everyone’s face that they received, especially the old drunk guy, because he looked a heck of a lot more sober afterwards than before he showed up.
To this day out of all the Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis and other big guns, I have yet to see anyone take on what you did in that town. That was real warfare; most people just do not seem to understand or want to get involved in it. The most respectable part was that you were happy to be used, allowing yourself to be attacked for another so they could be set free. I’ll bet you that man died sober because of that night, years later of course.
If anymore comes to light before deadline and print of next newsletter, I will get it to you.
Now, about that book?
Hey Adrian,
Do you remember the lady who came up for prayer? She told us that she only had seven days to pay off the loan on her home or she was going to lose it. After a short prayer, God began telling me what to tell her. He said that when she goes to the bank to sign the deed on the house back to the bank that He (God) would send an angel to destroy the legal documents and she would never have to leave her home.
Well, after a few months, we were back in Nacogdoches ministering again. As I started to open up the meeting, the same woman started walking toward me as I was addressing the crowd. Without hesitation, she reached out and took the microphone out my hand and turned toward the congregation. She proceeded to remind everyone about the prophecy she had received the last time we were in Nacogdoches. Then she said that on the seventh day, the day she was to sign her house back to the bank, that she walked into the banker’s office and he said he had to go get the paperwork and that he would be right back. She waited for a long time and then he came back and sat behind his desk looking very disgusted. Struggling with his words, he explained that she would have to come back later that they would call her when they had the paperwork. Frustrated and stressed, out the lady wanted to know why the papers were not ready for her signature. She had been painfully waiting for this dreadful day long enough and now they were going to make her wait longer; she demanded to know what was going on. Sheepishly, the banker explained that they could not find her file and if they are not able to find the records on her house they cannot take her house back.
Suddenly the congregation stood up with a roaring praise to our God. His word had come to pass just as He had said; the angel must have destroyed the paperwork. Seven years later I was back in Nacogdoches and the lady reported that she still lived in the same house. The best part was she never had to make another payment because the bank never found the file with her records and they never will.
Kent Simpson,
I do remember that. I had trouble believing it myself. What a great report.
Your friend,
Kelly Rutherford
Web Designer and More
Kelly Rutherford
I would like to take this space to introduce our web designer Kelly Rutherford. Kelly has truly impressed us with her God given talents and gifting for taking the raw clay within a blank page and turn into a life force that reaches out and draws in today’s internet surfers.
Soon you will witness for yourself how cutting edge she really is when you re-visit our web sites. We will let you know when the web sites are ready for your viewing. As part of our mission to help you build your ministry we have partnered with Kelly Rutherford making her services available to you as part of the Internet Church Network.
Prophetic Ministers
Internet Pastors
Home Church Leaders
Kelly Rutherford Creative specializes in creating customized websites for small businesses. With over twenty years in the field of advertising, we work directly with marketing directors, small business owners and office managers that don’t have the staff to help them produce the creative marketing tools and communications they so desperately need.
Our role is to inspire and connect your expert service or products with your customers through unique ideas, illustrations and communications that they will remember!
As a small design studio, Kelly Rutherford Creative pays attention to every detail to keep your message consistent across all channels. Our clients feel that working one-on-one with us helps to un-complicate the complicated so they can focus on selling their services.
Whether you need to keep your website up-to-date and fresh or pump new creative energy and expertise into your marketing message to engage your customers, we can help!
Sandy Landry has been a friend of mine for many years. She has helped me more than she will ever know, in ministry and in times of crisis. I cannot recall all the times Sandy has dropped everything to come help when called upon.
As an advisor for PMT and other ministries she remains humble and is not interested in receiving any grandstand promotions. Her heart’s desire is for everyone to experience the truth about our God and His abundant love, for all mankind. She is a wonderful Wordsmith authoring priceless works of exocentric material. With great craft she can take the past and parallel you into the present day biblical methodology proving that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forevermore.
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Our Lives Tell a Story
By Sandy Landry,
Our lives tell a story and if we are believers, it is His Story of Redemption and Destiny. There are times when the plot thickens and we watch the main character in peril. Even though we firmly believe he is not going down, or over the cliff, the action is tense and the hero is tested. But that is the part of the story that really gets interesting, the part where the secret avenger comes to our rescue and fights the villain, or where the main character discovers his abilities and tests his courage. The book is not over until the end and the movie is not over until the credits. There are times we must remind ourselves that the action scene we are in at the moment, will not last forever. It is a high point, a place of drama. But there will come other scenes that are times for pondering our victories or our defeats, and thankfulness for peace and rest, and for a lull in the action. No matter where the hero is at this moment, the scene will eventually change, and with the changes, the story twists and turns and the character changes from glory to glory.
Jenny Little
Jenny Little Prophetic Minister in Training
Jenny Little is one of my newest friends who has joined PMT and is receiving prophetic training in our latest mission.
I am amazed at how God has ignited Jenny into a fire ball, branding new found revelation from my old teachings. I consider Jenny as one sent to bear witness with what God has been revealing to me for the past 20+ years. As to say; through two or more witnesses every word will be established.
I have been used as God’s plow to break the hard ground preparing for Jenny and others to sow the seed of my controversial teachings. She will be one of many preaching and teaching these messages and reaping a great harvest from His Word for the times are ripe.
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
The Call of God
My Personal Testimony of How I found my calling
In the innermost chambers of my heart dwells the question… God, what have you called me to do? For the majority of my life this question was always present, whether I was soaring on the mountain top or in the deepest valley of despair. As I reflect on the chapters of my life thus far what I remember most is being in the valley more than the mountain top. I have few memories of the true joy of living each day without some emotional pain and adversity so ever present. So, consequently I would ask the question… God, why am I here? In hindsight, I know that the adversity was allowed by God, as He was calling me to come up higher in Him, to soar like an eagle above the pain and look solely unto Him for all my needs.
To make a long story short, five years ago God led me to a man via the internet who is a prophet of God. I thought this man was supposed to help and mentor me with my walk in God and direct me in such a way that I would ultimately reach the place where I could recognize what my gifts in the spirit are so that I could do what I am called to do. This person chose not to accept that assignment. When I would ask him questions, his reply was “seek God and find the answer for yourself.” Even though this prophet did not accept that particular assignment, I did, however, learned some very deep truths from him through his writings online and the many of his non-published books, therefore, I am grateful for the time that he did spend with me.
Another prophet by the name of Kent Simpson did choose to accept that assignment from God and help me through this process. He has helped me not only find out what my spiritual gifts are, but is giving me an opportunity to post my articles of testimony on his website. Kent Simpson has a ministry like none I have ever seen. He is exercising his gifts of the prophetic and making himself available to me as if I were part of his own personal family. This is truly a man who walks what he teaches.
His gifts of prophetic knowledge, prayer, wisdom, insight, and counseling have been such an encouragement to me and has helped position me wherein I can hear the Lord for myself… and that is ultimately what God wants for us all.
In 2006 I wrote to Kent requesting a personal prophecy tape. The accuracy of that word was amazing. I knew at that point I was dealing with a real prophet of God. Again in 2012 I wrote for another personal prophecy. That prophecy was also accurate. It was then that I made a decision to seek out Kent’s counseling about issues in my life. In a few short months I have gone from not knowing what direction I needed to go, to knowing what my calling and spiritual gifts are. God told Kent the following about me:
‘You have found your “nitch” with God. One day you will be preaching these messages, and signs and wonders will follow you.”
I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to know that God is going to use me in such a way. He knew my heart.
Right now I am feeling led to say this… God is getting ready to do a mighty thing with His people. It is imperative that we all find out what our spiritual gifts and calling is NOW. This process is so precious to God and is at the very forefront of His desire for His church. His perfect will for each of us is to give us every good and wonderful gift that he has laid up for us from the beginning.
This is not an easy process, for you will feel like you are having the chambers of your heart exposed and cut away. You will be shown the very recesses and blackness that lies there. IF it is your desire to dwell in the inner courts with the Lord and sit at His feet, you will have to allow the Holy Spirit to remove anything that separates you from God.
There will be many times of discouragement during this process but the Lord says…
I began the good work in you and I will finish it.
Philippians 1:6
That is the promise I got in my email recently one morning as I cried with discouragement. I was discouraged, because I knew that I have a long way to go. It’s worth it, however, to know that God will reveal Himself to me in ways that I know not of and He is already starting to do just that.
Let me say this… We cannot be used by God in our calling without death; we must die from our love of the things of this world. We must love God more than the world. We must be a separate and holy people. We must allow God to expose and cut away all the filth that lies deep in the recesses of our hearts. Let Him reveal to you everything He wants to remove so that in you He can create a clean and contrite heart. This is what God wants from all of His children.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and contrite heart-These, O God, You will not despise. Psalms 51:17
God is looking for those who are willing to pay the price so that they can enter into the Holy Courts of God and do what He has called them to do. God is saying to you….seek my face so that I can set you on your course in finding Me. Not just knowing about Me, but knowing Me.
For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
Romans 11:29
We will all be held accountable for what we did or did not do with our appointed gifts. If we were to find out when it’s all over that we had not done what we are called and created to do would be a very sad day.
We don’t want to sail through this life without ever achieving our calling in God. We want to be able to stand before Him and hear the words…
Well done, good an faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.
Matthew 25:21
Paul said; THEREFORE, the prisoner of the Lord, I beseech you to have a walk worthy of the CALLING with which you were called, with all lowliness an gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1,2
So be it. Amen
Jill Thrift
Jill Thrift
Jill Thrift has been a Prophetic Partner with us since 1994. Recently, she has teamed up with PMT as one of our Prophetic Wordsmiths.
Jill has a very special gifting for writing and her method depicts a new form of Mass Counseling. Through her journaling she shares eloquently her struggles as well has the counseling she has received directly from the Master via the Holy Spirit.
I personally have been blessed by receiving from her writing. I believe you will find a tranquil impartation of healing through her words.
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Jill’s Journal
Lord, let me hear what to do for my son!
Part 2 of 3 from journal entry of September 20, 1998
So as I’ve prayed, I’ve looked for these two things to grow as evidence of developing intimacy:
(1) Growing in my hearing God, and
(2) an increasing sense of His presence during worship and prayer.
It’s seems a contradiction that while I deeply desire intimacy with the Lord, I struggle with fear of intimacy with Him. I believe this is really the fear of pain in close relationships with people that I have projected onto God. Divorce can do that, and so can childhood experiences with parents or others who had authority over us. I have an irrational fear of rejection, that the Lord will distance Himself from me when I disappoint Him or miss the mark. I also struggle with fear in situations of crisis, that if I can’t hear the Lord, He will not be there for me when I really need Him. John Paul Jackson (a Prophet) said something this summer at Amherst that has stuck with me. I can’t remember his words, but the thought that stayed with me is this: The Lord will not deliver us from our fears, but He will deliver us from ourselves by taking us right into our worst fears.
My worse fear is not material poverty, loosing my home or finances. It’s not the loss of health (which I have already experienced), or the lack of friendship, or loneliness. My worst earthly fear is either loosing a relationship with my son or failing him as a mother because I haven’t heard God on important issues. This year the Lord has allowed me to live face to face with my worse fear.
I have felt willing to do entirely as the Lord would direct me; however, at critical junctures I felt I couldn’t hear Him, nor see how He wanted me to help my son Kyle. For years Kyle has been angry that his father is uninterested. His father and I were divorced when he was three. Now at fifteen it’s time for him to go through the rites of passage to manhood, but he is in the worst crisis of his young life, and has decided to go it on his own. Lord, let me hear what to do!
The Bible says that there is wisdom in the counsel of many. This is true, but it can also be confusing when the issue is grave and the counsel ranges from one extreme to the other. I felt abandoned by God in the midst of my worst fear. I know He has not abandoned me. I’m just saying that I feel that way because I have not been successful in learning to hear His voice. And the counsel of others has been too diverse to act upon. When choices had to be made, I was never sure what to do or say. Sometimes I would change my mind 180 degrees within the same day. A double-minded man is unstable in all His ways. (James 1:8) That was really scary. At times I have felt totally out of control. No hearing of God, and no sense of His presence.
Tyane Boye
Sister Ty Boye Prophetess
Sister Tyane Boye has inspired many to hunger with an unyielding desire to hear the voice of our Father. She has shown a quality that is rare in these times. With great discipline she has taken the time to document her long prophetic journey.
From her journals she has spurred hearts with great expectations that they too may experience some of the same experiences she has encountered. Over the past few years she has come to the place where I pray all our Prophetic Ministers eventually find themselves. Sister Tyane now produces her own e-Newsletter and receives offerings through the covering of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s Tax-exempted, non-profit corporation. Under my oversight I have witnessed our God using her as His Prophetess/Prophet and have graduated her to the proven title as one who stands in the Office of a Prophet. 1 Corinthians 12:28
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Kent
I feel like crying I am so happy to receive such feedback. What a blessing your are to me. For years I have cried and prayed that God would send me a mentor and teacher, someone I could ask questions to and learn from. Thank you Kent. You have helped me in the right direction. I have been floundering in the desert for soooo long.
Your bff,
Jenny, (Prophetic Minister in Training) North Carolina
Wow! God has spoken! Kent, this has given me the reinforcement to move forward… For awhile now I have actually began to decree just what I heard but then I would start vacillating, doubting, listening to yea hath God said, become double minded & draw back only to find myself in this struggling & wrestling place again! Time to get out of that revolving door!
You have paid a price for the place you stand in with Him..Thank you for taking the time to hear for me.. My family & I have received many prophecies from you which have been words in due season imparting strength for this journey. As I stand in the gap for my family the words give me much to hold onto in fighting this good fight.
I am halfway through ‘The school of prophetic knowledge” DVD’S & so much enjoying learning from you. So many nuggets of wisdom. I plan to go through them at least twice.
Thank you Kent, Lord bless you with pleasant surprises & “sudden” & enjoy a fruitful time of fellowship with your friends.. One of PMT’s Prophetic Ministers in Training Read more Testimonials »
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
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Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.