A real Christian is an odd sort. He feels supreme love for the One Whom he has never seen; talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see; expects to go to Heaven on the virtue of Another; empties himself in order to be full; admits he is wrong so he can be declared right; goes down in order to get up; is strongest when he is weakest; richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels the worst. He dies so he can live; forsakes in order to have; gives away so he can keep; sees the invisible; hears the inaudible’ and knows that which fails understanding.
Strange Things Christians Believe
Word of the Week
For I give you good doctrine:
Do not forsake my law.
When I was my father’s son,
Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother,
He also taught me, and said to me:
“Let your heart retain my words; Keep my commands, and live.
Get wisdom! Get understanding!
Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you.
Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.
Exalt her, and she will promote you; She will bring you honor, when you embrace her.
She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you.”
Proverbs 4:2-9
The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Hi Kent,
At library, Awesome email and I received the DVD today… going to watch it later. I am trying to get my house and life in order and I feel as if I have gotten sick through all of the stress so I know this DVD will be great for me. These dvds and your ministry have helped us so much through the years.
The Sunday TYM.E.S.(Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers,
Greetings, again, and welcome to Chapter 19, entitled “Now Is the Time.”
Seeking confirmation for a major decision can take whatever duration of time the Holy Spirit dictates. In the case of the projected sale of the Hope Street house, He gave many confirmations over a few years. Then we were led to ask the Lord for a BIG confirmation to take place within the space of a week. Today I will relate how He gave the three-fold confirmation, and how, once again, the Lord came through in a wonderful way.
How great is HIS grace toward us! And how He masterminds each tiny detail. “His eye is on the sparrow.” May the Lord always grant us eyes to see how this is so. For if we will look to HIM, He will show us the NOW moment.
Minnie and Ty, San Mateo, California – 1978
This week I am spending time away with Sandy to work on the book which is a big part of the reason I was sent here to Texas on the Lord’s business. Recently someone asked if this current series in the TYM.E.S. is that book. Answer: NO, it is not. Sandy’s book centers on the life of a prophetess named Minnie whose story I recorded in longhand over frequent visits to her home between 1976-1989. When the book is complete, Lord willing, you readers will be among the first to know!
Praise HIM,
Sister Ty
“We, then, as workers together with HIM also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
2 Corinthians 6:1-2
For He says:
“In an acceptable time I have heard you. And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
Chapter 19: Now is the Time
By Saturday noon, we still had not received a decisive confirmation to sell our house. Recall that on the Sunday previous we had committed it to the Lord in prayer. To my pea-brain, it seemed His time was running out…
In the midst of checking emails, up popped the name of someone I knew only marginally from having sent her a couple of prophetic words. DJ had referred her as part of my training practice. As you read last week, her letter promised me a poem hot off the press from the Throne Room. I knew her well enough to know she did not mean those words lightly. This was a praying woman. I scrolled down to read the poem, copied below in its entirety:
In this season you must move NOW…
Get up, arise… NOW is the time…
No longer sit by the poolside…
The waters stirred…arise and shine…
Listen to the prophetic sound…
Saying, NOW… NOW… NOW is the time…
NOW is the time to arise…
NOW is the time… My light must shine…
The Lord’s glory is coming down…
Arise… arise… for it is time…
It’s time to dry your crying eyes…
Old things must be left behind…
Forget the past… renew your mind…
I’ve broken up the fallow ground…
Chains are gone no longer bound…
Explore… explore your new surround…
You’ve come into this place call NOW…
Arise and shine… for it is time…
Firmly planted as a tree…
Streams of waters flowing free…
Apart from me you won’t succeed…
Reject the counsel that misleads…
For in this appointed time…
Your fruitfulness won’t be denied…
It’s time to dine… and drink new wine…
Positioned at the Father’s side…
Arise… and shine… the time is NOW…
No doubt, no fear, no disbelief…
It’s only based on what you speak…
So have the faith to speak release…
And let my power bring increase.
The Lord had done it again! I was overcome with thanks and excitement. The multiplied insistence on the word NOW was overwhelming. Surely this was the remarkable confirmation we sought! The timing, and its manner of arrival, were beyond mere coincidence. Outside, the mailman slammed the mailbox shut, and I jumped up and headed to the porch. I shuffled through three or four pieces of mail, one of which was a postcard with the smiling face of a realtor I’d never heard of, named Mr. David. I walked back into the house, staring at the postcard, when my cell rang. It was my (earthly!) father, who wanted to recommend a realtor to me, and I was astonished when he said:
“You need to call this great realtor. He’s a real pro; he sold my friend’s house recently. I’ll give you his name; it’s Mr. David.”
I stammered: “Today is the first I’ve ever heard of him, but I just now went to the mailbox and still have his postcard in my hand!”
Thus it was that within the space of about 15 minutes I received three communications which answered the prayer for confirmation of the move and the realtor. Later we discovered Mr. David was a Christian, and his mother- in-law taught at the Christian high school my kids had attended. Some would say: “small world”! It can be, especially as we do have a BIG God connecting all the parts.
We prayed over the sale; Mr. David and his assistant, too! It was September and hopes were high for a quick deal. OK, well, in a phone conversation, Kent had mentioned this moving process would take long. What is “long”?–I reasoned inwardly. Kent said, late next spring, early summer. Somewhere in my spirit, though I did not like to hear it, I knew he had heard right…Still we were getting packed and prepped to skip town, so even a month was seeming long. We said good-bye to students, friends, associates. (The students said they wouldn’t leave till I moved, which touched me greatly.) As month after month went by, we began to weary of house showings. People loved visiting our quaint house; the showings were huge. But, as a place to live, the hundred-year-old Victorian lady seemed an oddity, a dinosaur, a relic. Where were the granite counter tops and master bedroom? (Recall that this house was built just after the SF Earthquake of 1906.)…We pressed onward, continuing to sort through 35 years worth of stuff from attics and closets, giving away much. I was a bit stressed out over our blue parakeet, Mr. Darcy, who needed a new home. In my distraction, I’d been ignoring this little guy, only tossing him some bird seed now and then. He hardly chirped anymore. I needed to place him with a good home before he suffered further from my neglect. There were no takers, despite my handing out many flyers. There were so many details, like Mr. Darcy, to work out. And yet, it seemed we were going nowhere, fast, as the saying goes.
Frustration set in, yet we continued in faith that the Lord would bring the right buyer. Waiting can be long….One day late in the year, I asked for HIM in desperation to confirm He was still “ON” this move to Texas. Again, He is so gracious to us. We arrived home one dark evening in November to find a couple peering over our fence. If we had not arrived home at that moment, we would never have spoken to them, and they probably would have gone on their way. Already, I felt this could be an important connection…In fact, I felt convinced the Lord was in this meeting, from the start! Something was different about these people. These could be the buyers we were looking for!
They greeted us politely. “We missed the showing, but we’d still like to see the house if you have a few minutes. Would that be ok?”
Of course we were more than willing to comply. Their footsteps echoed through the sparsely furnished house. By now most of our belongings were in storage. The lady began to share her story, and as she did so, I realized I’d heard of her before. It was another incredible sign of God’s goodness; this lady was….. To be continued….
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is a non-profit tax-exempted 501(c)3 Electronic Church. We operate as non-profit corporation with a group exemption status.
Hi Tyane,
I am so grateful to God and your ministry. This week, the Lord reminded me of the Word that He gave me through you last year. I have been asked to mentor a young woman in our Church and pray for her and over her as she prepares for mission trips this summer. Please pray for her (R) and for me. Pray that I will not mentor her in the flesh but in the Spirit.
May God continue to be glorified in your ministry. May His anointing be on you always.
Thanking God for you and your ministry.
P.S. I love your newsletters.
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2: 6-7
There is no limits to what God will do when He wants to talk to you.
In a message dated 5/17/2012 Central Daylight Time, _________@yahoo.com writes:
When I woke up this morning, which is usually anywhere from 2:30 a.m. to 4:00 a.m., I had an unusual occurrence. Right before I go downstairs I always unhook my cell phone from the charger and look to see if there are any messages and then I go downstairs and start the coffee maker. Well, this morning, I looked at it and the last message on my email said it was from World for Jesus Ministries and the subject matter was “urgent message from Nita Johnson”. Well, I didn’t think anything of it except I will have to go and read it when I get downstairs at my laptop. When I opened my laptop up and brought up my email the message was NOT THERE.
That has never happened to me before. I know that I didn’t delete it because I would have had to open it up to do that. I didn’t open it up. I was planning on opening it up when I got downstairs. Could that have been a vision? What could the meaning of this be?
Anyway, I was wondering what this could be about. I hope it was a vision. I told God yesterday early in the morning that I wanted visions, and all that he had for me.
Your bff,
Jen from North Carolina
In a message dated 5/17/2012 Central Daylight Time, PMTkent@aol.com writes:
Dear Jen,
This is what is happening. Our loving Father has started you on your own personal Prophetic Journey.
The first thing you need to do is start your personal prophetic journal. You will need all of these encounters documented for later use.
The reason you have received this message is God is calling you to intercede for Nita, as you find yourself deep in prayer He will begin to show you glimpses of pictures in your mind, keep praying until you feel the burden for her release. Document everything you see, hear and feel.
Just as HE has called you through a message via your cell phone parallels with an encounter had with God so many years ago. It was my first of many supernatural ways He has used over the years to get my attention.
Now mind you this is 25 years ago and I had resigned from my job with the bank and working toward learning the ropes of ministry. For a period of time and had a couple of homeless men working with me renovating old homes. The work load was dipping into my time of intercession which took place each morning at the church in the sanctuary at 5:30 in the AM for about one hour.
Well, the longer I worked the later I would get in and the earlier I had to get on the job site. Of course this caused me to have to skip my time of prayer. Things began to come undone and problems seemed to consume my day, every day.
Stressed on the job I began to ask God for His help and what I needed to do. Had I sinned or said something that has angered Him? He was not answering me and I was sure I was on the wrong path. I really needed His direction in order to get back into His will for my life.
It was 4:00 in the morning and I was sound to sleep after another exhausting day at work. When all of sudden my pager goes off and I awake and look at the number, it’s the phone number for the church building. I called the church, no one answers. I’m thinking the police are paging the staff; my number was on the list attempting to inform us that the building had been broken into. So I jumped up got dressed and drove to the church; no one was there. I go up to the door and unlock it, turn off the alarm and started turning on lights. Just as I entered into the Sanctuary, very loud and clear I hear, “NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION”, you guessed right, it was our Father and He had much to say about what I was doing wrong. Soon as I could I closed out my little business and pursued the ministry full time.
We Need Prophetic Ministers
Internet Prophetic Network is a part of the Internet Church Network designed for the purpose of reaching the 16,000,000 Christians, according to Charisma Magazine, who no longer have an interest in being a part of the local Church. Times have changed drastically over the past few decades. We now find ourselves stepping into a new era of Christianity. We thought when we threw out the church pews and hymnals we were really being radical. Now we are finding the building is being tossed aside as well. When God began to move us in this new direction over 11 years ago, I had no idea that it would go this far or be this difficult breaking ground to build an Internet Church.
Now the time has come for Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle to broaden its horizons allowing others to join in the task of constructing the net that will, with God’s help, catch a large number of those 16,000,000 Christians who are no longer affiliated with their local church. Very soon, PMT will begin networking and training those of you who share the vision of becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister. We are once again offering the Ordination and Ministerial course DVD collection and study manual to help jump start your ministry. After you have viewed the School of Prophetic Knowledge, you will have your license to begin your ministry training. We will be focusing on the methods for proper prophetic protocol, helping you become a successful Internet minister. All students will have an opportunity to join in. Various levels of oversight will be appointed to help stay the course as we build this Network of Internet ministers.
After you have completed the School of Prophetic Knowledge, your hands-on training with Kent Simpson will begin. After you have made your financial pledge to become a Prophetic Family Partner, we will place you in training in these areas:
Discovering How God is Speaking to You Training You to Effectively Hear God for Others Establish Your Ministry by Perfecting the Gift
Please do not procrastinate if the Holy Spirit is whispering to you about getting started.
(Jesus) said…,
“Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”
Mark 4:24,25
TO: Kent Simpson,
The Lord JUST said to me: “I have only just begun to fight for my “favorite son” in Texas, Kent Simpson. (Note: one of several favorite sons in TX—it’s actually a political term, of course as well-could be a double meaning)—- You have not the slightest idea of how big your ministry will soon get. It’s HUGE!!!!!
Couldn’t sleep so this word popped in; going back to bed now.
Sally Landry Author & Teacher
Sandy Landry has been a friend of mine for many years. She has helped me more than she will ever know, in ministry and in times of crisis. I cannot recall all the times Sandy has dropped everything to come help when called upon.
As an advisor for PMT and other ministries she remains humble and is not interested in receiving any grandstand promotions. Her heart’s desire is for everyone to experience the truth about our God and His abundant love, for all mankind. She is a wonderful Wordsmith authoring priceless works of exocentric material. With great craft she can take the past and parallel you into the present day biblical methodology proving that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forevermore.
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
There is so Much in Nature that Testifies of God
There is so much in nature that testifies of God, so much of His glory that we are without excuse if we don’t recognize Him. The other day as we were driving, we passed a whole field of sunflowers that were all facing the sun. There wasn’t a single defector in the bunch. They were like a field of worshippers, all standing at attention, all facing their creator, taking from Him the light which was not only necessary for their lives, but it was also inherent in their natures to turn and find the Source. It is in our nature to worship Him and when we turn toward Him, we are like a field of sunflowers. Our glory and our beauty comes from Him and we reflect His glory. Lord, give us eyes to see you in all you have created and be as natural as a sunflower, turning toward you and your light, getting our nourishment from you.
Jenny Little
Jenny Little Prophetic Minister in Training
Jenny Little is one of my newest friends who has joined PMT and is receiving prophetic training in our latest mission.
I am amazed at how God has ignited Jenny into a fire ball, branding new found revelation from my old teachings. I consider Jenny as one sent to bear witness with what God has been revealing to me for the past 20+ years. As to say; through two or more witnesses every word will be established.
I have been used as God’s plow to break the hard ground preparing for Jenny and others to sow the seed of my controversial teachings. She will be one of many preaching and teaching these messages and reaping a great harvest from His Word for the times are ripe.
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Prayer
“The Hearing of Faith”
Listen very carefully…If you want your prayers answered let The Holy Spirit tell you what to pray.
Try praying what He tells you to pray and see what happens. You will get exactly what you pray for.
What a magnificent promise!
I woke up very early in the morning and was listening to praise and worship music. As I worshiped the Lord, I suddenly felt the burden to pray for both of my sons, who are adults. I prayed that God would take care of them, reveal Himself to them, fill their lives with His presence, place a hedge of protection around them and give them His peace. The very next morning I got a promise in my email that said:
I will teach your children my ways and give them great peace.
Isaiah 54:13
God delivered this message to me with such tenderness and love. It was as if an angel had very softly laid these words in my lap.
As I read this passage God showed His love for me by answering the very prayer He gave me the faith to pray. When we pray the prayer of faith, things happen! Faith is a gift, so we don’t have to fret and worry. We can’t make faith happen. If, while praying you feel led to pray for a person or a situation, then pray it because the Holy Spirit is leading you in that direction.
Prophet Kent Simpson said in his CD entitled Prophetic Prayer that he couldn’t pray for someone unless God tells him what to pray. When the Holy Spirit tells him, then the thing he is praying for will come to pass.
When the Holy Spirit gives you something to pray, God will then deliver to you the measure of faith in order for it to come to pass. So you always get what you pray for when you pray what He tells you to pray. This is why prayer is so important. You are praying God’s will into your life and the life of others.
DID YOU GET THAT? If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. If the Holy Spirit tells you to move a mountain, then God gives you the measure of faith necessary in order for the mountain to be moved. By the same token, if God does not want the mountain to be moved He will not tell you to move it or give you the faith to move it; so rest in that.
This is not praying amiss. You can’t pray amiss if you hallow His name when you start to pray; because hallowing His name is worshipping Him. When He is worshipped He is present with you. When He is present with you the Holy Spirit will direct your prayers. When the Holy Spirit directs your prayers you get what you pray for. However, we can’t put a timetable on God. It will happen in His timing.
Our precious Father left us the format to follow, which is the Lord’s Prayer, because He wants to answer our prayers. That’s how much He loves us. Points to consider is this….why would you want to pray anything other than what the Holy Spirit tells you to pray? If you have given your life to Jesus, then He is directing your steps. Why would you want a path other than what He has for you?
What is more important, that you get all YOUR prayers answered, or that you know God? We learn to know God through prayer. Haven’t we all made enough mistakes in our lives by making foolish decisions, leaving devastation and broken dreams in our paths because we have gone our own way? We have gotten bitter towards God because He hasn’t answered OUR prayers.
Remember… when you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, you agreed to trade this life for the life to come, so now your life is no longer yours, but His. Let the Holy Spirit direct your prayers by telling you what to pray so that your joy may be full through obedience. This is adult “Sonship”.
So be it. Amen.
Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, When the Lord has not commanded it?
Lamentations 3:37
Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
James 5:16
So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief, for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith(the faith He gives you)as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Matthew 17:20
Jill Thrift, Prophetic Partner
Jill ThriftJill Thrift has been a Prophetic Partner with us since 1994. Recently, she has teamed up with PMT as one of our Prophetic Wordsmiths.
Jill has a very special gifting for writing and her method depicts a new form of Mass Counseling. Through her journaling she shares eloquently her struggles as well has the counseling she has received directly from the Master via the Holy Spirit.
I personally have been blessed by receiving from her writing. I believe you will find a tranquil impartation of healing through her words.
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Relationship Eclipses Understanding (1998)
Jill’s Journal
When Brian (my Pastor) called me Thursday to ask if I would share Sunday morning what God is doing in my life, I laughed and exclaimed, “I wish I knew!” After we hung up, I wrote down some thoughts. I can speculate and introspect, but I really don’t know what God is doing. His thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are not ways. (Isaiah 55:8) I can say that He is showing me the truth of this statement in scripture. I know He’s doing that much – showing me that there’s not much I really do know or understand. I have wondered increasingly how much and what He does want me to understand. In times of need, do I choose to go to the Tree of Life or to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? The root of our rebellion against God in the Garden stems from our desire to have knowledge rather than simply be in relationship with the One who knows everything. I have developed the intellect, but what I need is relationship.
I’m not putting down the intellect in any way. God created our minds and wants us to use them. However, I believe that I’ve had a tendency to want to manage my sanctification process. Of course I pray, but I need to learn to hear God’s thoughts on the matter. I tend to try to understand what I need and then ask Him for what I understand. It’s difficult at times for me to discern whether I am acting on human understanding or divine initiative. I believe that I may be more responsive to divine initiative when I am unaware of what I am doing, and not trying so hard. When I try to intellectually assess where I am and what God is doing, I fear that I interject too much of my own thought and that I start feeling “responsible” to do something to get right, to get whole, etc. The process becomes unilateral and counterproductive.
My deepest desire in prayer in recent years, and this year especially, has been for greater intimacy with God. I have experienced such brokenness in relationships since coming to Christ in 1984 that I have come to cling to Him as the stable Person in my life. I remember one event a few months after my divorce and salvation (which occurred simultaneously): I was sitting in my first Bible study, among a group of highly educated professional men and women, when a woman looked right at me and spoke the Scripture, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) I instantly broke out weeping as the Word of God penetrated my heart with the promise of what I ached for – a permanent and close relationship. I longed for a relationship in which I could not only talk to God, but also hear Him.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Hi Kent,
I believe this is the most awesome email yet and will be very, very effective. Love it and the articles both by Sandy and Jenny….I love the story about the crown. Jenny Little is going to a great asset and a jewel for the prophetic ministry.
God bless, Lisa from Georgia
To: PMTkent@aol.com
Sent: 5/24/2012 8:36:01 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Jill I am asking for your approval regarding this testimony
Good morning Kent,
I too was blessed hearing your heart for the people of God who are searching like myself to get in sync with God’s plan for their journey. You are a remarkable person. I rejoiced viewing the Hebrews 1:13-14 DVD last night, seeing the blossoming of your gifts in the office of prophet. Countless people have been set in place for the Lord’s purposes in this hour.
I am jealous for your faith and spiritual sensitivity, yet I know they have come at a price. I will need to overcome inertia and learn to discern the difference between wisdom and being overly cautious. I shudder to think of having to go through any more trauma in order to make progress. Perhaps that’s why I was given Psalm 63:7 yesterday.
Sister Tyane Boye has inspired many to hunger with an unyielding desire to hear the voice of our Father. She has shown a quality that is rare in these times. With great discipline she has taken the time to document her long prophetic journey.
From her journals she has spurred hearts with great expectations that they too may experience some of the same experiences she has encountered. Over the past few years she has come to the place where I pray all our Prophetic Ministers eventually find themselves. Sister Tyane now produces her own e-Newsletter and receives offerings through the covering of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s Tax-exempted, non-profit corporation. Under my oversight I witnessed our God using her as His Prophetess/Prophet and have graduated her to the proven title as one who stands in the Office of a Prophet. Ephesians 4:11-13
— Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
The Sunday TYM.E.S.(Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers, Ty BoyeGreetings, again, and welcome to Chapter 18 in this series on how I got started hearing His voice. After wrapping up the strange tale of Max, the MG, I will briefly venture into the area of personal sacrifice. Since our house on Hope Street was symbolic of many aspects of our life and identity in California, it will serve as the focal point of this time of decision.
We cannot “outgive” the Lord and there is NO sacrifice worthy to be compared to His sacrifice for us on the cross. There is no way I would compare our selling a property to the years of sacrifice my fellow brothers and sisters have made for the Lord and HIS people. Our leaving a crazy old house on Hope Street does not compare to those who are risking their lives in missions work, or in any number of ventures to His glory. All I am trying to say is: the Lord knows we each have “something” dear to us, and there is bound to come a time, in the process of going forward with prophetic ministry, that He will lovingly put His finger on that “something” dear and say, “This is Mine.” Or perhaps He will say, “The time for this is now past.” And we move on, and we follow HIM and His voice. It’s just part of the journey, as He moves us from “glory to glory”. And He does not take anything away without restoring more, and lavishing on us more of Himself, in the midst of it.
Praise HIM,
Sis. TY
“Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.”
Psalm 33:22
Chapter 18: Closing the Doors
My letter to Max the MG did not go unnoticed. Later that afternoon, I peeked at my emails again. Yes, there was a response from Max’s owner and friend, with this cryptic message:
Dear Tyane,
I have a couple of reasons I want to talk to you. Please call me at 650— or cell at 415—
Home alone, I debated within myself whether to call him. After prayer, it was clear that since the Lord had led me this far, I needed to rely on Him to see this through. Finally, I called Max’s “dad” on his cell. After thanking me for the call, he proceeded to tell me what a great salesperson I was. Momentarily at a loss for words, all I could say was “thank God.” Then this man boasted that he was over a $650 million dollar corp and money was no object. However, he insisted that my husband’s shop had mismanaged the negotiations and so he was refusing to pay the shop “on principle”.
I bit my tongue and let Max’s dad recount his tale of woes. Obviously he had been stewing for some time. Though what he said did not square entirely with the facts as I knew them, I just listened. Perhaps he was amazed that I did not attempt to contradict him…I prayed silently and waited…Then he said, almost casually, “So here’s what I am going to do. I am willing to work out a deal, as long as I can negotiate with you. I trust you to be fair. I am going to send you my credit card number and you can decide what amount the shop needs to be paid to settle this matter. Just send me the statement after you run my card.”
He promptly emailed his credit card number and expiration date, and I submitted them and a reduced balance to JR’s associate, and “The Max Affair” was settled. JR’s associate was stunned. Praise the Lord!
In a letter to Kent, I mused:
I wonder if this would be considered a prophecy to a car. The Word did not return void.
Praise HIM,
Kent corrected me.
No, it is not to be considered a prophecy to the car but rather an act of obedience to God without reservation or personal humiliation. That is why it worked and HIS word did not return void.
All that spring of 2010, the prophetic training with DJ progressed, with a variety of different options thrown in as the Holy Spirit led. DJ began to contact other prophetic people he knew, and they agreed to receive “training” words from me. (Obviously I will not be including examples from these experiences.) Some of these people have stayed in touch till this day, and I reflect on this with a much gratitude, both toward the Lord and toward DJ for taking this time and care to help me get started. The confirmations I received from these individuals went a long way toward giving me the confidence to move forward in faith in the personal decisions that still lay ahead.
Since fall of ’08, I had received many words in my journals pointing to a time when I would leave California. The day came when I finally expressed to Kent in a phone call that I felt like the Lord wanted us to close the doors in the Golden State and move to Texas. For some reason, he didn’t seem surprised. I felt the biggest obstacle would be JR’s and my attachment to our house.
JR and I owned a 1908 Victorian house, built right after the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. It was in a historic section of Old Mountain View. In 1998, we and the kids had prayed on a street corner to find a house in this neighborhood on Sunday. JR spotted this house, strategically located on the corner of Hope and Mercy Street, on Monday. We saw the inside for the first time on Tuesday (which happened to be April 29th, for those readers who may remember the significance of this date.) We signed the papers on Wednesday. With a huge mortgage and despite an outrageous California price, it was purchased against our realtor’s recommendation; he knew the restoration would take time and $$.
The rambling old house bore the scars of years of neglect. The neighbors called it a “flea-bag rental”; we saw the potential, loved it, and immediately called it “home”. A former hippie house; the stairs were fluorescent pink, walls were spattered a la Jackson Pollack, and the old Douglas Fir flooring was painted green and gray. There were 23 gas leaks, a crumbling roof, rotten plumbing, a broken chandelier, 3 water heaters, and almost no working electricals. Yet it was our dream house, bought with a down payment which had arrived as a miraculous provision. With some help along the way, JR masterminded the project and restored much of it, methodically with his creative and artistic eye, into a place of beauty and charm.
This house was the first place we’d ever lived that felt like “home”. I had taught hundreds of violin students there. My daughter and her husband were living upstairs in the nicely refinished old-fashioned attic. Here on Hope Street were held all our family events, parties, Boy Scout sessions, prayer group meetings, and too many fond memories to number.
I wondered what JR would say when I told him I felt God was calling us to “close the door” on this house and move to Texas. Yet, he agreed instantly that Texas was where he knew the Lord was leading us and that the book project and furthering prophetic ministry what the Lord was wanting us to do. So, as sad as it would be to leave our house at the corner of Hope Street and Mercy Street, we decided to move and leave the blessing of this house to another.
Now and then in life we are presented with this kind of choice. Friends would ask, where are you going to live? What will you do? DO you have a job? DO you know anyone in Texas? We did not yet have the answers…This kind of situation was not something we invented or sought on a whim. It was rather the result of a lot of petitioning the Lord and was not entered into hastily, but with full assurance that this was the way and this was the time.
However, the decision to give up not only the house but also the identity that it represented was sufficiently traumatic that JR and I DID ask the Lord to do us a special favor and give us an unmistakable confirmation. Putting this house up for sale was one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make. Together one Sunday evening we prayed and asked the Lord to give us an unmistakable and unusual confirmation within 7 days. Normally, I am NOT comfortable setting a “time limit”on God in prayer. But this was what we were given to do in this particular, unusual hour of decision. We also asked Him, if it was truly HIS will for us to sell the house and take this step, that HE would direct us to a realtor.
By the following Saturday at noon, nothing unusual had happened. There had been no dramatic confirmation. Would HE answer? Had we been presumptuous to set a time limit? Again on a lunch break, checking emails, I noticed the name one of the women DJ had recommended for a “training word”. I clicked on her message. She began this way:
Hi Tyane,
Grace and Peace be unto you…how are you doing today? You’ve been on my heart and mind for the past few weeks…I need to reach out to you to let you know that the manifest blessings of your prophetic word came quickly.
All of this started happening within days of receiving your written prophecy. I’ve been spending time embracing each paragraph over and over again. Today I spent the morning mediating on the scripture 1 John 2:10…new and fresh revelation came forth.
Then I ask the Father to release a new poem from me…it’s fresh from the press, I haven’t done any editing but nevertheless, I believe it’s a NOW word from the throne room.
Have a glorious day…be encouraged and strengthen knowing the Lord uses you mightily.
I pray that the poem minister to you in some capacity.
The poem she sent was indeed that unusual confirmation that only our Lord could have given, from the heart of a stranger totally unfamiliar with the whale on my plate. How HE has connected us all, by His Holy Spirit!
Next week, I will print the “NOW” poem she sent, as she received it from the Throne Room.
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister. Please mention “Text by Ty” at the end of the process.
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is a non-profit tax-exempted 501(c)3 Electronic Church. We operate as non-profit corporation with a group exemption status.
Dear Sis Ty,
Thank you for you invitation to share my heart where need be. I feel blessed to have come to know your Ministry.
In the prophetic word that the Lord gave to you about my having the gift of healing, I lay my hands and declared healing up on my son for he had some condition with his skin esp his hands and cheeks. I took him to get his regular checkups and immunization. On asking my hospital carer what could be wrong with TJ’s skin she said it was nothing its just the baby’s skin was peeling of and i should just oil him generously to facilitate it. It was looking bad and I believe the Lord healed TJ (Timothy Juniour) I praise Him! May God bless you Sis Ty.
My eyes are filled with tears. I have been through so much and yet the Lord has been on my side. Yes, I give to the poor and participate in many outreach programs. Yes, I am a coach as well. Yes, I have a teen daughter who really works on me at times. This was wonderful!
“Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare
That I will restore double to you.”
Zechariah 9:12
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
(sending out prophecies like sowing seeds for the harvest)
In the very beginning of this ministry, God made a promise to me that everywhere a prophecy tape was sent I would reap a harvest, that I would be prophesying to hundreds of people on audio cassette tapes that were sent out to many States within the United States and many foreign Nations. When our Lord made the promise to me I really did not know what He was referring to, but one day, in May of 1994, I found myself boarding an airplane headed for Norway. It was at that point the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance what our Lord had promised. Looking back, I traced within my mind how I found myself headed for Norway. Months prior I had received a letter of invitation to come to Norway. The folks who had sent the letter were a group of men who had found the ad in Charisma magazine and received prophesies.
In our letters of correspondence, I learned that they estimated over 500 Norwegian people had received prophesies after having seen the ad. Once all the arrangements were made, the men in Norway raised the funds to purchase tickets for Wes Arnold and me to travel to Norway. The arrangements were for us to hold three services each day for nine days in Oslo in a church building that had been closed for over two years. Prior to these Oslo meetings, we were to hold a few services in a church in the far Northern part of Norway in a town named Al. When we landed in Oslo, there were a few people waiting to take us on a five and a half hour drive to the Saturday night service in Al. However, our flight was delayed by a few hours. This created quite a rush to get us to the Church in Al as quickly as possible; we sped through the mountain roads in a car packed with five people and lots of luggage.
When we arrived the Pastor rushed us up to the stage. You must understand, we had been traveling with layovers on three planes and an automobile, totaling more than 23 hours without sleep. Without even washing our face and hands, Wes began the praise service and I brought the message and prophesied to everyone in the house. It was about two o’clock in the morning before we closed out the service. The very next morning we were back at the Church and we had communion service; more people showed up and received their word of prophecy. During communion a man and woman entered carrying a young woman and laid her at the back of the Church on sofa cushions.
At the end of the service, the couple came to me with an interpreter and asked that I pray for their daughter. They said that about a year ago, as she was taking communion, she fell to the ground totally paralyzed and had not moved since. My energy was nearly drained from traveling and ministering; however, I kneeled down to pray for the girl. The next day, to our surprise, she came walking in with her parents. Wes and I took a quick glance at each other as to say, “Do you see what I see?” We knew we were in for a wonderful, Spirit filled service; miraculous healings were abundant, and the prophesies were spot on.
The next day we traveled back to Oslo to start the nine days of meetings. The first meeting was at nine o’clock in the morning, and there were only about forty people. The afternoon meeting was challenging, to say the least; one of the men stood while I was teaching and wanted to argue with me about my message. After a few attempts to try and reason with the man, I finally realized this wasn’t going to stop, so I put the microphone down, and Wes and I left the meeting, went back to our room and began to pack to go home. The men who sent for us came to the room and begged us to stay; we told them we did not come to argue then agreed to go back and minister God’s Word.
With an immense foreboding feeling upon us, we returned to hold the evening meeting. We walked into a room with four hundred and twenty six people anxiously waiting for us to minister to them. Our shock could not be concealed. From that point on, the meetings continued to grow until one of the Christian television stations came to televise the meetings. After a few days the owner and host of the TV station asked me to come on his program and prophesy live over those who called in for a word. Hundreds of people hungered for more of the prophetic movement, and they continued to send for us; we made fourteen more trips over the next two years. Many people were healed and His Word continued to bring in a harvest.
We Need Prophetic Ministers
Internet Prophetic Network is a part of the Internet Church Network designed for the purpose of reaching the 16,000,000 Christians, according to Charisma Magazine, who no longer have an interest in being a part of the local Church. Times have changed drastically over the past few decades. We now find ourselves stepping into a new era of Christianity. We thought when we threw out the church pews and hymnals we were really being radical. Now we are finding the building is being tossed aside as well. When God began to move us in this new direction over 11 years ago, I had no idea that it would go this far or be this difficult breaking ground to build an Internet Church.
Now the time has come for Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle to broaden its horizons allowing others to join in the task of constructing the net that will, with God’s help, catch a large number of those 16,000,000 Christians who are no longer affiliated with their local church. Very soon, PMT will begin networking and training those of you who share the vision of becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister. We are once again offering the Ordination and Ministerial course DVD collection and study manual to help jump start your ministry. After you have viewed the School of Prophetic Knowledge, you will have your license to begin your ministry training. We will be focusing on the methods for proper prophetic protocol, helping you become a successful Internet minister. All students will have an opportunity to join in. Various levels of oversight will be appointed to help stay the course as we build this Network of Internet ministers.
After you have completed the School of Prophetic Knowledge, your hands-on training with Kent Simpson will begin. After you have made your financial pledge to become a Prophetic Family Partner, we will place you in training in these areas:
Discovering How God is Speaking to You Training You to Effectively Hear God for Others Establish Your Ministry by Perfecting the Gift
Please do not procrastinate if the Holy Spirit is whispering to you about getting started. For more information »
(Jesus) said…, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”
Mark 4:24,25
With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind. Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
We Can Tell by Our Reactions
Sally Landry Author & TeacherWe can tell by our reactions to the things that come our way, whether we are behaving as sons or orphans. An orphan doesn’t know his father, and he has, like Annie, come to believe it’s a “hard knock life.” Life kicks you in the pants when you aren’t looking, and even when you are. Because there is no one protecting the orphan, looking out for him, he learns to fight for what he gets. He lives by the rule that you get them, before they get you. He is tough. He doesn’t receive well, because he believes that “hand outs” are for chumps and he doesn’t want anyone feeling sorry for him. He can do it on his own, thank you very much.
A son, on the other hand, knows his dad is always there, ready to help him in difficulties, legitimately concerned, on his side. Jesus slept through the storm because He trusted His father’s good intentions toward Him, and He said He would not leave us as orphans. He could have said many things, but he said, “orphan.” In a sense, He was leaving the disciples “alone,” to go on without Him, but whereas before they had Him beside them, now they had been connected to the Father, filled with the Holy Spirit, and He had provided the Way for overcoming in this life and inheriting the next one. He has not left us as orphans.
Sandy Landry
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Hello Pastor Kent,
The Prophecy on CD was excellent and the word was timely… You are such a blessing and may God richly bless you, your ministry and May we glorify God in our bodies. God is for us and He has plans for our good to prosper us, to give us a hope and a future. May we walk in Him with Love always in my prayers.
Thank you so much. I pray all is well with you…
Bette, in Canada
Dear Pastor Kent,
The Lord has encouraged, directed, comforted, and taught me over the years that He has spoken to me through you. I was one of those who responded to your ad in Charisma. I was so desperate to hear from God that I requested three words during the first year in which I knew about you. That was 1994. Since then, I have accumulated 18 words over 17 years, transcribed in a notebook.
I re-listen to them, read through them, and pray through them when I need to renew perspective, or feel especially vulnerable to the Accuser. These prophetic words are evidence that God knows me intimately, that He does have a destiny for me, and that His loving kindness is unchanging. I have experienced the truth that “man does not live by bread alone, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.” I do not know how I would have made it through some seasons without having heard a true word from the Lord.
At times I have wanted to write you details that would show how on target the words are, but I hesitated for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted you to prophecy without knowing me in the natural. I did not want you to be influenced by any knowledge except that from God. I usually did not write anything with my requests for words. I needed to know for myself that you hear from God.
My history shows that I have needed more than “a-word-a-year” to see His plans for my life prosper. While I have personally known other prophets, and pastors with the gift of prophecy, often they were more concerned with building their ministry than with building up the Body. I have needed prophetic pastoring and counseling from the right source, and God has in recent years been restoring my trust. My friendship with three women has given me experience with gifted leaders of international ministries who are motivated by love and obedience. They have shown interest in me that is genuine, and their love is a factor in my liberty to trust again.
Through your ministry, I have received many humbling words…truly awesome words that only the Lord could bring to pass…a ministry to the ailing, preparing them for another world, an encounter with the Angel of the Lord, the gift of teaching, the gift of prophecy, dreams and interpretations, audio recordings and inspired writings, travelling to many places and seeing many faces.
I’m truly very thankful.
Jill, in Texas
Sister Ty Boye
Sister Ty Boye is here to also hear God for you…”by two or more witnesses every word shall be established”…Email her for a word from God in text form.
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister. Please mention “Text by Ty” at the end of the process.
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
The Sunday TYM.E.S. (Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers, Ty BoyeWelcome to Chapter 17, “Prophesy to the Max”, the story of the first two prophetic words I recorded concerning business deals. I received both of these words within the space of a week.
Today’s article is also an interesting study in the dynamics of hearing a word for a virtual stranger versus hearing for oneself or one’s own family. The word for Glenn was received in a long, unruffled prayer session. Later I would understand and sympathize with the barrage of emotions Glenn felt over this sale. But on that day in April, I was a newcomer to his world, distant and objective with regard to the words and their potential impact on him.
By contrast, the word for my husband’s business deal was received in the midst of an anguished drive across town in which I was spending much time shouting,praying, and repenting. We both knew the proper protocol and contractual arrangements had not been followed in setting up this deal. As some might view it, JR and his associate were getting what they deserved for not conducting business in a 21st century business-like manner. It was only when I shut my mouth for a few minutes that I was able to hear the still small voice of the One who always has our best interests in His loving heart. He already had a plan. He gives us what we do not deserve-all the time-by grace through faith, to HIS glory.
Yes, HIS GRACE is greater than all our sin. And by now I knew enough to listen for the Holy Spirit, and follow His plan, however crazy it seemed on the surface. Did it work? Or, better said, did the Lord come through? Most of you probably know the answer to that already, but you may still want to tune in again next week to find out how. Until then,
Praise HIM,
Sister TY
“and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”
I Kings 19:12
Chapter 17: Prophesy to the Max
Last week’s installment ended as I took a gulp in anticipation of hearing what mysterious favor Glenn needed from me. Hardly to my surprise, Glenn wanted me to seek the Lord on his behalf. As we drove home that evening, he related some serious business dilemmas. I knew nothing about his line of work, and insofar as understanding the scenario might only serve to cloud my hearing, it was better that way. So the question for the Lord was whether or not Glenn and his business partner should sell their company.
No pressure here, he assured me, though for some reason I felt a bit “on the spot.” To be honest, I couldn’t tell if this request was a test or a trap. I had known Glenn barely 24 hours. He had just treated us to dinner. Visions of Micaiah, Ahab’s hapless prophet of gloom and doom, silently taunted me. I heard myself agreeing to pray over the matter after my return to California.
As the conversation took a different turn, I inwardly pondered why he wanted a word from little old me when surely Kent was all over it. But by the spirit I knew this was the real deal. Glenn sincerely wanted a word from the Lord via my email account. My soul continued to mull it over for the rest of the evening. So was this word supposed to be some kind of confirmation, or tie-breaker? In either case, I felt a different sort of responsibility as this was the first time I had ever been asked to pray for a word on a business decision.
Early that next week, I set aside one morning and just prayed and meditated. The word received and finally sent was quite short, but it must have confirmed what Glenn was already “knowing”, because I later heard from Sandy that he had set in motion the sale of his business that same day. In retrospect, the sale worked out well for him. Thanks be to God!
Later that same week, in the midst of the euphoria over the upcoming book project with Sandy, I noticed my husband JR looking quite downtrodden. While I was busy seeking the Lord on a business decision for Glenn, disaster had occurred on our own financial front. JR and an associate ran a British auto restoration shop that catered to collectors and vintage enthusiasts. (JR had been in the MG repair business ever since our first MGA died on the road to our honeymoon.) Back to the story: JR had recently been lavishing attention on a fancy MG, beautifully restoring it to mint condition. The owner was a wealthy client who pampered this car and even called it by name: “MAX”. When Max was nearly done with his full salon makeover, the owner suddenly complained over the terms of his agreement with the shop, and the client (and Max) stormed out angry, refusing to pay the remaining $11,000 owed for parts and labor. Right after tax time, this fiasco hit hard.
I asked JR if he was sure there was no way to resolve the matter. No, he said. The parting words between JR’s associate and Max’s owner had been bitter and final. The shop had trusted this client who had already paid many thousands of $ to baby Max the MG. As was sometimes the case for big-time collectors, the contract for this work had been verbal only, sealed by a handshake. There was no legal recourse. JR was resigned to the loss. His partner was likewise “done” with dealing with this eccentric owner.
In a typical wifely way, I was angry over the injustice. How dare this arrogant fellow walk, or in this case, “drive” on this huge bill? I went out for errands during my lunch hour that Saturday, trying to calm down and pray for a solution. The Holy Spirit said there was something I could do, and later I heard what it was. When I returned home, JR phoned his associate and they both gave me the ok to contact the owner of Max the MG. With a few minutes left before my next music lesson, I typed a letter to this man, at his home email address. I stared at the finished product and smiled. I had heard what to do, and obeyed. Yes, it was an email addressed to a car owned by someone I’d never met. Yes, it seemed crazy…but there was no way I could have devised this letter in under 15 minutes.
A few days later, I wrote to Kent.
Dear Kent,
Praise Him, I have had an interesting prophetic experience this week! You can just read this on a rainy day if you don’t have time right now, but I find what happened really exciting and different!
There is a very wealthy man whose sports car JR has been restoring for some weeks. It’s a beautiful MGA that the owner has given a name, MAX. After the original verbal estimate for the work and parts, and a deal based on a handshake, the relationship suddenly fell apart for a number of reasons. I see some of it as male pride, if there is such a thing.
The man refused to pay fully what he owed JR, and left the shop on Friday owing $11K and leaving JR with the sinking feeling that he had been robbed of roughly 3 weeks’ work.
JR woke up quite depressed over it yesterday. After my morning teaching, I stood in the kitchen and rehashed the problem with JR. Then I said suddenly, “I really would like to write that man a letter!”…I just didn’t know what God would give me to say.
I took off for a drive and mulled it over and began to release very many angry things I felt as I prayed at the same time. Almost got into an accident at one point. Best not to drive angry.
Then I heard: “Write to the car.”
Then the Lord hit me with what to do. (He also quoted a couple of scriptures, which I looked up and which confirmed the message.)I came home and went to the computer and wrote in a matter of 10 minutes or so the following letter, which I sent to the owner of MAX:
Dear Max the MG,
Hi, this is Tyane Boye, wife of JR, you know, JR, that nice little guy who lovingly worked on you for so long. I have heard so much about you in the past few weeks, about how beautiful you are. You were one lucky guy to have one of the best MG mechanics in the country taking care of you!
We’re a “family” business, Max, two guys working in the back of a big garage, with little overhead, no fancy lawyers or fine-print contracts, no corporate office, no HR, and very little PR! JR comes home filthy every day but his wife knows that the smell of musty old cars means at least that work is getting done! And of course, we care about one another and trust each other, and so I know all about you and the good work JR has done fixing you up.
JR came home so sad yesterday. Since you’re a car, I’ll have to explain it. Sometimes in the course of human relations, Max, we fall out of trust and people are treated unfairly. You know and I know the work JR spent on you, and JR was not properly paid for that work. So I have had to ask him not to work on you ever again, because I cannot bear to have him mistreated. You know the parts alone were not cheap, Max.
Please do not take this personally, Max. Because fact is, JR loves what he does and this work he has done for so many years is almost like an art form to him. He would gladly welcome you back, but there are some financial matters which were not handled properly. And that’s something the humans ought to work out, in a perfect world. We humans are not all as beautiful as you, Max. We all of us have our faults, too.
Best wishes to you,
Tyane Boye
Apparently “Max” read the letter to his owner, because in short order I received an email back with this man’s home and cell numbers….He wanted me to call him as soon as possible. Once again I paced the house, praying over what to say, what to do. Was I about to be raked over the coals? What would JR’s business associate think? Or had the Lord given me favor? To be continued.
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
I am blessed to take part in this ministry. Please consider a donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle.
Your generous donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle supports the ongoing work of Kent’s ministry.
~ Ty Boye
Dear Tyane
Thank you so very much for Your E-Mail. As I read Your E-Mail Joy over took Me! I can only Thank You for Your Faithfulness.
2 Weeks ago I felt the Lord saying to Me : Be still , don’t give up ! You will return to SA. And the same words He spoke to You , He spoke to Me. That I will return with a rod AND HE SAID I TRAINED YOU UP TO BRING CORRECTION WITH LOVE AND NOT WITH JUDGEMENT ! I WILL NOT JUST RESTORE BUT I WILL EXTEND YOUR TERRITORY.
As I read Your Prayer WITH GREAT JOY i went on My knees and Prayed for Forgiveness! I gave the whole situation with My Family , Congregation MY LIFE back in to His capable Hands.
I always Preach that FORGIVENESS is the one of many great signs of Love from Our Heavenly Father !!
It drives the devil CRAZY when we use this amazing treasure of Forgiveness !! We don’t have to explain why we did what we did , We don’t have to defend Our wrong actions.
As I told My team 2 weeks ago THAT I WILL RETURN BECAUSE THE LORD SAID SO AND I CHOOSE TO OBEY. I did this by FAITH but also with DOUBTS. Wondering if I had truly heard form Him or was this just my Imagination?
Again THANK YOU !!
Yesterday afternoon My Father surprised Me by announcing that He felt He wants to MOVE WITH ME TO S A!!!
There are so many things I would Love to share with You if You are OK with that?
But For Now Dear Sister, may the Lord Bless You and keep You safely under His Wings.
I Pray that even a greater out pouring of the Holy Spirit with true Prophetic Word and Word of Knowledge will be granted to You. For His Glory and the Kingdom of God… Amen
Your Sister in Christ
“Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them: ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!'”
Ezekiel 37:4
The Sunday TYM.E.S. (Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers, Ty BoyeHappy Mother’s Day to all my sisters in the Lord! And welcome, all! Thank you for the comments and prayers which arrive in my inbox daily. This series is nearing completion, and it has been a joy to tell it. Back issues are available!
Today I reach a place in the story where the Lord began to fit pieces of my personal puzzle together. The vision for our family’s immediate future at last became clear. Yes, there are some glorious days in which everything is clear, all of HIS purposes evident, and enough of the dots connected to take a big step into His plan for us. Does it feel that way for me every day?? Not hardly. Sometimes dots are hazy and the picture changes color. Or maybe I just forget to put my glasses on. In either case, for the “rest” of the time, we walk by faith and listen for HIS word!
“Connecting dots” for me signifies more than just putting together pieces of revelation about personal gifts and calling. For me, “connecting dots” signifies seeing how I fit with other “friends on a mission” who crossed my path in the Lord’s timing. People, with all their diversity of gifts and calling, are His dots. We His dots need connection. Many times in this journey I have been in awe of just how much we who serve Him need each other and each other’s prayers to “stand perfect and complete in all the will of God”.
“Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”
Colossians 4:12
Praise HIM,
Sister TY
Chapter 16: Connecting the Dots
Last week I started to tell another story of how the prophetic began to operate openly in my daily life. There was an incident in which an agitated parent entered my studio and immediately asked for prayer. This was unusual in the sense that she was not yet a believer. However, her elderly mother with dementia was lost and wandering the streets of Singapore. The entire family was in a fearful panic. I said we had better pray right then. Her youngest child stood next to me. Somehow I knew the prayer would be answered quickly. A few hours after…she emailed me that her relatives had just called. The mom had just been found; she had fallen into a puddle in a busy street and passed away. She had been a Christian. The (students’) mom wrote:
Thanks, Tyane
Her death document registers 10:45am (our time, 6:45pm) as time of death. I’m assuming that’s the time she was found. We prayed at about 6:30pm.
The Lord used this synchronicity to spark our connection, and thereafter when she and the kids came for lessons, we discussed the Lord and the prophetic. The Lord used this incident to bring faith to life and deepen our relationship with Him and with each other. All glory to the Lord.
During this same time frame, much drama came down at my local church. I’ll call this mega-church body “ABC”. Perhaps some of you attend an “ABC”. For anyone who has ever suffered a church split, you know how the atmosphere gets charged with anxiety and emotion. ABC was a huge diverse body with fantastic community outreach, global missions, media ministry, and a gospel choir that would bring you to your knees. At the time of this incident, many unresolved issues bubbled just beneath the surface, as if awaiting some catalyst. In this “ABC” drama, the Lord demonstrated to me how the prophetic gift might operate in a corporate setting, even if only as a direction for intercession.
You recall how the Lord had orchestrated an interview situation in which I discovered that the prophetic was “off limits” at ABC. I prayed, and subsequent to that meeting, the Lord gave me words regarding the future of this body. No, I did not tack 95 prophetic words in the ABC church lobby. In fact, I did not share these words with anyone, not even my husband. The Lord said not to. (In the long haul, these were GOOD words, btw.)
Six weeks after receiving the “for my eyes only” words, I arrived one evening to a music rehearsal at the ABC sanctuary. I parked, and felt something almost like electricity surrounding the building. In fact, there was such tension in the air that I sat and waited in the car. Something was not right; I heard HIM say what it was…I called JR: “I am calling you to document this,” I said, “but I believe our senior pastor has resigned.” Then I went inside, played through the rehearsal, and at the end, the music pastor directed all of us to sit in the auditorium. He prayed and we sang a song a capella. This was a worshiping church. I felt the Lord and a poignant grief in this moment. Then the music pastor announced that our senior pastor had just resigned. Loud shrieking and angry emotion erupted from the choir. Grown men were sobbing. Our pastor was, and currently is, a much loved man of God. But his decision was a surprise to all, and it took many months for ABC to seek the Lord and process the change.
I just sat and stared in amazement, saddened, to be sure, but also in shock that I had “heard” this before the rehearsal, in the parking lot.
A few days later a very dear associate ABC pastor approached me as I was getting my violin ready for a service. I’ll never forget his words. “Well,” he said, “Didn’t that news about our pastor hit you like a sock in the stomach?” Another shock: the Lord had mentioned in my journals that this associate would one day approach me and discuss the prophetic…this was to be that opportunity! I replied that it wasn’t a total surprise because the Lord told me when I was sitting in my car out in the parking lot before the rehearsal. Then I briefly told him about the prophetic studies, etc.
At first he made no comment. Oh dear, I thought, I guess he just thinks I am trying to be a smart-aleck. But I had misjudged him. He looked away and mused: “You know, I need to spend more time in the spirit realm. I used to. But now I am so busy working in this huge ministry that it’s hard to find the time…” Someone interrupted us, and it was back to work.
We never spoke again.
Suffice it to say that two churches eventually formed out of ABC, and one big difference between them currently is the recognition of the operation of the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit saw it coming, of course, and used the ongoing situation to teach me how the Lord can use revelatory people to “see” into the underlying issues in church dynamics. The Lord led me to evaluate the timing of my coming into the prophetic in the context of ABC’s issue with the spiritual gifts. Much prayer went out for these folks. Though I never considered myself a “somebody” in the ABC organization, I learned that He can and does talk to whoever has an ear to hear about whatever He wants to. It is between us and HIM what to do with His words. Prayer and obedience are key.
Sandy and I continued to correspond by email about the Minnie book, and as our connection deepened, I offered to fly out to Fort Worth to meet her. On April 23, 2010 I left on one of the most exciting adventures of my life. (JR was detained in California.)
It was a late Friday afternoon arrival at DFW. Sandy picked me up at the curb, violin and all. Her hospitable demeanor put me at ease, and I began sharing my story such as I have shared with you- and more! We drove back to her apartment, and there I also met Sandy’s husband, Glenn. A truly gritty John Wayne type, he enjoyed tossing out small bits of information about himself, most of them purposely misleading. Did I say he was quirky in a Texan sort of way? Glenn has been known to ride his Harley while listening to Bach; he shoots unwary armadillos with a cross bow or a “Judge”, and not surprisingly, he has taken part in deliverance ministry. At least in casual conversations, Glenn likes to sit way back, chewing on a toothpick, silently plotting with the Holy Spirit, letting the wheels spin long before finally drawling something quite profound and pointed. He is a spiritual sniper for the Lord.
On Saturday we all hung out and talked over the book and many things. Kent arrived, and we drove the freeway to Dallas. In a silent moment, Glenn unexpectedly raised his voice to me in the back seat: “Tyane, I have a favor to ask you.”
“O-K,” I said, cautiously. What could this be? Was it some sort of test? Lord, help.
Glenn paused, still weighing his words. He turned to confer with Kent, next to him in the passenger seat. Kent urged him: “Go ahead and ask her.”
To be continued…
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
I am blessed to take part in this ministry. Please consider a donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle.
Your generous donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle supports the ongoing work of Kent’s ministry.
~ Ty Boye
Dear Ty
That word is so VERY accurate! Thank you for hearing the Lord and sending that! There were certain things you mentioned that only God could have known about. For one: the tribes. You see, I am Alaska-native…1/4 Eskimo, and attend some of the tribal meetings in this part of the state. I belong to the Chugach Region Alaska Native organization. In fact, the very day I recieved your word I had just come out of one such meeting, with others, to hear our CEO speak.
Also, I have occasionally donated to the Lakota Sioux Indian tribal school in Buffalo County, S.D. They are said to be the very poorest of the poor (in this country), with an average household income of just $5100 per year. A spirit of hopelessness and futility pervades the area, and alcoholism is rampant. Alcoholism is also very widespread among the native eskimo and indians here in Alaska. Abuse of family members is high. Our suicide rate is the highest in the nation. A nation, or people, suffers much that does not recognize and serve the Lord.
RE: The person with the “heavy-handed” approach to communication. Yes…(LOL) there were several, not just one. But it seemed to have started with one, and then spread. And I have forgiven them. Our relationships are now so much better if I do not respond in kind to harsh words, but only show love and respect…to keep a watch on my mouth.
RE: the old boots you saw. I had been actively searching for a new pair of wading boots , to use with my chest waders. The old boots hurt my feet because they didn’t fit well; they were too small. A small thing, perhaps, but God cared enough to mention them…I think that’s amazing! (that He should care even of the small things in our lives) Other things you mention appear to be future events that have not yet transpired. For example: the triangular driving route hasn’t happened yet, but that would not surprise me, as I would like to get actively involved in some sort of ministry promoting the Gospel. I am retired now (entering mid-60’s) so can devote more time to this.
Like you mentioned, I have at times in the past, operated in the prophetic, but to a very limited extent, but that can always change. It is really the MIRACLES I’ve seen and experienced that just totally amaze me! I have witnessed totally frozen water pipes (in my old trailer house…on a frigid -17F winter morning) thaw out INSTANTLY. And I do mean instantly! After finding out that morning that I had no running water at all, I had sat down at the kitchen table in self-pity and despair, opened the Bible, and read outloud Psalm 63:1:
“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is”
As soon as I came to the words “where no water is” and had read them aloud, ALL of the water faucets in the entire house instantly gushed water out…at full force! (I had left them wide open, but not a drop came out) I was utterly astonished…and speechless! I KNEW it was the Lord! I was poor, no job, almost no money, in poverty, but the Lord was there! That was a long time ago…maybe 1970. I was only 2 yrs old in the Lord.
Another time (also in the ’70’s) I was riding a snowmachine down a mountain in a snowstorm, in pretty much white-out conditions. Depth perception was almost nill, because everywhere we looked was white. My uncle and cousin were following close behind. We were trying to get home, as darkness was falling. All of a sudden my machine INSTANTLY spun 90 degrees to the left, and stopped. Since I was now blocking the way my uncle and cousin also stopped. I stood up to see what had happened, and saw a very deep ravine (perhaps 300′ deep) about 12 feet in front of where my machine had stopped. The dropoff was near vertical…we had stopped just 12′ short of a terrible accident.
I began to shake violently from head to toe… I knew we had almost perished. We three were spaced so close together that I have no doubt all three of us would have died…my uncle and cousin could not have stopped in time, following me so closely. My uncle laughed and laughed when he saw the ravine, and said “hah, hah, hah, haaaaaa… it’s a good thing you saw that!” I said “no, I didn’t see that… I didn’t see anything… I don’t know why my machine stopped…” We searched the ground but could find no reason at all for the machine to spin or stop… no rocks, no brush, no jutting ice… only level snow. I trembled all over for at least another hour… it was such a frightening experience. I now believe an angel stopped my machine literally in it’s tracks. That is OUR God in action! He loves us!
Ok, I am rambling, but I get excited when I remember these things, what God has done. I just wanted you to know the word you gave me was VERY much appreciated! A personal prophecy is like a snapshot or glimpse of a very small portion of God’s mind… that portion which he knows pertaining to each of us…
You are such a very talented lady… blessed of God! Thank you, and God bless you!
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
Ephesians 5: 15-17
After just a few weeks the Prophetic Ministries Today radio program was gaining listeners. Wes Arnold would pray for me as I prophesied live over the airwaves. Andrea was busy lining the phone lines for callers to receive His Word. During one Saturday morning program God told me to tell the people that we were busting out of this place, taking His grace.
Calls from all over began to flood the radio station, with people asking us to come to their city. Soon after, we began to hold meetings in our home to train a group of people who had recently discovered they had the gift of prophecy. Before long, we were scheduling meetings, setting up locations, dates and times. We were ready to make our first weekend road trip. To ensure that we had God’s favor, a few days before the meeting, a couple of us drove Mike, a little man of God with a powerful gift of intercession, to Jacksboro so that he could beseech our Father to send his angels and prepare the city for our first prophetic meeting.
The day had finally come for us to take our ministry on the road. As we all gathered to leave, we all made a circle, held hands, and began to pray for Jesus’ anointing. There were about fourteen people ministering, including a blind woman, with whom I was not familiar. Regardless, she came along to pray for us as we all prophesied. His anointing fell upon us as we began to pray in the Spirit. Some who were praying went out under the power, others went to their knees. It was a powerful beginning to what would be an astounding outpouring of the Spirit.
As we prayed, the Holy Spirit told me to spit in the blind woman’s eyes and He would heal them. I thought about it and wondered how I was going to do this. I met the Lady just a few minutes ago. I took too long to make up my mind, and the opportunity passed. When the meeting ended, I took the woman by the arm, as she tapped her red and white stripped cane. We carefully walked down the steps toward the cars.
When I knew that she had mastered the rhythm of the steps, I told her what the Holy Spirit told me during the prayer. She stopped and shouted, “He told you that and you didn’t spit in my face? What is wrong with you?” She started swinging her cane at me; she even hit me a few times. I apologized, and she made it very clear that next time I should not wait, but do exactly what HE says, no matter what it is.
We traveled to Jacksboro, and after picking up Mike at the road side motor inn, we rolled up to a nearby bank where we were holding the meeting. The Hambro’s, our contact in Jacksboro, had graciously made all the arrangements for us. They met us at the door and introduced us to all who showed up. A local Texas Christian artist and acquaintance of ours, Johnny Dane, led praise and worship for the congregation as the service began.
I brought the message after Johnny so wonderfully ushered in the Holy Spirit. Then our ministry team lined up in front of the congregation, as Hambro’s team took a couple of baskets full of blank audio cassette tapes and handed them out to everyone. The people began to form a line in front of me; each one would hand me their blank tape, and I would load it into my recorder and begin telling them whatever the Lord was saying.
Three hours went by; almost half the people had gone, and we had started packing up. It was one o’clock in the morning, when, suddenly, the bank doors opened and about forty people were dragged in by a few of the younger people who had earlier received their prophecies. I saw the young folks leave, but I had no idea they were coming back, much less with so many people in tow. Later we found out they drove all over town finding friends and family, telling them about the meeting. We got back in a line, handed out the rest of the tapes, and began prophesying to each and every one; we even had to double up on a few of the tapes, as we had run out.
Even though it was late, we made sure that everyone who showed received a word. Exhausted, we packed up and started the trip back home. We drove back through the hills of Northwest Texas, a huge lightning storm entertained us. We were all in complete awe of the awesome power of the Lord, and we celebrated His rockin’ awesome introduction of His Word for the people in Jacksboro.
The next day the prophetic team came to the house to discuss all God had done and what we had learned. During most of the meeting we worshipped Him and began praising Him with thanksgiving on our hearts. After many tears of joy were shed, we sat down and made plans for our next road trip to Southeast Texas, to a town called Nacogdoches, reported to be the oldest town in Texas founded by the Spaniards in 1716… (to be continued next Saturday)
A Scripture that I feel that I Truly Understand
Sandy Landry Author & TeacherA scripture that I feel that I truly understand, is the one where Jesus said, “If you who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give gifts to you.” I understand that in comparison to God’s love, mine is shabby, and yet there are times when I think of my children or grandchildren, and I know I would love to give them anything within my power. I think that if they might remain humble and grateful, I would give them the world. I would delight in it, rejoice in it, be giddy about it. I would make a way for them, show them all I could, take them places, provide for them, shower them with blessings. I want them to experience goodness. And I am evil. What must God’s love toward us and His willingness to bless us be like? All good things come from Him. Every ounce of love we have ever expressed is but a drop in the bucket of His capacity to love.
Your ministry has helped me in so many ways. I would like to be a part of it. Should I continue to ask for a word every other month or so? I would like to bring this type of service of God to others in my community, but I am not sure how to go about that. Please advise if there is something I can do from here to begin to help (do you think I might be a candidate for your prophetic school) let me know. Otherwise, I will seek God’s word through you and those like you and continue to worship God through the soup kitchen and my work as a coordinator of a college academic ESL program and a teacher to those students.
Thanks so much, blessings,
Vicki, in the State of Washington
Thank you so much for Jaleh’s recent prophecy regarding the “supernatural finances” that the Lord will provide for Jaleh to attend Saint Mary’s College of California. As a family, we gathered together and gave thanks to the Lord for His favor and anointing on this situation and said “Amen.” A few months ago, Jaleh had told me that her life is in the Lord’s hands and that she had already determined to trust the Lord in whatever He decided. She said that she knew that every detail of her life is in His hands and nothing happens by accident. Since the door opened for Saint Mary’s and did not open at the university where her brother attends, she took it as a sign that Saint Mary’s is the college the Lord picked for her.
Kent, may the Lord increase your boundaries and may you walk deeper in the Love of God and in His knowledge and wisdom.
Carmen, in the State of California
Steve ShultzFrom: Steve Shultz, Publisher and Moderator: THE ELIJAH LIST
I’ve known Kent Simpson as a prophet since 1991 He has spoken many times accurately into my life. Many years ago, before anyone had heard of the Internet (including me and probably Kent) he prophesied that I would be connecting the prophets by computer. I had no idea how that would ever come to pass. About two years later (having forgotten this word), I decided to begin to forward to a group of friends (about 30 people) some prophetic words I was receiving from others, over the Internet. The next thing I knew (and it wasn’t my intention), I started receiving requests to subscribe to my list. Almost two years later, there are close to 3,000 on the list, with a huge number of prophets, prophetic ministries, pastors, and just a huge number of folks. THE ELIJAH LIST grew by about 25 new members a day. Do you think the Lord knew what He was doing, even when I didn’t?
UPDATE: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“The Elijah List is a non-denominational Christian prophetic website created by Steve Shultz in 1997 with 127,000 subscribers as of March 2006.”
Kent Simpson, who founded PROPHETIC MINISTRIES TODAY, and SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS. I’ve met Kent at one of his seminars in Dallas. He sounds just like a Texan, operates out of Forth Worth, Texas, and flies to a number of countries to speak and train others in the prophetic.
In the past I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry.
It is time for me to develop a long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today. From 1989 to 1995 I ministered to over 250,000 people via prophecy tapes. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each month and I will continue to send out personal prophecy tapes and CD’s and Audio Emails to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has entrusted to me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity I can sow prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.
Matthew 10:41
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason I have started the Family Partners who will have a direct line to my private phone. My private phone number allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when they are having difficulty finding God’s will or when making tough decisions. When you call me, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 2
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.
The Sunday TYM.E.S.(Meditations, Encouragement, and Sharpening in Him)
Dear Readers,
Ty Boye
Welcome to Chapter 15, entitled “Timing is Everything”. The setting: end of one year, beginning of the next. I was jogging on a treadmill, waiting for the right time to jump off. Longingly, I cried, “When, Lord?” I was strained and stretched, working a heavy teaching load, doing daily prophetic training, and slugging through an old college manuscript preserved from the late ’70’s. I felt I was ready to move out of this strange land, but “where to”?
I scoured for any crumb the Lord might drop to mark the trail out of the woods. The destination, I thought, was more prophetic work, hopefully in a “live” format with real-time interaction on a personal level. Would I need to be ordained with laying on of hands? How would that happen? And, when?
Turns out I was hungry for answers that the Lord was not yet ready to give. As I waited on Him, what He did give was much more than a “crumb”! It was a new direction and focus that proved to be crucial. Turns out it was His time to answer some very old prayers I’d once shared with a lady friend of mine who currently resides in heaven. I had been so busy obsessing over climbing to the next prophetic level that I almost missed what the Lord was doing. The Lord was slowly unveiling a new destination for my life, a new “mission.” When I finally “saw” it, my adrenaline shot up quite a few notches, and I jumped off the treadmill and knew where I was going. It was finally time for a 30-year-old “hope deferred”! And I didn’t have to make it happen; still don’t. He revealed it, and will reveal it, in HIS perfect time.
“They said therefore, “What is this that HE says, “A little while?” We do not know what He is saying.”
John 16:18
A column was started in this letter last week by my dear trainer and Bro., DJ Payton. In His time, he will appear again.
Praise HIM,
Sister TY
Chapter 15: Timing is Everything
Last week, you will recall I had received a word in my daily training for a man named Uncle Ray. He was not a bio uncle, but he was a Reverend. It had been a flashy word that seemed too good to be true. But within 24 hours, my trainer had confirmed an unusual fulfillment:
I just received a call from my mom… he died. Rev Ray McIntyre was reading his bible and started to shake and then died…strange the timing between his death and the prophecy request… eerie. I am not sad… Ray is talking with Elijah right now I bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A bit shaken, I responded swiftly.
Praise the Lord. He is in a good place. It is eerie, though. Well, he is definitely getting that “additional training in his field.” Wonder about the “change of house and car in the coming year”… if this isn’t a partial fulfillment of that… Ray has changed house for sure and has a new means of getting around.
So this word of great changes for the better was for a man who was unexpectedly taken to his heavenly home the next day. I do believe the departed saints are active in Heaven! I thought of my friend Minnie and a few others I knew to be “employed” there as well… I felt a renewed awe of the timing of the Lord. HE has a word for us, up to the end and beyond!
A change of seasons was in the air. Two of my last official acts of ’09 were: 1.) accidentally brushing my teeth with a tube of athlete’s foot cream (Mark 16:18)(PTL I survived), and 2.) operating prophetically to help find some missing music while at a NYE gig. By now I had learned that the Lord marked time with unusual events as a way to speak to me. He seemed to be saying, “You are going to be safe, and real words for real people are coming.” Now, I enjoyed training, but yearned to get out and be used by the Lord to do “real” words for people. Was I ready? Did I need to be ordained? How would that work, since my local church did not recognize the gifts? I was seeking the next step and looking to find or hear or see signs of HIS timing at work. I wrote to Kent:
Dear Prophet Simpson,
I hope this finds you well and rested. Prayer for you continues! …By His Grace, 40 written prophecies by my count are done as of today…This week I was set to begin an over the phone prophetic course (spoken word) through Brother Q, but oddly my registration got messed up and I couldn’t start, so I prayed and then decided to just let it go for now. Many times during this process, if the Lord didn’t want me to send something or the timing wasn’t right, the computer froze. I thank Him for protecting me from mistakes or bad timings, except for the ones I’m ready to learn from…QUESTION
I just got home to find an email in which Mr. X has asked me to join him as part of his (prophetic) team on an online prophecy website…I told him I would pray about it and also ask you what you hear concerning this. Thanks.
Praise HIM,
PS. I always thought one needed to be ordained for something like this; certainly there is no one here locally I can relate to concerning this…
Kent wrote back, not quite answering everything… Sometimes the things he did not mention spoke louder than the things he did. After prayer, I was feeling that the online prophetic team was not where I was supposed to be yet, anyway.
The practice is good and helps you strengthen the gift God has given you. As for ordination, well, did you not go through our course School of Prophetic Knowledge? This correspondence course comes with ministerial papers.
I never joined the online free prophecy team, but the daily practice continued and the papers arrived with a PMT logo and a gold seal. Around that same time, I felt the inspiration to tell Kent about the unfinished book project.
Dear Prophet Simpson,
It has been another great week. I think the list of 100 is almost half done. I am finding it easier to go for longer periods of time. One project that I have undertaken is to write the life story of the prophetess I met in 1976, Minnie Johnson. She was originally from a town in Louisiana– Heflin.
Minnie… used to give me little prophecies and big ones as I visited her over many years, taking down her life story. I am almost done with the transcription. I am up to where Jim Jones… I am now realizing, as I transcribe her story, that there are many prophetic lessons in it… Someday, when I polish it up, I would like to make it more accessible to others, as the Lord leads. If you would like to see it, in its current form, I think you would enjoy it and I would be happy to send it to you.
Praise Him,
I imagined someone like Kent probably had a lot of people tell him about books they were writing or intended to…someday. It delighted me to receive this response:
YES! I would be very interested in reading the story about Minnie Johnson.
Kent connected me to Sandy Landry, a partner in this ministry who currently writes for his newsletter. It thrilled me to receive her assessment of the manuscript in its infancy.
Tyane B Boye
to slandry, emailhisword
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for your interest in Minnie’s story! …As told at the end, I put the notes together many years ago while in college, but for obvious reasons it has always felt like a “divine appointment” to do something with it. Off and on over many years I have prayed about how and when to write it, but until now I had never shared it with anyone but my Afro-American Studies professor…..
I had only sent the script to Kent because… I was amazed to see that there was so much of the prophetic in it, start to finish. As a young person, I had not understood her life in the way I do now that I am more involved with prophetic ministry. Reviewing the old notes was like getting to know her all over again.
Another delay has been that I am a “foreigner” to the South. Some of the dialect went right past me; still does! Surely I would need help from someone who knew how to make this sound authentic. Where I could, I did try to slow Minnie down and get the exact words. But even she had to “translate” for me, sometimes!
I hear you are a writer! I would greatly welcome your thoughts. Thank you so much!
Praise Him,
Tyane Boye
It was wonderful to receive Sandy’s enthusiastic reply.
Sandy Landry to me
Dear Tyane,
I was taken with the language and could just hear her talking. And, of course, with the determination of the prophet, her black and white mindset, and the way she could see what was happening.
I am a Southerner. I grew up in Miss. and La. and am very familiar with the culture. I am an English major and have always liked to write. Last year, a California ministry (Plumbline; Arthur Burk) published my book which was stories about redemptive gifts: the seven spiritual gifts in I Cor. 13 and Romans 13. I am working on a novel at the moment.
You do possess a treasure. It grabbed me and I couldn’t put it down.
I think it should be written from Minnie’s point of view, like it is as either a first person account of her life or her telling it to a grandaughter, or even you, just as it happened.
The value I see in the book is she had no training as a prophet, and yet she was one from the time she was a little girl. She brought conviction to people, even as a child, just by being. That is profound.
I know that I could help you with “authentic” dialect. I would like to search out a few books that are sort of similar to what I am thinking and I will let you know what I find.
Thanks for getting back to me. I will be in touch.
Sandy Landry
The pieces were falling into place. I paced around the house, my mind darting all different directions. The next day, I wrote to Kent. I saw the Lord’s timing all over this “Minnie book” and tried to explain how, basically, I had been waiting 30 years for a “Sandy”…
Tyane B Boye
Thanks, Kent,
I do feel already (Sandy) is one I could trust to help with or act in whatever capacity the Lord leads in this.
I always knew it could not be written until I found:
–A Christian writer (and) A dialect specialist;…
But what I DID NOT know till NOW is that I also needed someone with a sympathy and understanding for prophetic ministry-maybe even another prophetess, who would not be too religiously or politically correct to tell the truth in this. Minnie would not tolerate me writing myself out of the story, she wouldn’t tolerate a made-for-tv version, or an over-religious version. She prayed a lot, but most of it was in secret, lots of time all night. So sometimes she would just know things and act. Some Christians might say, she didn’t pray in the instant, or overtly. But now I understand there were things about her circumstance and people in her path she already knew from the many hours she spent alone with Him.
Minnie definitely would not allow an angel to just be a “passer-by” in the script. or a “voice” she heard to just be her “imagination”. She knew and differentiated the Spirits that talked to her, good and bad. It would have to be her way or not at all. There was no compromise with this person! I found out once it was a sin for women to wear pants, and would not dare appear before her in anything but a dress!
So I am excited about this connection, for it seems Sandy fills all the needs. But with Sandy in the midst of writing a novel and me in the midst of another strange life-scenario, we both will have time to pray on it and meditate before taking any further action until He says go with it.
Praise Him,
Kent wrote back in a timely way:
Your wisdom and timing amazes me Tyane. I’m very blessed to know you. Sandy will do justice to you and Minnie’ story and respect your wishes.
The strange prophetic experiences continued as I continued to take the time to seek HIS timing. The prayer session described below was my first “live” prophetic encounter, and it turned out that His timing was critically apparent.
Tyane B Boye
to emailhisword
Dear Prophet Simpson,
Am just slowing down to one practice a day on these last 14 training exercises and taking extra time to seek Him on what is next. Some of His answer to me has arrived already, I believe.
I had an experience on Friday where a parent asked me at her kids’ lesson to pray for her elderly mother with dementia who was lost and wandering the streets of Singapore for a few days last week. I said we had better pray right then. Somehow I knew it would be answered quickly.
A few hours after her son’s lesson, she emailed me that her relatives had just called…to be continued.
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
I am blessed to take part in this ministry. Please consider a donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle.
Your generous donation to Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle supports the ongoing work of Kent’s ministry.
~ Ty Boye
Woman of God!
Thank you so much for this profound and in depth prophetic word. Everything was so on point and it ministered to me tremendously and was 100% accurate.
I praise the Father for this wonderful ministry and will be sowing a much deserved seed very soon!
Bless you!
Pam, Georgia
Hi Ty,
Just thought I would update you on what has been happening for me since I received your prophecy last month. Here’s a bit of background.
I had wanted to study ultrasound and I had contacted over 100 clinics in the area trying to get a traineeship, but after 5 months I still had no success (it is very hard to find a paid traineeship in sonography at the moment and the profession is in crisis in Australia).
So I decided to take a new nursing job because I really need to stop doing night shifts. Anyway, I went through rigorous interviews and got offered a great job in an IVF clinic, happy to have a new challenge and a day job, it looked like a great blessing because it was tough competition! I was meant to start in two weeks, but then I got a prophecy from you, saying God would provide that which I had given up on, ultrasound, by the end of the year.
I had friends telling me it wasn’t God and I should just start having babies, as you addressed in the prophecy.
Two days later I received an email from the very first X-ray clinic I had contacted five months earlier. It was the one I had most wanted to work in. They said they may have a trainee position, and would I do a trial for a month, one day per week? Well I was so excited at how quickly God worked and had I not received your prophecy I would have hesitated giving up my new IVF role, especially for a one day per week trial, but I was confident in His word that this was it!
And a month later I was just offered a full time traineeship and half my course fees paid ($15000). I am super super blessed (I did tell you I was spoilt) and I am very thankful for your obedience and the timeliness of your prophecy.
I just feel like I should reiterate that for you, the timing was so very important or I would have missed that wonderful window of opportunity…
So thank you again Ty, just thought I would send you a little background info and an update so you are blessed by all that you send out, that it may be multiplied back to you.
“Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.”
Matthew 24:42
I was just getting started and being excited about ministering to as many people as I possibly could, I began to contact church leaders asking if I could preach and prophesy to the congregation. I learned very quickly, however, that I was considered a kook and was NOT received with open arms. In fact, during one visit, one pastor blocked the doorway with his Bible under his arm. When I gave him my pitch, he interrupted me and piously asked, “So you think you can hear God?” I responded that I could, and then he opened his Bible and told me that only way we can hear God is by reading the Bible. Then the Holy Spirit said, “Ask him if he is called to preach.” So I asked, and the man replied with his chin out and his Bible tucked tightly under his arm said, YES, God Bless, Amen.” Then the Holy Spirit said, “Ask him where his name is in the Bible.” I did, and, immediately the pastor stepped back and slammed the door in my face.
It became very obvious that 1991 was NOT going to be the year I would be preaching and prophesying in churches. Knowing I had to use the gift or lose it was putting added pressure on me, and I did not know where I was to go. I was sending out maybe a hundred or so prophesies by mail each month, but that was not enough. I wanted to tell people about this gift and how it had changed my life. I knew I had to prophesy to more people. This new relationship with our heavenly Father was so powerful, and He was teaching me so much I was becoming spiritually obese. The pressure was too much; something had to give. As I cried out to God, He began dropping little hints about what I was to do next.
My breakthrough finally came with one phone call from a local radio station. They had called after seeing my ad in Charisma Magazine. Excited and ready to get started, I was caught off guard when they began to ask me what I would be doing on this new radio program. Learning from the recent experience I had calling on church leaders I knew not to tell them everything. So I just told them I was going to be praying live with callers and teaching on seeking God. After signing their contract for a thirty minute program each Saturday morning at nine o’clock we were off and running. Each Saturday morning Andrea and I would run by and pick up Wes, who is her brother and my best friend, and drive straight to our favorite McDonald’s. There we would plan out the message and prepare for the live program then head out for downtown Dallas, where the radio station would be streaming the program over large areas of Texas and Oklahoma.
Each Saturday was a different experience, and we quickly became the talk around the station. As callers waited on the line, Andrea would collect their name and address. Then the radio engineer would hold up a sheet of paper that showed the caller’s name and what line they were on. In the soundproof room, Wes would pray as I preached and prophesied over each caller. At the end of the program the radio engineer would give me a tape of the program. When we returned home we would send a copy to each caller with their prophetic word including the morning’s message.
After a year of being in Charisma Magazine and preaching and prophesying live over radio I was holding services six days a week. We were welcome everywhere but no one would allow us to minister in their church building. From Senior Citizen Halls to Fort Worth’s Cowtown Hotel, the sleaziest hotel in town where prostitutes and drug lords rented rooms by the month, we praised God, preached His Word and prophesied. We had gathered a following from all over the Metroplex through the radio program. At times people would come to the station and wait for us in the parking lot, wanting a word from God. Folks were hungry to hear His Word and wanted to know more about what He was teaching me about hearing Him and following His Spirit.
As the message about the prophetic ministry continued to be broadcast we began helping others use the gift of prophecy that God had birthed within them. From the radio program we announced that God wanted us to bust out of this place taking His grace. Calls began to flood the radio station people everywhere were wanting…(to be continued next Saturday)
Sandy’s on Vacation; However… in one of Sandy’s books,
Sandy Landry Author & Teacher
Alive With Passion and Purpose
I (Kent) could not help but find rich humor in how she dedicated her book. It reads as:
To My Mother
Who taught me nursery rhymes before I was two and bought me an unforgettable set of historical biographies when I was seven.
She had my first poem published in the church bulletin when I was seven. Then, waited patiently all my life for me to write something else.
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Kent,
I would like to thank you so much for this word from God. He knows exactly what I needed to hear. I am very grateful to you for your prophetic ministry.
Many prayers and best wishes,
Prophet Kent
Thank you so much for the prophetic word.
What is funny is a couple years ago I started a web site called, “So Be It Prophetic ministry” Prophet Psalmist.
I no longer have the web site. But I was offering the same service as you do. A prophetic recording with a song in the spirit prophecy psalming.
I am not doing this ministry at this time circumstances in my life through my life in circles and I am just getting back to stability in the lord and in myself. And I do a lot of the in tongues then in English mostly in the singing. Thank you very much
In the past I spent much of my time traveling to other countries, but ministering in distant places left me drained. I have decided to hang up my traveling shoes and focus upon those families who regularly support this ministry. It is time for me to develop a long term relationships with the people who have a real desire to learn more about what God is doing today.
From 1989 to 1995 I ministered to over 250,000 people via prophecy tapes. I receive hundreds of prophecy requests each month and I will continue to send out personal prophecy tapes and CD’s and Audio Emails to those who are seeking God.
In addition to the prophetic gift God has entrusted to me, the Lord has also directed me to become a Prophetic Pastor to those who will receive me. In this new capacity I can sow prophetic seeds into the lives of those who want to prosper with me. If you will allow me to be your Prophetic Pastor, I will commit to be there for you, and help you prosper in spiritual and financial health and wealth.
He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. Matthew 10:41
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 2
In recent years, it has become almost impossible to reach me; my home telephone rings day and night. For this reason I have started the Family Partners who will have a direct line to my private phone. My private phone number allows Family Partners to reach me during times of trouble or when they are having difficulty finding God’s will or when making tough decisions. When you call me, I will seek God’s direction for you and help determine how God wants to meet your immediate needs.
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.