PASTOR RAS: One thing I see in your ministry, Brother Kent, is that you zero in on an individual. You prophesy directly to that person. I know there are other things you do, but that is what I have seen you do primarily. A person will come to you and you will tell them things about themselves that often only they and the Lord know. In that Revelation of things about themselves it is almost as if their heart opens to receive your word of foretelling or your word of encouragement. How does that work?
PROPHET KENT: When the Lord reveals things to a person (past or present, which is a word of knowledge) it brings them to a place where they can believe. My wife, Andrea, and I often see that when the Lord tells us of things that have happened in a person’s life (word of knowledge) and then they receive their prophecy; they then are able to believe the prophecy will come to pass. One of the things about prophecy that is most difficult for people to understand or believe is that God is going to build them up with a word of such great edification and encouragement. That is what edification is for, building up of men. What God is doing is raising a temple, and we are the living stones. He is taking each stone, as a potter would, and is beginning to mold each of us for our perfect place in this temple.
We have had many people write and say, “Well, I got my prophecy tape, and I don’t know, it sounds a little bit too far-fetched. I just can’t see myself praying for the sick and someone actually being healed. I just can’t see myself getting out of poverty. I can’t see myself… you fill in the blank.” What happens is that over time the prophecy begins to unfold. It will happen whether they believe it or not (if the word is true and from the Holy Spirit).
The Word of Knowledge that we were speaking of, telling of things already happening in a person’s life is the catalyst that helps them to be able to believe.
The Word of Knowledge that we were speaking of, telling of things already happening in a person’s life is the catalyst that helps them to be able to believe. They may say to themselves, “Well, if he was right in what he told me in this area of my life, maybe there is a possibility that he is right about my future. Maybe the prophecy I just received will come to pass. After all he was right about what I did that only God and I know and he did reveal a prayer request I have not told my spouse or my children. God evidently told this individual who is ministering to me what I have been praying. After all, God is answering my prayer through him; therefore, there is a good possibility that the things he said about my future are going to happen, too.