PASTOR RAS: So, the Word of Knowledge is like a faith door, and if the people receive it then credibility has been established. Then you can speak that prophetic, fore-telling, word to them. Should an individual look to prophecy for direction in their life?
…a Word of Wisdom will give guidance, direction and has conditions.
PROPHET KENT: No, because prophecy is not conditional. If it is of the Lord it will happen, regardless. However, a Word of Wisdom will give guidance, direction and has conditions. Many people have tried to work out their prophecies. They may have received a Word from God that said that He would be moving them or they would start a new career, perhaps even establishing them in their ministry. They then try to help God fulfill the prophecy. The worst thing a person can do is try to make the prophecy happen.
We live in an instantaneous society, one where everything has to be “nuked in 30 seconds”. We want it now. We, as people of God, must understand that we are people of an eternal God. He is not dictated by time. He does not wear a wrist-watch, and He rarely tells us that we are going to get it tomorrow. Christians are going to have to learn that we are eternal beings that will live for eternity. We must change our mindset and stop thinking that our life is going to be over when we are 80 years old.
It reminds me of Abraham when he received a Word from God that his barren wife, Sarah, would give birth to a son, Isaac. After a period of time the word had not come to pass so they thought, “Well, let’s just jump in and help God a little.” They took Sarah’s handmaiden and gave her to Abraham so that she could conceive a child that they may see the prophecy fulfilled. They could not wait for God’s perfect timing. Remember, Abraham and Sarah brought an Ishmael into their life. Ishmael became a real sore spot in their relationship. Everything began to fall apart until Isaac, God’s appointed son, was born to Sarah. That was the promise, a son of Sarah.
The best thing to do when you receive a prophetic utterance, which deals with things to come…
The best thing to do when you receive a prophetic utterance, which deals with things to come, is to take that Word and write it down or put it on tape. It is important to keep it in its exact form and entirety of word that was given. Then put it on the shelf, listen to it from time to time, and judge it by letting time pass. If it is the Lord, it will come to pass. David had to wait 20 years to become King after Samuel prophesied that he would be King of Israel.
You cannot judge prophecy by your surroundings. David, for example, was hunted like a mad dog by Saul, who was the King. It looked as if there was no possibility of him ever sitting on the throne! God will reveal himself and bring your prophecy to pass in such a way that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you had nothing to do with it. He does this so that you will know with confidence that God has given you this Word and that He will fulfill that Word in you in His perfect timing.