Prophetic Ministries Testimonials
Dear Prophet Kent
I want to thank you so much for taking the time to seek the Lord on my behalf.
This is a wonderful impartation, and you have given insights to the gift of the word of wisdom that have inspired me greatly.
I will cherish the gift, I will nurture it and I accept the double portion that you mentioned.
I truly value your ministry. You have a perspective that comes from the Realms of Glory but is so applicable to everyday life. Wisdom here about the gift of the word of wisdom. Recommended for anyone who wants to swim in the depths of the Spirit.
Paul ( Newell) in the UK
Paul N. in the U.K.
Hello đđ˝ Dear  ! we are so glad and thank You đso much for the videos. for Danielle and myself , God is so faithful and His word is sharp and His gift đ for His glory and Our good , i m so thankful , Edwin & Danielle
EDWIN BRICOLLEÂ in Madagascar French Colony
Edwin B. in Madagascar French Colony
Hello. On 12/30/1990 H. Kent Simpson sent me a prophesy tape while I was living in Ft. Worth Texas with my family. I was active duty military at the time. I witnessed to the prophesy and it was true. Today I recovered the tape and listened to it again for the first time in over 20 years. In the nearly 29 years since that tape, which I have today digitalized, I can testify that his words from the Lord Jesus were true, but I have yet to come into that full prophecy. My wife is dead from breast cancer, and I became a physician assistant and now work in a faith-based practice. In my flesh I thought I would have been disqualified from my calling, any yet, I have been saved twice by an angel in what should have been fatal accidents. I recognized him as an angel as soon as he disappeared.
I submit this to your ministry for you to judge it and inquire of my father, the Lord God of Creation.
John J Dewar
John J. D.
Pastor Kent & Debbie,
Hope this letter finds you and yours doing wonderful!
Our grandson that graduated from Denton Calvary received his prophecy video from you. He has never had one so he called his uncle Mike and said, “this man does not know me but he knew things about my life and things I’ve gone through that no one knows! Mike told him God knows everything about you. Zack would say this is ‘blowing my mind’, over and over. It wa a word that he really needs before he goes to college this summer.
Thank you so much!!
We pray God’s blessings, His health, His time of joy over your lives!
Much love,
The Popejoys in Texas
Popejoys in Texas
Ok yes this makes sense. Â Bares witness in my spirit. Â I am so grateful that Jesus didnât give up on me.
And again thank you for your ministry. Â You have been a life line of hope and help more than you could know this side of heaven.
Thank you. Â So much happening. Â Been praying 1 hr at the church during week- amazing. Â Not just for the church but for me. Â And I have the gift of tongues! Â You were right in the word you gave me. Â I am soooo grateful.
I respect you. Â Thank you for NOT being a celebrity prophet- for remaining âboots in the groundâ. Â The Lord loves you so much and pleased in your service unto Him. Â You have chosen to care for and about people, His children-like the parable of the Lost Coin- Luke 15:8-10. Â You have gone after âlost coinsâ and even now âcoinsâ will be coming your way. Â Love and blessings. Â Tell Debbie hello.
Holly T. in Texas
Holly T. in Texas
Thank you so much! I receive this word from God. I was a bit skeptical about receiving a prophecy like this but you said many things that my spirit did Bear witness to. One of those things was when you said my name, which means The Voice. As you continued to speak to me you started to call me Kalo, a nickname that only close friends know me by.
That got my attention because I could see that you were still trying to call me Kaleio, but God knows how to get our attention in the Spirit. God bless you for taking the time to bless me so much. I am honored by this and I will take God’s assignment to pray in the Spirit.
I am also humbled by all this, I thank God that my aunty Sistine would reach out to you on my behalf and that you would spend this much time to bless a stranger. I guess I should not be surprised by the goodness of God however so many times we are.
You have a special place in my heart, I hope to meet you one day. I am in a new season in my life and I go into it with a word from God that is beyond my expectation. Thank you so much Kent, I leave you with this scripture.
“Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” -Eph 3:20
Best regards,
Kaleio Ramero in Hawaii
Kaleio R. in Hawaii
Kent Simpson said:
FYI, I just dropped by my doctors office and while standing in the lobby the delivery guy for one of the drug stores had a delivery to bring to the desk. As we waited in line we got to talking and he said he had come to our healing service last year here in Gainesville, Texas.
His wife had a bad shoulder, well Debbie I took a bunch of handkerchiefs that we had prayed over and left them at the alter. He said his wife picked up one and took it home.
She was suppose to have surgery on her shoulder it stead she put the handkerchief over her shoulder went about her business. She was healed and still has not had any trouble with it.
That was today and everyone in the waiting room and behind the desk were all ears, Amen!
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Facebook Post
Dear Apostolic-Prophetic Pastor Friend Kent,
Just wanted to say that I and my family love and honor you â and your family.
When I was young and so many people were praying for me, and there was no change,
But everything got worse to the point of surgery which left me with trauma and some not-great decisions afterward,
I cried (screamed) in my heartâWHERE are the prophets? WHY canât all (any?) these adults get through to God?
Overjoyed cannot describe what I felt in my spirit when we met you, and you ministered to the Lord
And to all of us.
From learning about the loss of your beloved mother as a child, I understood the personal cost,
And I already knew a little about the âreligiousâ cost of becoming a prophet. Err.
Thank you.
Just thank you for going with God, going for the gold in the race of your life
In the face of all, and in spite of all, that you went through to minister to the Lord and to the people.
My sons have grown up with first-person knowing of a mighty prophet of God, you.
When I asked CJ where he felt the best in a church setting, he replied, âAt Pastor Kentâs.â
You have/do live a life worthy of the calling youâve received,
And we are so blessed and honored to know youâand your family.
Raising the HONOR shield over you, and commending you to the Father.
All His best,
Crystal Wade, Hico, Texas
Crystal W. from Hico, TX
Donald Evanson
RE: Sermon âWhat About Country Girls?â
thank you for your story your a good hearted man .. I was in pain in my soul before I came to your video because of lust and I was weeping while listening to you not because of you but I thought yet your story is like mine I had dearly so lovely loved many Girls who dumped me cause I was to childish to child like .. I forgive them and understand their wisdom … but again I listened to the whole video you are special
Donald E.
Brother Kent this series is so good, but painful too.
I thought I was the only one that had to learn everything the hard way.
Every time Iâve disobeyed Godâs commandments or ignored Holy Spiritâs instructions it has cost me.
Years ago, I was busy working on our house. I had the backyard side gate open so I could pull lumber out of the truck bed. Holy Spirit told me to lock the gate. I said I will when Iâm done at five oâclock. Later, I was told again to lock the gate. Again, I said I would do it when I was done working.
My wife and I went into the house at three oâclock to take a rest brake. As we sat at the table a man suddenly appeared at our backdoor. He reached for the door knob to come in, when I jumped up and locked the deadbolt with only a second to spare. The man was high on drugs. He kicked and banged on the doors and windows from the back to the front of our house 10 minutes. We called 911 and the police arrived with four officers. It took all four men to get the 140 lbs drug crazed man to the ground. All this could have been avoided if I had been obedient to the Holy Spirit. Sin always has a cost.
B. Nelson from Texas