Hello Bro. Simpson
I have thought of you many times since your last email. Each time I have thought of you, I have called your name before the Lord. I have prayed for you many times for God to bless you, assist you, help you and comfort you. You have been a God send to my life and have helped me get through many difficulties. And, in many ways have saved my life from additional heartaches, turmoil, and snares. Your voice is very valuable in my life. I’m very grateful for you words, your ministry and your expertise in the spirit. I do not take you for granted and realize that your gifting is quite unique and not all can see as well as you. You have a depth in the spirit that I have not found in anyone else.
I just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you, calling your name before the throne of God, and have interceded for you. I want you to know that I care about what you’re going through and I appreciate you very much.
Take care.